Statistics Discussion

Copyright © October 2004 Ted Nissen



1       Introduction. 1

2       Review and More Introduction. 6

3       Central Values and the Organization of Data. 19

4       VARIABILITY. 27

5       Correlation and Regression. 29



8       Theoretical Distributions Including the Normal Distribution. 41

9       Samples and Sampling Distributions. 48

10         Differences between Means. 62

11         The t Distribution and the t-Test 80

12         Analysis of Variance: One-Way Classification. 116

13         Analysis of Variance: Factorial Design. 137

14         The Chi Square Distribution. 162

15         Nonparametric Statistics. 163

16         Vista Formulas and Analysis. 186

17         Hypothesis. 197

18         Summary. 197

19         Glossary. 197



1      Introduction


1.2   Statistics Definition

1.2.1   Algebra and Statistics                 Algebra is a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing numbers are combined according to the rules of arithmetic                 The product of an algebraic expression, which combines several scores, is a statistic.[1]

1.2.2   Descriptive Statistic                  

1.2.3   Inferential Statistics                  

1.3   Purpose of Statistics


1.4   Terminology


1.4.2   Populations, Samples, and Subsamples                 A population consists of all members of some specified group. Actually, in statistics, a population consists of the measurements on the members and not the members themselves. A sample is a subset of a population. A subsample is a subset of a sample. A population is arbitrarily defined by the investigator and includes all relevant cases.                 Investigators are always interested in some population. Populations are often so large that not all the members can be measured. The investigator must often resort to measuring a sample that is small enough to be manageable but still representative of the population.                 Samples are often divided into subsamples and relationships among the subsamples determined. The investigator would then look for similarities or differences among the subsamples.                 Resorting to the use of samples and subsamples introduces some uncertainty into the conclusions because different samples from the same population nearly always differ from one another in some respects. Inferential statistics are used to determine whether or not such differences should be attributed to chance.

1.4.3   Parameters and Statistics                 A parameter is some numerical characteristic of a population. A statistic is some numerical characteristic of a sample or subsample. A parameter is constant; it does not change unless the population itself changes. There is only one number that is the mean of the population; however, it often cannot be computed, because the population is too large to be measured. Statistics are used as estimates of parameters, although, as we suggested above, a statistic tends to differ from one sample to another. If you have five samples from the same population, you will probably have five different sample means. Remember that parameters are constant; statistics are variable.

1.4.4   Variables                 A variable is something that exists in more than one amount or in more than one form. Memory is a variable. The Wechsler Memory Scale is used to measure people’s memory ability, and variation is found among the memory scores of any group of people. The essence of measurement is the assignment of numbers on the basis of variation.                 Most variables can be classified as quantitative variables. When a quantitative variable is measured, the scores tell you something about the amount or degree of the variable. At the very least, a larger score indicates more of the variable than a smaller score does.                 A score has a range consisting of an upper limit and lower limit, which defines the range. For example, 103=102.5-103.5, the numbers 102.5 and 103.5 are called the lower limit and the upper limit of the score. The idea is that a score can take any fractional value between 102.5 and 103.5, but all scores in that range are rounded off to 103.                 Some variables are qualitative variables. With such variables, the scores (number) are simple used as names; they do not have quantitative meaning. For example, political affiliation is a qualitative variable.

1.5   Scales of Measurement

1.5.1   Introduction                 Numbers mean different things in different situations. Numbers are assigned to objects according to rules. You need to distinguish clearly between the thing you are interested in and the number that symbol9izes or stands for the thing. For example, you have had lots of experience with the numbers 2 and 4. You can state immediately that 4 is twice as much as 2. That statement is correct if you are dealing with numbers themselves, but it may or may not be true when those numbers are symbols for things. The statement is true if the numbers refer to apples; four apples are twice as many as two apples. The statement is not true if the numbers refer to the order that runners finish in a race. Fourth place is not twice anything in relation to second place-not twice as slow or twice as far behind the first-place runner. The point is that the numbers 2 and 4 are used to refer to both apples and finish places in a race, but the numbers mean different things in those two situations.                 S. S. Stevens (1946)[2] identified four different measurement scales that help distinguish different kings of situation in which numbers are assigned to objects. The four scales are; nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

1.5.2   Nominal Scale                 Numbers are used simply as names and have no real quantitative value. It is the scale used for qualitative variables. Numerals on sports uniforms are an example; here, 45 is different from 32, but that is about all we can say. The person represented by 45 is not “more than” the person represented by 32, and certainly it would be meaningless to try to add 45 and 32. Designating different colors, different sexes, or different political parties by numbers will produce nominal scales. With a nominal scale, you can even reassign the numbers and still maintain the original meaning, which as only that the numbered things differ. All things that are alike must have the same number.

1.5.3   Ordinal Scale                 An ordinal scale, has the characteristic of the nominal scale (different numbers mean different things) plus the characteristic of indicating “greater than” or “less than”. In the ordinal scale, the object with the number 3 has less or more of something than the object with the number 5. Finish places in a race are an example of an ordinal scale. The runners finish in rank order, with “1” assigned to the winner, “2” to the runner-up, and so on. Here, 1 means less time than 2. Other examples of ordinal scales are house number, Government Service ranks like GS-5 and GS-7, and statements like “She is a better mathematician than he is.”

1.5.4   Interval Scale                 The interval scale has properties of both the ordinal and nominal scales, plus the additional property that intervals between the numbers are equal. “Equal interval” means that the distance between the things represented by  ”2” and “3” is the same as the distance between the things represented by “3” and “4”. The centigrade thermometer is based on an interval scale. The difference is temperature between 10° and 20° is the same as the difference between 40° and 50°. The centigrade thermometer, like all interval scales, has an arbitrary zero point. On the centigrade, this zero point is the freezing point of water at sea level. Zero degrees on this scale does not mean the complete absence of heat; it is simply a convenient starting point. With interval data, we have one restriction; we may not make simple ratio statements. We may not say that 100° is twice as hot as 50° or that a person with an IQ of 60 is half as intelligent as a person with an IQ of 120.

1.5.5   Ratio Scale                 The fourth kind of scale, the ratio scale, has all the characteristics of the nominal, ordinal, interval scales, plus one: it has a true zero point, which indicates a complete absence of the thing measured. On a ratio scale, zero means “none”. Height, weight, and time are measured with ratio scales. Zero height, zero weight, and zero time mean thaqt no amount of these variables is present. With a true zero point, you can make ratio statements like “16 kilograms is four times heavier than 4 kilograms.”

1.5.6   Conclusion                 Having illustrated with examples the distinctions among these four scales-it is sometimes difficult to classify the variables used in the social and behavioural sciences. Very often they appear to fall between the ordinal and interval scales. It may happen that a score provides more information than simply rank, but equal intervals cannot be proved. Intelligence test scores are an example. In such cases, researchers generally treat the data as if they were based on an interval scale.                 The main reason why this section on scales of measurement is important is that the kind of descriptive statistics you can compute on your numbers depends to some extent upon the kind of scale of measurement the numbers represent. For example, it is not meaningful to compute a mean on nominal data such as the numbers on football players’ jerseys. If the quarterback’s number is 12 and a running back’s number is 23, the mean of the two numbers (17.5) has no meaning at all.

1.6   Statistics and Experimental Design

1.6.1   Introduction                 Statistics involves the manipulation of numbers and the conclusions based on those manipulations. Experimental design deals with how to get the numbers in the first place.

1.6.2   Independent and Dependent Variables                 In the design of a typical simple experiment, the experimenter is interested in the effect that one variable (called the independent variable) has on some other variable (called the dependent variable). Much research is designed to discover cause-and-effect relationships. In such research, differences in the independent variable are the presumed cause for differences in the dependent variable. The experimenter chooses values for the independent variable, administers a different value of the independent variable to each group of subjects, and then measures the dependent variable for each subject. If the scores on the dependent variable differ as a result of differences in the independent variable, the experimenter may be able to conclude that there is a cause-and-effect relationship.

1.6.3   Extraneous (Confounding) Variables                 One of the problems with drawing cause-and-effect conclusions is that you must be sure that changes in the scores on the dependent variable are the result of changes in the independent variable and not the result of changes in some other variables. Variables other than the independent variable that can cause changes in the dependent variable are called extraneous variables.                 It is important, then, that experimenters be aware of and control extraneous variables that might influence their results. The simplest way to control an extraneous variable is to be sure all subjects are equal on that variable.                 Independent variables are often referred to as treatments because the experimenter frequently asks “If I treat this group of subjects this way and treat another group another way, will there be a difference in their behaviour?” The ways that the subjects are treated constitute the levels of the independent variable being studied, and experiments typically have two or more levels.

1.7   Brief History of Statistics


2      Review and More Introduction

2.1   Review of Fundamentals

2.1.1   This section is designed to provide you with a quick review of the rules of arith­metic and simple algebra. We recommend that you work the problems as you come to them, keeping the answers covered while you work. We assume that you once knew all these rules and procedures but that you need to refresh your memory. Thus, we do not include much explanation. For a textbook that does include basic explanations, see Helen M. Walker.[3]

2.1.2   Definitions                 Sum     The answer to an addition problem is called a sum. In Chapter 12, you will calculate a sum of squares, a quantity that is obtained by adding together some squared numbers.                 Difference    The answer to a subtraction problem is called a difference. Much of what you will learn in statistics deals with differences and the extent to which they are significant. In Chapter 10, you will encounter a statistic called the standard error of a difference. Obvi­ously, this statistic involves subtraction.                 Product     The answer to a multiplication problem is called a product. Chapter 7 is about the product-moment correlation coefficient, which requires multiplication. Multiplication problems are indicated either by an x or by parentheses. Thus, 6 x 4 and (6)(4) call for the same operation.                 Quotient    The answer to a division problem is called a quotient. The IQ or intelligence quotient is based on the division of two numbers. The two ways to indicate a division prob­lem are  and —. Thus, 9  4 and 9/4 call for the same operation. It is a good idea to think of any common fraction as a division problem. The numerator is to be divided by the denominator.

2.1.3   Decimals                 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals.    There is only one rule about the addition and sub­traction of numbers that have decimals: keep .the decimal points in a vertical line. The deci­mal point in the answer goes directly below those in the problem. This rule is illustrated in the five problems below.    Example #1                 Multiplication of Decimals    The basic rule for multiplying decimals is that the number of decimal places in the answer is found by adding up the number of decimal places in the two numbers that are being multiplied. To place the decimal point in the product, count from the right.    Example #2                 Division of Decimals    Two methods have been used to teach division of decimals. The older method required the student to move the decimal in the divisor (the number you are dividing by) enough places to the right to make the divisor a whole number. The decimal in the dividend was then moved to the right the same number of places, and division was carried out in the usual way. The new decimal places were identified with carets, and the decimal place in the quotient was just above the caret in the dividend. For example,    Example # 3a&b    The newer method of teaching the division of decimals is to multiply both the divisor and the dividend by the number that will make both of them whole numbers. (Actually, this is the way the caret method works also.) For example:    Example #4    Both of these methods work. Use the one you are more familiar with.                  

2.1.4   Fractions                 In general, there are two ways to deal with fractions    Convert the fraction to a decimal and perform the operations on the decimals    Work directly with the fractions, using a set of rules for each operation. The rule for addition and subtraction is: convert the fractions to ones with common denominators, add or subtract the numerators, and place the result over the common denominator. The rule for multiplication is: multiply the numerators together to get the numerator of the answer, and multiply the denominators together for the denominator of the answer. The rule for division is: invert the divisor and multiply the fractions.    For statistics problems, it is usually easier to convert the fractions to decimals and then work with the decimals. Therefore, this is the method that we will illustrate. However, if you are a whiz at working directly with fractions, by all means continue with your method. To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the lower number into the upper one. Thus, 3/4 = .75, and 13/17 = .765    Examples Fractions 

2.1.5   Negative Numbers                 Addition of Negative numbers    Any number without a sign is understood to be positive    To add a series of negative numbers, add the numbers in the usual way, and attach a negative sign to the total    Example #1    To add two numbers, one positive and one negative, subtract the smaller number from the larger and attach the sign of the larger to the result    Example #2    To add a series of numbers, of which some are positive and some negative, add all the positive numbers together, all the negative numbers together (see above) and then combine the two sums (see above)    Example #3                 Subtraction of Negative Numbers    To subtract a negative number, change it to positive and add it. Thus    Example #4                 Multiplication of Negative Numbers    When the two numbers to be multiplied are both negative, the product is positive    (-3)(-3)=9 (-6)(-8)=48    When one of the number is negative and the other is positive, the product is negative    (-8)(3)=-24 14 X –2= -28                 Division of Negative Numbers    The rule in division is the same as the rule in multiplication. If the two numbers are both negative, the quotient is positive    (-10)  (-2)=-5 (-4)  (-20)= .20    If one number is negative and the other positive, the quotient is negative    (-10)  2= -5   6  (-18)=  -.33    14  (-7)= -2   (-12)  3=  -4

2.1.6   Proportions and Percents                 A proportion is a part of a whole and can be expressed as a fraction or as a deci­mal. Usually, proportions are expressed as decimals. If eight students in a class of 44 received A's, we may express 8 as a proportion of the whole (44). Thus, 8/44, or .18. The proportion that received A's is .18.                 To convert a proportion to a percent (per one hundred), multiply by 100. Thus: .18 x 100 = 18; 18 percent of the students received A's. As You can see proportions and percents are two ways to express the same idea.                 If you know a proportion (or percent) and the size of the original whole, you can find the number that the proportion represents. If .28 of the students were absent due to illness, and there are 50 students in all, then. 28 of the 50 were absent. (.28)(50) = 14 students who were absent. Here are some more examples.                 Example Proportions and Percents   

2.1.7   Absolute Value                 The absolute value of a number ignores the sign of the number. Thus, the absolute value of -6 is 6. This is expressed with symbols as |-6| = 6. It is expressed verbally as "the absolute value of negative six is six. " In a similar way, the absolute value of 4 - 7 is 3. That is, |4 – 7| = | - 3| = 3.

2.1.8   * Problems                 A * sign ("plus or minus" sign) means to both add and subtract. A * problem always has two answers.                 Example Plus-Minus Problems   

2.1.9   Exponents                 .In the expression 52, 2 is the exponent. The 2 means that 5 is to be multiplied by itself. Thus, 52 = 5 x 5 = 25.                 In elementary statistics, the only exponent used is 2, but it will be used frequently. When a number has an exponent of 2, the number is said to be squared. The expression 42 (pronounced "four squared") means 4 x4, and the product is 16. The squares of whole numbers between 1 and 1000 can be found in Tables in the Appendix of most stats text books.                 Example Exponents   

2.1.10            Complex Expressions             Two rules will suffice for the kinds of complex expressions encountered in statistics.                  Perform the operations within the parentheses first. If there are brackets in the expression, perform the operations within the parentheses and then the operations within the brackets.                  Perform the operations in the numerator and those in the denominator separately, and finally, carry out the division.                  Example 5               

2.1.11            Simple Algebra             To solve a simple algebra problem, isolate the unknown (x) on one side of the equal sign and combine the numbers on the other side. To do this, remember that you can multiply or divide both sides of the equation by the same number without affecting the value of the unknown. For example,             Example 6 a & b                              In a similar way, the same number can be added to or subtracted from both sides of the equation without affecting the value of the unknown.             Example 7                      We will combine some of these steps in the problems we will work for you. Be sure you see shat operation is being performed on both sides in each step             Example 8                 

2.2   Rules, Symbols, and Shortcuts

2.2.1   Rounding Numbers                 There are two parts to the rule for rounding a number. If the digit that is to be dropped is less than 5, simply drop it. If the digit to be dropped is 5 or greater, increase the number to the left of it by one. These are the rules built into most electronic calcula­tors. These two rules are illustrated below                 Example 9 a & B                 A reasonable question is "How many decimal places should an answer in statis­tics have?" A good rule of thumb in statistics is to carry all operations to three decimal places and then, for the final answer, round back to two decimal places.                 Sometimes this rule of thumb could get you into trouble, though. For example, if half way through some work you had a division problem of .0016  .0074, and if you dutifully rounded those four decimals to three (.002  .007), you would get an answer of .2857, which becomes .29. However, division without rounding gives you an an­swer of .2162 or .22. The difference between .22 and .29 may be quite substantial. We will often give you cues if more than two decimal places are necessary but you will always need to be alert to the problems of rounding.

2.2.2   Square Roots                 Statistics problems often require that a square root be found. Three possible solu­tions to this problem are    A calculator with a square-root key    The paper-and-pencil method    Use a Table the back of a statistics book.                 Of the three, a calculator provides the quickest and simplest way to find a square root. If you have a calculator, you're set. The paper -and-pencil method is tedious and error prone, so we will not discuss it. We'll describe the use of Tables and we recom­mend that you use it if you don't have access to a calculator.                 Three Digit Numbers    If you need the square root of a three-digit number (000 to 999), a table will give it to you directly. Simply look in the left-hand column for the number and ad the square root in the third column, under . For example; the square root of 225 is 15.00, and  = 8.37. Square roots are usually carried (or rounded) to two decimal places.                 Numbers between 0 and 10    For numbers between 0 and 10 that have two deci­mal places (.01 to 9.99), The tables will give you the square root. Find your number in the left-hand column by thinking of its decimal point as two places to the right. Find the square root in the  column by moving the decimal point one place to the left. For example, = 1.50. Be sure you understand how these square roots were found:  = 2.52,  = .66, and  = .28.                 Numbers between 10 and 1000 That Have Decimals    For numbers between 10 and 1000 with decimals interpolation is necessary. To interpolate a value for , find a value that is half way (.5 of the distance) between  and . Thus, the square root of 22.5 will be (approximately) half way between 4.69 and 4.80, which is 4.74. For a second example, we will find .  = 9.17, and  =9.22.  will be .35 into the interval between  and . That interval is .05 (9.22 - 9.17). Thus' (.35)(.05) = .02, and = 9.17 + .02 = 9.19. Interpolation is also necessary with numbers between 100 and 1000 that have decimals; these can usually be estimated rather quickly because the difference between the square roots of the whole numbers is so small. Look at the difference between  and , for example.                 Numbers Larger Than 1000    For numbers larger than 1000, the square root can be estimated fairly closely by using the second column in Table A (N 2). Find the large number under N2, and read the square root from the N column. For example,  = 123, and  =34. Most large numbers you encounter will not be found in the N2 column, and you will just have to estimate the square root as closely as possible.

2.2.3   Reciprocals                 This section is about a professional shortcut. This shortcut is efficient if multipli­cation is easier for you than division. If you prefer to divide rather than multiply, skip this section.                 A reciprocal of a number (N) is 1/N. Multiplying a number by 1/N is equivalent to dividing it by N. For example, 82 = 8 x (1/2) = 8 x .5 = 4.0; 25 -7- 5 = 25 x (1/5) = 25 x .20 = 5.0. These examples are easy, but we can also illustrate with more difficult problems; 541 98 = 541 x (1/98) = 541 x .0102 = 5.52. So far, this should be clear, but there should be one nagging question. How did we know that 1/98 = .01O2? The answer is the versatile Table A. Table A contains a column 1/N, and, by looking up 98, you will find that 1/98 = .0102.                             If you must do many division problems on paper, we recommend reciprocals to you. If you have access to an electronic calculator, on the other hand, you won't need the reciprocals in Table A.

2.2.4   Estimating Answers                 Just looking at a problem and making an estimate of the answer before you do any calculating is a very good idea. This is referred to as eyeballing the data and Edward Minium (1978) has captured its importance with Minium's First Law of Statistics: "The eyeball is the statistician's most powerful instrument."                             Estimating answers should keep you from making gross errors, such as misplacing a decimal point. For example, 31.5/5 can be estimated as a little more than 6 If you make this estimate before you divide, you are likely to recognize that an answer of 63.or .63 is incorrect.                 The estimated answer to the problem (21)(108) is 2000, since (20)(100) = 2000.                 The problem (.47)(.20) suggests an estimated answer of .10, since (1/2)(.20) = .10. With .10 in mind, you are not likely to write.94 for the answer, which is .094. Esti­mating answers is also important if you are finding a square root. You can estimate that  is about 10, since  = 10;  is about 1.                 To calculate a mean, eyeball the numbers and estimate the mean. If you estimate a mean of 30 for a group of numbers that are primarily in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, a cal­culated mean of 60 should arouse your suspicion that you have made an error.

2.2.5   Statistical Symbols                 Although as far as we know, there has never been a clinical case of neoicono­phobia (An extreme and unreasonable fear of new symbols) some students show a mild form of this behavior. Symbols like , , and  may cause a grimace, a frown, or a droopy eyelid. In more severe cases, the behavior involves avoiding a statistics course entirely. We're rather sure that you don't have such a severe case, since you have read this far. Even so, if you are a typical beginning student in statistics, symbols like (, ,  and  are not very meaningful to you, and they may even elicit feelings, of uneasiness. We also know from our teaching experience that, by the end of the course, you will know what these symbols mean and be able to approach them with an unruffled psyche-and perhaps even approach them joyously. This section should help you over that initial, mild neoiconophobia, if you suffer from it at all.                 Below are definitions and pronunciations of the symbols used in the next two chapters. Additional symbols will be defined as they occur. Study this list until you know it.                 Symbols                 Pay careful attention to symbols. They serve as shorthand notations for the ideas and concepts you are learning. So, each time a new symbol is introduced, concentrate on it-learn it-memorize its definition and pronunciation. The more meaning a sym­bol has for you, the better you understand the concepts it represents and, of course, the easier the course will be.                 Sometimes we will need to distinguish between two different ('s or two X's. We will use subscripts, and the results will look like 1 and 2, or X1 and X2. Later, we will use subscripts other than numbers to identify a symbol. You will see x and erg. The point to learn here is that subscripts are for identification purposes only; they never indicate multiplication.  does not mean ()().                 Two additional comments-to encourage and to caution you. We encourage you to do more in this course than just read the text, work the problems, and pass the tests, however exciting that may be. We encourage you to occasionally get beyond this ele­mentary text and read journal articles or short portions of other statistics textbooks. We will indicate our recommendations with footnotes at appropriate places. The word of caution that goes with this encouragement is that reading statistics texts is like reading a Russian novel-the same characters have different names in different places. For example, the mean of a sample in some texts is symbolized M rather than , and, in some texts, S.D.,  and  are used as symbols for the standard deviation. If you ex­pect such differences, it will be less difficult for you to make the necessary translations.

3      Central Values and the Organization of Data

3.1   Summary

3.1.1   A typical or representative score from the sample population is a measure of central tendency.

3.1.2   Mode (Mo)                 The most frequently occurring score in the distribution.                 Extreme scores in the distribution do not affect the mode.

3.1.3   Median (Md)                 This score cuts the distribution of scores in half. That is half the scores in the distribution fall above the middle score and half fall below the middle score.  The steps involved in computing the median are    Rank the scores from lowest to highest    In the case of an odd number of scores pick the middle score that divides the scores so that an equal number of scores are above that score and an equal number are below that score. Example  2 5 7 8 12 14 18= 8 would be the median in the aforementioned distribution of scores.    In the case of an even number of scores pick the two middle scores which divide the scores so that an equal number of scores are above those scores and an equal number of scores are below those scores. Then add the two middle scores and divide the product by two. Example  2 5 7 8 12 14 18 20=8+12=20/2=10 would be the median in the aforementioned distribution.                 Extreme scores in the distribution do not affect the median.

3.1.4   Mean  (Average)                 The mean is the sum of scores divided by the number of scores.    Formula  In the above formula X= the sum of the scores and N= the number of scores.                 Extreme scores in the distribution will affect the mean.                 The term average is often used to describe the mean and is usually accurate. Sometimes however the word average is used to describe other measures of central tendency such as mode and median.

3.2   Introduction

3.2.1   Now that the preliminaries are out of the way, you are ready to start on the basics of descriptive statistics. The starting point is an unorganized group of scores or measures, all obtained from the same test or procedure. In an experiment, the scores are measurements on the dependent variable. Measures of central value (often called mea­sures of central tendency) give you one score or measure that represents or is typical of, the entire group You will recall that in Chapter 1 we discussed the mean (arithmetic average). This is one of the three central value statistics. Recall from Chapter 1 that for every statistic there is also a parameter. Statistics are characteristics of samples and parameters are characteristics of population. Fortunately, in the case of the mean, the calculation of the parameter is identical to the calculation of the statistic. This is not true for the standard deviation. (Chapter 4) Throughout this book, we will refer to the sample mean (a statistic) with the symbol  pronounced "ex-bar"-and to the population mean a parameter with the symbol  pronounced "mew."

3.2.2   However, a mean based on a population is interpreted differently from a mean based on a sample. For a population, there is only one mean, . Any sample, however, is only one of many possible samples, and  will vary from sample to sample. A popu­lation mean is obviously better than a sample mean, but often it is impossible to measure the entire population.  Most of the time, then, we must resort to a sample and use as an estimate of .

3.2.3   In this chapter you will learn to                 Organize data gathered on a dependent mea­sure,                 Calculate central values from the organized data and determine whether they are statistics or parameters, and                 Present the data graphically.

3.3    Finding the mean of Unorganized Data

3.3.1   Table 3.1 presents the scores of 100 fourth-grade students on an arithmetic achievement test. These scores were taken from an alphabetical list of the students' names; therefore, the scores themselves are in no meaningful order. You probably already know how to compute the mean of this set of scores. To find the mean, add the scores and divide that sum by the number of scores.

3.3.2   Formula Mean                

3.3.3   Table 3.1                

3.3.4   If these 100 scores are a population, then 39.43 would be a , but if the 100 scores are a sample from some larger population, 39.43 would be the sample mean, .

3.3.5   This mean provides a valuable bit of information. Since a score of 40 on this test is considered average (according to the test manual that accompanies it), this group of youngsters, whose mean score is 39.43, is about average in arithmetic achievement.

3.4   Arranging Scores in Descending Order and Finding the Median

3.4.1   Look again at Table 3.1. If you knew that a score of 40 were considered average, could you tell just by looking that this group is about average? Probably not. Often, in research, so many measurements are made on so many subjects that just looking at all those numbers is a mind-boggling experience. Although you can do many computations using unorganized data, it is often very helpful to organize the numbers in some way. Meaningful organization will permit you to get some general impressions about charac­teristics of the scores by simply' 'eyeballing" the data (looking at it carefully). In addi­tion, organization is almost a necessity for finding a second central value-the median.

3.4.2   One way of making some order out of the chaos in Table 3.1 is to rearrange the num­bers into a list, from highest to lowest. Table 3.2 presents this rearrangement of the arithmetic achievement scores. (It is usual in statistical tables to put the high numbers at the top and the low numbers at the bottom.) Compare the unorganized data of Table 3.1 with the rearranged data of Table 3.2. The ordering from high to low permits you to quickly gain some insights that would have been very difficult to glean from the unorganized data. For example, by simply looking at the center of the table, you get an idea of what the central value is. The highest and lowest scores are readily apparent and you get the impression that there are large differences in the achievement levels of these children. You can see that some scores (such as 44) were achieved by several people and that some (such as 33) were not achieved by anyone. All this information is gleaned simply by quickly eyeballing the rearranged data.

3.4.3   Table 3.2                

3.4.4   Error Detection                 Eyeballing data is a valuable means of avoiding large errors. If the answers you calculate differ from what you expect on the basis of eyeballing, wisdom dictates that you try to reconcile the difference. You have either overlooked something when eyeballing or made a mistake in your computations.

3.4.5   This simple rearrangement of data also permits you to find easily another central­ value statistic, which can be found only with extreme difficulty from Table 3.1. This statistic is called the median. The median is defined as the point (Note that the median, like the mean, is a point and not necessarily an actual score.) on the scale of scores above, which half the scores fall and below which half the scores fall. That is, half of the scores are larger than the median, and half are smaller. Like the mean, the sample median is calculated exactly the same as the population median. Only the interpreta­tions differ.

3.4.6   In Table 3.2 there are 100 scores; therefore, the median will be a point above which there are 50 scores and below which there are 50 scores. This point is some­where among the scores of 39. Remember from Chapter 1, that any number actually stands for a range of numbers that has a lower and upper limit. This number, 39, has a lower limit of 38.5 and an upper limit of 39.5. To find the exact median somewhere within the range of 38.5-39.5 you use a procedure called interpolation. We will give you the procedure and the reasoning that goes with it at the same time. Study it until you understand it. It will come up again.

3.4.7   There are 42 scores below 39. You will need eight more (50 - 42 = 8) scores to reach the median. Since there are ten scores of 39, you need 8/10 of them to reach the median. Assume that those ten scores of 39 are distributed evenly throughout the inter­val of 38.5 and 39.5 and that, therefore, the median is 8/10 of the way through the interval. Adding. 8 to the lower limit of the interval, 38.5, gives you 39,3, which is the median for these scores.

3.4.8   There are occasions when you will need the median of a small number of scores. In such cases, the method we have just given you will work, but it usually is not neces­sary to go through that whole procedure. For example, if N is an odd number and the middle score has a frequency of 1, then it is the median. In the five scores 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, the median is 4. If there had been more than one 4, interpolation would have to be used.

3.4.9   When N is an even number, as in the six scores 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 15, the point dividing the scores into two equal halves will lie halfway between 4 and 5. The median, then, is 4.5. If there had been more than one 4 or 5, interpolation would have to be used. Sometimes the distance between the two middle numbers will be larger, as in the scores 2, 3, 7, 11. The same principle holds: the median is halfway between 3 and 7. One-way of finding that point is to take the mean of the two numbers: (3 + 7) / 2 = 5, which is the median.

3.4.10            There is no accepted symbol to differentiate the median of a population from the median of a sample. When we need to make this distinction, we do it with words.

3.5   The Simple Frequency Distribution

3.5.1   A more common (and often more useful) method of organizing data is to con­struct a simple frequency distribution. Table 3.3 is a simple frequency distribution for the arithmetic achievement data in Table 3.1.

3.5.2   The most efficient way to reduce unorganized data like Table 3.1 into a simple frequency distribution like Table 3.3 is to follow these steps:                 Find the highest and lowest scores. In Table 3.1, the highest score is 65 and the lowest score is 23.                 In column form, write down in descending order all possible scores between the highest score (65) and the lowest score (23). Head this column with the letter X.                             Start with the number in the upper-left-hand comer of the unorganized scores (a score of 40 in Table 3.1), draw a line through it, and place a tally mark beside 40 in your frequency distribution.                 Continue this process through all the scores.                 Count the number of tallies by each score and place that number beside the tallies in the column headed ƒ. Add up the numbers in the ƒ column to be sure they equal N You have now constructed a simple frequency distribution.                 0ften, when simple frequency distributions are presented formally, the tally marks and all scores with a frequency of zero are deleted.

3.5.3   Don't worry about the ƒ X column in Table 3.3 yet. It is not part of a simple fre­quency distribution, and we will discuss it in the next section.

3.5.4   Table 3.3                

3.6   Finding Central Values of a Simple Frequency Distribution

3.6.1   Mean                 Computation of the mean from a simple frequency distribution is illustrated in table 3.3. Remember that the numbers in the ƒ column represent the number of people making each of the scores. To get N, you must add the numbers in the f column be­cause that's where the people are represented. If you are a devotee of shortcut arith­metic, you may already have discovered or may already know the basic idea behind the procedure: multiplication is shortcut addition. In Table 3.3, the column headed ƒ X means what it says algebraically: multiply f (the number of people making a score) times X, (the score they made) for each of the scores. The reason this is done. is that everyone who made a particular score must be taken into account in the computation of the mean. Since only one person made a score of 65, multiply 1 x 65, and put a 65 in the ƒ X column. No one made a score of 64 and 0 x 64 = 0; put a zero in the ƒ X column. Since four people had scores of 55, multiply 4 x 55 to get 220. After ƒX is computed for all scores, obtain ƒX by adding up the ƒX column. Notice that ƒX in the simple frequency distribution is exactly the same as :X in Table 3.1. To compute the mean from a simple frequency distribution, use the formula                 Mean Frequency distribution   

3.6.2   Median                 The procedure for finding the median of scores arranged in a simple frequency distribution is the same as that for scores arranged in descending order, except that you must now use the frequency column to find the number of people making each score                 The median is still the point with half the scores above and half below it, and is the same point whether you start from the bottom of the distribution or from the top. If you start from the top of Table 3.3, you find that 48 people have scores of 40 or above. Two more are needed to get to 50, the halfway point in the distribution. There are ten scores of 39, and you need two of them. Thus 2/10 should be subtracted from 39.5 (the lower limit of the score of 40); 39.5 - .2 = 39.3.                 Error Detection    Calculating the median by starting from the top of the distribution will produce the same answer as calculating it by starting from the bottom.

3.6.3   Mode                 You may also find the third central-value statistic from the simple frequency distribution. This statistic is called the mode. The mode is the score made by the great­est number of people-the score with the greatest frequency.                 Distribution may have more than one mode. A bimodal distribution is one with two high frequency scores separated by one or more low frequency scores. However, although a distribution may have more than one mode, it can have only one mean and one median.                 A sample mode and a population mode are determined in the same way.                 In Table 3.3, more people had a score of 39 than any other score, so 39 is the mode. You will note, however, that it was close. Ten people scored 39, but nine scored 34 and eight scored 41. A few lucky guesses by children taking the achievement test could have caused significant changes in the mode. This instability of the mode limits its usefulness.  .

3.7   The Grouped Frequency Distribution

3.7.1   There is a way of condensing the data of Table 3.1 even further. The result of such a condensation is called a grouped frequency distribution and Table 3.4 is an example of such a distribution, again using the arithmetic achievement-test scores.5

3.7.2   A formal grouped frequency distribution does not include the tally marks or the X and ƒX columns.

3.7.3   The grouping of data began as a-way of simplifying computations in the days be­fore the invention of all these marvellous computational aids such as computers and calculators. Today, most researchers group their data only when they want to construct a graph or when N's are very large. These two occasions happen often enough to make it important for you to learn about it.

3.7.4   In the grouped frequency distribution, X values are grouped into ranges called class intervals. In Table 3.4, the entire range of scores, from 65 to 23 has been reduced to 15 class intervals, each interval covers three scores and, the size of the interval (the number of scores covered) is indicated by i. For Table 3.4, i = 3. The midpoint of each interval represents all scores in that interval for example, there were nine children who had scores of 33, 34 or 35. The midpoint of the class interval 33-35 is 34. All nine children are represented by 34. Obviously, this procedure may introduce some inaccuracy into computations; however, the amount of error introduced is usually very slight. For example, the mean computed from Table 3.4 is 39.40. The mean com­puted from ungrouped data is 39.43.        ­

3.7.5   Class intervals have upper and lower limits, much like simple scores obtained by measuring a quantitative variable. A class interval of 33-35 has a lower limit of 32.5 and an upper limit of 35.5. Similarly, a class interval of 40-49 has a lower limit of 39.5 and an upper limit of 49.5.

3.7.6   Table 3.4                

3.7.7   Establishing Class Intervals                 There are three conventions that are usually followed in establishing class inter­vals. We call them conventions because they are customs rather than hard-and-fast rules. There are two justifications for these conventions. First, they allow you to get maximum information from your data with minimum effort. Second, they provide some standardization of procedures, which aids in communication among scientists. These conventions are                 Data should be grouped into not fewer than 10 and not more than 20 class intervals.    The primary purpose of grouping data is to provide a clearer picture of trends in the data and to make computations easier. (For example, Table 3.4 shows that there are normally frequencies near the center of the distribution with fewer and fewer as the upper and lower ends of the distribution are approached. If the data are grouped into fewer than 10 intervals, such trends are not as apparent. In Table 3.5, the same scores are grouped into only five class intervals. The concentration of frequencies in the center of the distribution is not nearly so apparent.    Another reason for using at least 10 class intervals is that, as you reduce the num­ber of class intervals, the errors caused by grouping increase. With fewer than 10 class intervals, the errors may no longer be minor. For example, the mean computed from Table 3.4 was 39.40-only .03 points away from the exact mean of 39.43 computed from ungrouped data. The mean computed from Table 3.5, however, is 39.00-an error of .43 points.    On the other hand, the use of more than 20 class intervals may tend to exaggerate fluctuations in the data that are really due. to chance occurrences. . You also sacrifice much of the ease of computation, with little gain in control over errors. So, the conven­tion is: use 10 to 20 class intervals.                 The size of the class intervals (i) should be an odd number or 10 or a multiple of 10. (Some writers include i= 2 as acceptable. Some also object to the use of i= 7 or 9. In actual prac­tice, the most frequently seen i's are 3, 5, 10, and multiples of 10.)    The reason for this is simply computational ease. The midpoint of the interval is used as representative of all scores in the interval; and if i is an odd number, the mid­point will be a whole number. If hs an even number, the midpoint will be a decimal number. In the interval 12-14 (i = 3), the midpoint is the whole number 13. In an interval 12 to 15 (i = 4), the midpoint is the decimal number 13.5. However, if the range of scores is so great that you cannot include all of them in 20 groups with i = 9 or less, it is conventional to place 10 scores or a multiple of 10 in each class interval.                 Begin each class interval with a multiple of .i.­    For example, if the lowest score is 44 and i = 5, the first class interval should be 40-44 because 40 is a multiple of 5. This convention is violated fairly often. However, the practice is followed more often than not. A violation that seems to be justified oc­curs when i = 5. When the interval size is 5, it may be more convenient to begin the interval such that multiples of 5 will fall at the midpoint, since multiples of 5 are easier to manipulate. For example, an interval 23-27 has 25 as its midpoint, while an interval 25-29 has 27 as its midpoint. Multiplying by 25 is easier than multiplying by 27.    In addition to these three conventions, remember that the highest scores go at the top and the lowest scores at the bottom.

3.7.8   Converting Unorganized Data into a Grouped Frequency Distribution                 Now that you know the conventions for establishing class intervals, we will go through the steps for converting a mass of data like that in Table 3.1 into a grouped frequency distribution like Table 3.4:                 Find the highest and lowest scores. In Table 3.1, the highest score is 65, and the lowest score is 23.                 Find the range of scores by subtracting the lowest score from the highest and adding 1: 65 - 23 + I = 43. The 1 is added so that the upper limit of the highest score and the lower limit of the lowest score will be included.                 Determine i by a trial-and-error procedure. Remember that there are to be 10 to 20 class intervals and that the interval size should be odd, 10, or a multiple of 10. Dividing the range by a potential i value tells the number of class intervals that will result. For example, divid­ing the range of 43 by 5 provides a quotient of 8.60. Thus, i = 5 produces 8.6 or 9 class intervals. That does not satisfy the rule calling for at least 10 intervals, but it is close and might be acceptable. In most such cases, however it is better to use a smaller I and get a larger number of intervals. Dividing the range by 3 (43/3) gives you 14.33 or 15 class intervals. It sometimes happens that this process results in an extra class interval. This oc­curs when the lowest score is such that extra scores must be added to the bottom of the dis­tribution to start the interval with a multiple of i. For the data in Table 3.1, the most appro­priate interval size is 3, resulting in 15 class intervals.                 Begin the bottom interval with the lowest score. if it is a multiple of i. If the lowest score is not a multiple of i, begin the interval with the next lower number that is a multiple of i. In the data of Table 3.1, the lowest score, 23, is not a multiple of i. Begin the interval with 21. since it is a multiple of 3. The lowest class interval, then, is 21-23. From there on, it's easy. Simply' begin the next interval with the next number and end it such that it includes three numbers (24-26). Look at the class intervals in Table 3.4. Notice that each interval begins with a number evenly divisible by 3.                           Table 3-5                 The rest of the process is the same as for a simple frequency distribution. For each score in the unorganized data, put a tally mark beside its class interval and cross out the score. Count the tally marks and put the number into the frequency column. Add the frequency column to be sure that: ƒ= N.                 Clue to the Future    The distributions that you have been constructing are empirical distributions based on scores actually gathered in experiments. This chapter and the next two are about these empirical frequency distributions. Starting with Chapter 8, and through­out the rest of the book, you will also make use of theoretical distributions­-distributions based on mathematical formulas and logic rather than on actual obser­vations.

3.8   Finding Central Values of a Grouped Frequency Distribution

3.8.1   Mean                 The procedure for finding the mean of a grouped frequency distribution is similar to that for the simple frequency distribution. In the grouped distribution, however, the midpoint of each interval represents all the scores in the interval. Look again at Table 3.4. Notice the column headed with the letter X. The numbers in that column are the midpoints of the intervals. Assume that the scores in the interval are evenly distributed throughout the interval. Thus, X is the mean for all scores within the interval. After the X column is filled, multiply each X by its ƒ value in order to include all frequencies in that interval. Place the product in the ƒ X column. Summing the ƒ X ..column provides ƒX, which, when divided-by N, yields the mean. In terms of a formula,                 Formula   

3.8.2   Median                 Finding the median of a grouped distribution requires interpolation within the interval containing the median. We will use the data in Table 3.4 to illustrate the pro­cedure. Remember that the median is the point in the distribution that has half the fre­quencies above it and half the frequencies below it. Since N= 100, the median will have 50 frequencies above it and 50 below it. Adding frequencies from the bottom of the distribution, you find that there are 42 who scored below the interval 39-41. You need 8 more frequencies (50 - 42 = 8) to find the median. Since 23 people scored in the interval 39-41, you need 8 of these 23 frequencies or 8/23. Again, you assume that the 23 people in the interval are evenly distributed through the interval. Thus, you need the same proportion of score points in the interval as you have frequencies-that is, 8/23 or, 35 of the 3 score points in the interval. Since .35 x 3 = 1.05, you must go 1.05 score points into the interval to reach the median. Since the lower limit of the in­terval is 38.5, add 1.05 to find the median, which is 39.55. Figure 3.1 illustrates this procedure.                 In summary, the steps for finding the median in a grouped frequency distribution are as follows.                 Divide N by 2                 Starting at the bottom of the distribution, add the frequencies until you find the interval containing the median                 Subtract from N/2 the total frequencies of all intervals below the interval containing the median.                 Divide the difference found in step 3 by the number of frequencies in the interval containing the median.                 Multiply the proportion found in step 4 by i                 Add the product found in step 5 to the lower limit of the interval containing the median.      That sum is the median.                 Figure 3.1   

3.8.3   Mode                 The third central value, the mode, is the midpoint of the interval having the great­est number of frequencies. In Table 3.4, the interval 39-41 has the greatest number of frequencies-23. The midpoint of that interval, 40, is the mode.

3.9   Graphic Presentation of Data

3.9.1   In order to better communicate your findings to colleagues (and to understand them better yourself), you will often find it useful to present the results in the form of a graph. It has been said, with considerable truth, that one picture is worth a thousand words; and a graph is a type of picture. Almost any data can be presented graphically. The major purpose of a graph is to get a clear, overall picture of the data.

3.9.2   Graphs are composed of a horizontal axis (variously called the baseline, X axis or abscissa) and a vertical axis called the Y-axis or ordinate. We will take what seems to be the simplest course and use the terms X and Y.

3.9.3   We will describe two kinds of graphs. The first kind is used to present frequency distributions like those you have been constructing. Frequency polygons, Histograms, ­and bar graphs are examples of this first kind of graph. The second kind we will describe is the line graph, which is used to present the relationship between two different variables.

3.9.4   Illustration XY Axis                

3.9.5   Presenting Frequency Distributions                 Whether you use a frequency polygon, a histogram, or a bar graph to present a frequency distribution depends on the kind of variable you have measured. A frequency polygon or histogram is used for quantitative data, and the bar graph is used for qualita­tive data. It is not wrong to use a bar graph for quantitative data; but most researchers follow the rule given above. Qualitative data, however, should not be presented with a frequency polygon or a histogram. The arithmetic achievement scores (Table 3.1) are an example of quantitative data.                 Frequency Polygon    Figure 3.2 shows a-frequency polygon based on the frequency distribution in Table 3.4. We will use it to demonstrate the characteristics of all frequency polygons. On the X-axis we placed the midpoints of the class intervals. Notice that the midpoints are spaced at equal intervals, with the smallest midpoint at the left and the largest midpoint at the right. The Y-axis is labeled "Frequencies” and is also marked off into equal intervals.    Graphs are designed to "look right." They look right if the height of the figure is 60 percent to 75 percent of its length. Since the midpoints must be plotted along the X axis, you must divide the Y axis into units that will satisfy this rule. Usually, this re­quires a little juggling on your part. Darrell Huff (1954) offers an excellent demonstra­tion of the misleading effects that occur when this convention is violated.    The intersection of the X and Y axes is considered the zero point for both variables. For the Y-axis in Figure 3.2, this is indeed the case. The distance on the Y axis is the same from zero to two as from two to four, and so on. On the X axis, however, that is not the case. Here, the scale jumps from zero to 19 and then is divided into equal units of three. It is conventional to indicate a break in the measuring scale by breaking the axis with slash marks between zero and the lowest score used, as we did in Figure 3.2. It is also conventional to close a polygon at both ends by connecting the curve to the X-axis.              Each point of the frequency polygon represents two numbers; the class midpoint directly below it on the X-axis and the frequency of that class directly across from it on the Y-axis. By looking at the points in Figure 3.2, you can readily see that three people are represented by the midpoint 22, nine people by each of the midpoints 31, 34, and 37, 23 people by the midpoint 40, and so on.    The major purpose of the frequency polygon is to gain an overall view of the distribution of scores. Figure 3.2 makes it clear, for example, that the frequencies are greater for the lower scores than for the higher ones. It also illustrates rather dramati­cally that the greatest number of children scored in the center of the distribution.                 Figure 3-2                 Histogram    Figure 3.3 is a histogram constructed from the same data that were used for the frequency polygon of Figure 3.2. Researchers may choose either of these methods for a given distribution of quantitative data, but the frequency polygon is usually preferred for several reasons: it is easier to construct, gives a generally clearer picture of trends in the data, and can be used to compare different distribution, on the same graph. However frequencies are easier to read from a histogram.    Figure 3-3              Actually, the two figures are very similar. They differ only in that the histogram is made by raising bars from the X axis to the appropriate frequencies instead of plotting points above the midpoints. The width of a bar is from the lower to the upper limit of its class interval. Notice that there is no space between the bars.                 Bar Graph    The third type of graph that presents frequency distributions is the bar graph. A bar graph presents frequencies of the categories of a qualitative variable. An example of a qualitative variable is laundry detergent; the there are many different brands (types of the variable), but the brands don't tell you the order they go in, for example    With quantitative variables, the measurements of the variable impose an order on themselves. Arith­metic achievement scores of 43 and 51 tell you the order they belong in. "Tide" and "Lux" do not signify any order.    Figure 3.4 is an example of a bar graph. Notice that each bar is separated by a small space. This bar graph was constructed by a grocery store manager who had a practical problem to solve. One side of an aisle in his store was stocked with laundry detergent, and he had no more space for this kind of product. How much of the avail­able space should he allot for each brand? For one week, he kept a record of the number of boxes of each brand sold. From this frequency distribution of scores on a qualitative variable, he constructed the bar graph in Figure 3.4. (He, of course, used the names of the brands. We wouldn't dare!)    Brands E, H, and K are obviously the big sellers and should get the greatest amount of space. Brands A and D need very little space. The other brands fall between these. The grocer, of course, would probably consider the relative profits from the sale of the different brands in order to determine just how much space to allot to each. Our purpose here is only to illustrate the use of the bar graph to present qualitative data.

3.9.6   The Line Graph                 Perhaps the most frequently used graph in scientific books and journal articles is the line graph. A line graph is used to present the relationship between two variables.                 . A point on a line -graph represents the two scores made by' one person on each of the two variables. Often, the mean of a group is used rather than one person, but the idea is the same: a group with a mean score of X on one variable had a mean score of Y on the other variable. The point on the graph represents the means of that group on both variables.                 Figure 3-4 & 3-5                 Figure 3-6                 Figure 3-7                 Figure 3-8                 Figure 3.5 is an example of a line graph of the relationship between subjects scores on an anxiety test and their scores on a difficult problem-solving task. Many studies have discovered this general relationship. Notice that performance on the task is better and better for subjects with higher and higher anxiety scores up to the middle range of anxiety. But as anxiety scores continue to increase, performance scores de­crease. Chapter 5, "Correlation and Regression," will make extensive use of a version of this type of line graph.                 A variation of the line graph places performance scores on the Y-axis and some condition of training on the X-axis. Examples of such training conditions are: number of trials, hours of food deprivation, year in school, and: amount of reinforcement. The "score” on the training condition is assigned by the experimenter.­                 Figure 3.6 is a generalized learning curve with a performance measure (scores) on Y axis and number of reinforced trials on the .X axis. Early in training (after only one or two trials), perfor­mance is poor. As trials continue, performance improves rapidly at first and then more and more slowly. Finally, at the extreme right-hand portion of the graph, performance has levelled off; continued trials do not produce further changes in the scores.             A line graph, then, presents a picture of the relationship between two variables. By looking at the line, you can tell what changes take place in the Y variable as the value of the X variable changes.

3.10 Skewed Distributions

3.10.1            Look back at Table 3.4 graphed as Figure 3.2. Notice that the largest frequencies are found in the middle of the distribution. The same thing is true in Problem 3 of this chapter. These distributions are not badly skewed; they are reasonably symmetrical         ln some data, however, the largest frequencies are found at one end of the distribution rather than in the middle. Such distributions are said to he skewed.

3.10.2            The word skew is similar to the word skewer, the name of the cooking imple­ment used !n making shish kebab. A skewer is long and pointed and is thicker at one end than the other (not symmetrical). Although skewed distributions do not function like skewers (you would have a terrible time poking one through a chunk of lamb), the, name does help you remember that a skewed distribution has a thin point on one side.

3.10.3            Figures 3.7 and 3.8 are illustrations of skewed distributions. Figure 3.7 is positive skewed; the thin point is toward the high scores, and the most frequent scores are low ones. Figure 3.8 is negatively skewed; the thin point or skinny end is toward .the low scores and most frequent scores are high ones.

3.10.4            There is a mathematical of measuring the degree of skewness that is more precise than eyeballing, but it is beyond the scope of this book. However, figuring the relationship of the mean to the median is an objective way to determine the direction of the skew. When the mean is numerically smaller than the        median, there is some amount of negative skew.

3.10.5            Figure 3-9            

3.10.6            When the mean is larger than the median there is positive skew. The reason for this is that the mean is affected by the size of the numbers and is pulled in the direction of the extreme scores. The median is not influenced by the size of the scores. The relationship between the mean and the median is illustrated by Figure 3.9. The size of the difference between the mean and the median gives you an indication of how much the distribution is skewed.

3.11 The Mean, Median, and Mode Compared

3.11.1            A common question is [Which measure of central value should I use?" The general answer is "Given a choice, use the mean. " Sometimes, however, the data give you no choice. For example if the frequency distribution is for a nominal variable the mode is the only appropriate measure of central value.

3.11.2            Figure 3-10            

3.11.3            It is meaningless to find a median or to add up the scores and divide to find a mean for data based on a nominal scale. For the data from the voting-behavior experiment the mode is the only measure of central value that is meaningful. For a frequency distribution of an ordinal variable, the median or the mode is appropriate. For data based on interval or ratio data, the mean, median or mode may be used-you have a choice.

3.11.4            Even if you have interval or ratio data, there are two situations in which the mean is inappropriate because it gives an erroneous impression of the distribution. The first situation is the case of a severely skewed distribution. The following story demonstrates why the mean is inappropriate for severely skewed distributions.

3.11.5            The developer of Swampy Acres Retirement Home sites is attempting, with a computer-selected mailing list, to sell the lots in his southern paradise to northern buyers. The marks express concern that flooding might occur. The developer reassures them by explaining that the average elevation of his lots is 78.5 feet and that the water has never exceeded 25 feet in that area. On the average, he has told the truth; but this average truth is misleading. Look at the actual lay of the land in Figure 3.10 and ex­amine the frequency distribution in Table 3.6, which summarizes the picture.

3.11.6            The mean elevation as the developer said is 78.5 feet; however, only 20 lots, all on a cliff, are out of the flood zone. The other 80 lots are, on the average, under water. The mean, in this case, is misleading. In this instance, the central value that describes the typical case is the median because it is unaffected by the size of the few extreme lots on the cliff. The median elevation is 12.5 feet, well below the high-water mark.

3.11.7            Darrell Huff's delightful and informative book, How to Lie with Statistics (1954) gives a number of such examples. We heartily recommend this book to you. It provides many cautions concerning misinformation conveyed through the use of the inappro­priate statistic. A more recent and equally delightful book is Flaws and Fallacies in Statistical Thinking by Stephen Campbell (1974).

3.11.8            There is another instance that requires a median, even though you have a sym­metrical distribution. This is when the class interval with the largest (or smallest) scores is not limited. In such a case, you do not nave a midpoint and, therefore, cannot compute a mean. For example, age data are sometimes reported with the highest category as "75 and over. " The mean cannot be computed. Thus, when one or both of the extreme, class intervals is not limited, the median is the appropriate measure of central value. To reiterate: given a choice, use the mean.

3.11.9            Table 3-6            

3.12 The Mean of a Set of Means

3.12.1            Occasions arise in which means are available from several samples taken from the same population. If these means are combined, the mean of the set of means will give you the best estimate of the population parameter, . If every sample has the same N. you can compute the average mean simply by adding the means and dividing; by the number of means. If, however, the means to be averaged have varying N 's, it is essen­tial that you take into account the various sample sizes by multiplying each mean by its own N before summing. Table 3.7 illustrates this procedure. Four means. are presented, along with two hypothetical sample sizes for each mean. In the left-hand table, the four sample sizes are equal. In the right-hand table, the four sample sizes are not equal. Notice that 18.50 is the mean of the means when the separate means are simply added and the sum divided by the number of means. This gives the correct answer when the sample sizes are equal. However, when sample sizes differ, 18.50 is wrong. Each mean must be multiplied by its respective N, and the mean of the means is 17.60. When N 's are unequal, averaging the means without accounting for sample frequencies always causes an error.

3.12.2            Table 3-7            

3.12.3            Clue to The Future             In Chapter 9 you will learn a most important concept-a concept called a sampling distribution of the mean. The mean of a set of means is an inherent part of that concept.

3.13 Skewed Distributions and Measures of Central Tendency

3.13.1            Introduction             Distributions when the mean median and mode are represented graphically may demonstrate varying degrees of Skewness, which refers to the degree of asymmetry of the graphical curve.

3.13.2            Symmetrical Distribution             In a symmetrical distribution the mean, median and mode all fall in the same point.            

3.13.3            Bimodal Symmetrical Distribution             If there are two modes (bi-modal) even though the mean, median fall in the same point the two modes will represent the highest points of the distribution. This is considered a bimodal symmetrical distribution            

3.13.4            Skewed Distributions             Introduction                  In a symmetrical distribution the largest frequencies are found in the middle whereas in a skewed distribution the largest frequencies are found at one end of the distribution rather than in the middle.                  The word skew is similar to the word skewer which is long and pointed and is thicker at one end than the other (not symmetrical). A skewed distribution has a thin point on one side.                  In a positively skewed; the thin point is toward the high scores, and the most frequent scores are low ones. In the negatively skewed, the thin point or skinny end is toward the low scores, and the most frequent scores are high ones. There are mathematical ways of measuring the degree of skewness that are more precise than eyeballing, but you can figure the relationship of the mean to the median and this provides an objective way to determine the direction of the skew. When the mean is numerically smaller than the median, there is some amount of negative skew. When the mean is larger than the median there is positive skew. The reason for this is that the mean is affected by the size of the numbers and is pulled in the direction of extreme scores. The median is not influenced by the size of the scores. The relationship between the mean and the median is illustrated in the picture below. The size of the difference between the mean and the median gives you an indication of how much the distribution is skewed.             Illustration                 

3.13.5            Positively Skewed Distributions             The positively skewed distribution below demonstrates an asymmetrical pattern. In this case the mode is smaller than the median, which is smaller than the mean.                 This relationship exists between the mode, median and mean because each statistic describes the distribution differently.             The mode represents the most frequently occurring score and thus is the highest point on the X axis in a frequency distribution. The median cuts the distribution in half so that 50% of the scores are on either side.                 The mean unlike the median and mode is affected by larger scores since it is the product of the additive score values divided by their number. The mean represents the balance point in the distribution. Because of this it is drawn towards the skewness and in positively skewed towards the larger values.            

3.13.6            Negatively Skewed Distribution             This distribution is also asymmetrical but with the opposite order of the mean, median, and mode. The mean is smaller than the median, which is smaller than the mode.                 The mode which has the highest value in a frequency distribution points the skewness in a negative direction.            

3.14 The Mean of a Set of Means ()


4      START


5.1   The spread or dispersion of scores is known as variability. If the distribution of scores fall within a narrow range there is little variability. Conversely scores that vary widely connote a distribution that is highly variable. 

5.2   Range

5.2.1   The range is the difference between the largest score and the smallest score.

5.3   Standard Deviation


5.5   Standard Deviation (s) as an Estimate of Population Variability


5.5.2   Deviation Scores


5.5.4   Deviation-Score Method of Computing s from Ungrouped Data


5.5.6   Deviation-Score Method of Computing s from Grouped Data


5.5.8   The Raw-Score Method of Computing s from Ungrouped Data


5.5.10            Raw-Score Method of Computing s from Grouped Data


5.6   The Other Two Standard Deviations,  and S


5.8   Variance


5.10 z Scores

5.10.1            Introduction             You have used measures of central value and measures of variability to describe a distribution of scores. The next statistic, z, is used to describe a single score.             A z score is a mathematical way to change a raw score so that it reflects its relationship to the mean and standard deviation of its fellow scores.             Any distribution of raw scores can be converted to a distribution of z scores; for each raw score, there is a z score. Raw scores above the mean will have positive z scores; those below the mean will have negative z scores.             A z score is also called a standard score because it is a deviation score expressed in standard deviation units. It is the number of standard deviations a score is above or below the mean. A z score tells you the relative position of a raw score in the distribution. (z) scores are also used for inferential purposes. Much larger z scores may occur then.

5.10.2            Formula and Procedure             Formula                      Variables Defined                (z)=z score                S=standard deviation of a sample of scores                (x)=individual raw score                =mean of a sample                        Procedure                  Find the difference between the raw score and the mean                  Divide that difference by the standard deviation of the sample

5.10.3            Use of z Scores             (z) scores are used to compare two scores in the same distribution. They are also used to compare two scores from different distributions, even when the distributions are measuring different things.

5.11 Variance and Standard Deviation

5.11.1            Variance             S2 is the symbol for variance and is a measure of variability from the mean of the distribution of scores.                 Find the mean of the scores.             Subtract the mean from every score.             Square the results of step two.             Sum the results of step three.             Divide the results of step four by N (The number of scores)-1.             Example                Find the mean of the scores. = 50 / 5 = 10             Subtract the mean from every score. The second column above             Square the results of step two. The third column above             Sum the results of step three. 22             Divide the results of step four by N (# of scores)-1. s2 = 22 / (5-1) = 22/4=5.5             Note that the sum of column *2* is zero. This must be the case if the calculations are performed correctly up to that point.

5.11.2            Standard Deviation             S is the symbol for standard deviation and it is the square root of the variance.             The standard deviation is the preferred measure of variability.             Formula                 Example             Take the square of the variance above. Square root of 5.5=2.35

6      Correlation and Regression

6.1   Introduction

6.1.1   Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) in England conducted some of the earliest investigations making use of statistical analysis. Galton was concerned with the general question of whether people of the same family were more alike than people of different families. Galton needed a method that would describe the degree to which, for example, heights of fathers and their sons were alike. The method he invented for this purpose is called correlation (co-relation). With it, Galton could also measure the degree to which the heights of unrelated men were alike. He could then compare these two results and thus answer his question.

6.1.2   Galton’s student Karl Pearson (1857-1936), with Galton’s aid, later developed a formula that yielded a statistic known as a correlation coefficient. Pearson’s product-moment coefficient, and other correlation coefficients based on Pearson’s work, have been widely used in statistical studies in psychology, education, sociology, medicine, and many other areas.

6.2   Concept of Correlation

6.2.1   In order to compute a correlation, you must have two variables, with values of one variable (X) paired in some logical way with values of the second variable (Y). Such an organization of data is referred to as a bivariate (two-variable) distribution.

6.2.2   Examples                 Same group of people may take two tests and the score results of both tests can be compared.                 Family relationships may be organized as bivariate distribution such as height of fathers is one variable, X and height of sons is another variable Y.

6.3   Positive Correlation

6.3.1   In the case of a positive correlation between two variables, high measurements on one variable tend to be associated with high measurements on the other and low measurements on one with low measurements on the other. In other words, the two variables vary together in the same direction. A perfect positive correlation is 1.00. A scatterplot is used to visualize this relationship with each point in the scatterplot representing a pair of scores represented on the X and Y axis of the chart. The line that runs through the points is called a regression line or “line of best fit”. When there is perfect correlation (+ -1.00), all points fall exactly on the line. When the points are scattered away from the line, correlation is less than perfect and the correlation coefficient falls between .00 (No correlation) and 1.00 (Perfect correlation). It was when Galton cast his data in the form of a scatterplot that he conceived the idea of a correlationship between the variables. It is from the term regression that we get the symbol r for correlation. Galton chose the term regression because it was descriptive of a phenomenon that he discovered in his data on inheritance. He found, for example, that tall fathers had sons somewhat shorter than themselves and that short fathers had sons somewhat taller than themselves. From such data, he conceived his “law of universal regression,” which states that there exists a tendency for each generation to regress, or move toward, the mean of the general population.

6.3.2   Today, the term regression also has a second meaning. It refers to a statistical method that is used to fit a straight line to bivariate data and to predict scores on one variable from scores on a second variable.

6.3.3   It is not necessary that the numbers on the two variables be exactly the same in order to have perfect correlation. The only requirement is that the differences between pairs of scores be all the same. The relationship must be such that all points in a scatterplot will lie on the regression line. If this requirement is met, correlation will be perfect, and an exact prediction can be made.

6.3.4   Nature, of course, is not so accommodating as to permit such perfect prediction, at least at science’s present state of knowledge. People cannot peredict their son’ heights precisely. The points do not all fall on the regression line; some miss it badly. However, as Galton found , there is some positive relationship; the correlation coefficient between father and son height is r=.50. The correlation between math and reading skills is r=.54. Predictions made from these correlations although far from perfect would be far better than a random guess.

6.4   Negative Correlation

6.4.1   Negative correlation occurs where high scores of one variable are associated with low scores of the other. The two variables thus tend to vary together but  in opposite directions. The regression line runs from the upper left of the graph to the lower right. Negative correlation could be changed to positive by changing the type of score plotted on one of the variables.

6.4.2   Perfect negative correlation exists, as does perfect positive correlation, when all points are on the regression line. The correlation coefficient in such a case is –1.00. For example, there is a perfect negative relationship between the amount of money in your checking account and the amount of money you have written check for (if you ignore service charge and deposits). As the amount of money you write checks for increases, your balance decreases by exactly the same amount.

6.4.3   Other examples of negative correlation (less than perfect) are;                 Temperature and inches of snow at the top of a mountain, measured at noon each day in May                 Hours of sunshine and inches of rainfall per day at Miami, Florida                 Number of pounds lost and number of calories consumed per day by a person on a strict diet

6.4.4   Negative correlation permits prediction in the same way that positive correlation does. With correlation, positive is not better than negative. In both cases, the size of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relation ship-the larger the absolute value of the number, the stronger the relationship. The algebraic sign (+ or -) indicates the direction of the relationship.

6.5   Zero Correlation

6.5.1   A zero correlation means that there is no relationship between the two variables. High and low scores on the two variables are not associated in any predictable manner. In the case of zero correlation, the best prediction from any X score is the mean of the Y scores. The regression line, then, runs parallel to the X axis at the height of Y on the Y axis.

6.6   Computation of the correlation Coefficient


6.7   Computational Formulas


6.7.2   Blanched Formula                 This procedure requires you to find the means and standard deviations of both X and Y before computing r.                 Formula    r=(j(X(each value)*Y(each value))/N)-((X(Mean))*((Y)(Mean))/(Sx)* (Sy)                 Variables Defined    j=Sum    XY=Product of each X value multiplied by its paired Y value    X(mean)=Mean of variable X    Y(mean)=Mean of variable Y    Sx=Standard deviation of variable X    Sy= Standard deviation of variable Y    N=Number of pairs of observations                 Procedure    Multiply each paired X and Y score    Sum the products of X*Y    Divide the summed products of X*Y by the number of paired scores (N)    Multiply the mean of the X scores X(mean) by the mean of the Y scores Y(mean)    Minus the product of X(mean)*Y(mean) from the product of the division in step 3    Multiply the standard deviation of X scores  Sx by the standard deviation of Y scores Sy.    Divide the product of step 5 by the product of step 6

6.7.3   Raw Score Formula                 With this formula, you start with the raw scores and obtain r without having to compute means and standard deviations                 Formula    r=(N*(j(X(each value)*Y(each value))))-(( jX)(*( jY))/Square Root [(N*(jX2 )-( jX)2]*[ (N*(jY2 )-( jY) 2]                 Variables Defined    j=Sum    XY=Product of each X value multiplied by its paired Y value    X(mean)=Mean of variable X    Y(mean)=Mean of variable Y    N=Number of pairs of observations                 Procedure    Multiply each paired X and Y score    Sum the products of X*Y    Multiply the summed products by the number of paired observations.    Sum the X scores    Sum the Y scores    Multiply the summed X scores by the Summed Y scores    Minus the product of step 6 (Summed X scores*Summed Y scores) from the product of step 4 (summed products*N)    Square each X score (X2) and sum the products    Multiply the product of step 8 (Summed products of X*X (X2)) by the number of paired scores.                  Sum the X scores and square the product (jX*jX) or (jX) 2.                  Minus the product of step 10 ((jX) 2) from the product of step 9 (N*(jX2)                  Square each Y score (Y 2) and sum the products                  Multiply the product of step 12 (Summed products of Y*Y (Y 2)) by the number of paired scores.                  Sum the Y scores and square the product (jY *j Y) or (jY) 2.                  Minus the product of step 14 ((jY) 2) from the product of step 13 (N*(j Y 2)                  Multiply the product of step 15 [N*(j Y 2)- ((jY) 2)] by the product of step 11 [N*(j X 2)- ((jX) 2)]                  Obtain the square root of step 16 [N*(j X 2)- ((jX) 2)]* [N*(j Y 2)- ((jY) 2)]                  Divide the product of step 7 [(N*jXY)-(( jX)*( jY))] by the product of step 17 [SQUARE ROOT[N*(j X 2)- ((jX) 2)]* [N*(j Y 2)- ((jY) 2)]]

6.8   The Meaning Of r

6.8.1   (r)=is a descriptive statistic or summary index number, like the mean and standard deviation and is used to describe a set of data.

6.8.2   A correlation coefficient is a measure of the relationship between two variables. It describes a the tendency of two variables to vary together (covary); that is, it describes the tendency of high or low values of one variable to be regularly associated with either high or low values of the other variable. The absolute size of the coefficient (from 0 to 1.00) indicates the strength of that tendency to covary.

6.8.3   Illustration                

6.8.4   The above scatterplot shows the correlational relationships of r=.20, .40, .60, and .80. Notice that as the size of the correlation coefficient gets larger, the points cluster more and more closely to the regression line; that is, the envelope containing the points becomes thinner and thinner. This means that a stronger and stronger tendency to covary exists as r becomes larger and larger. It also means that predictions made about values of the Y variable from values of the X variable will be more accurate when r is larger.

6.8.5   The algebraic sign tells the direction of the covariation. When the sign is positive, high values of X are associated with high values of Y, and low values of X are associated with low values of Y. When the sign is negative, high values of X are associated with low values of Y, and low values of X are associated with high values of Y. Knowledge of the size and direction of r, then, permits some prediction of the value of one variable if the value of the other variable is known.

6.8.6   Correlation vs. Causation                 A correlation coefficient does not tell you whether or not one of the variables is causing the variation in the other. Quite possibly some third variable is responsible for the variation in both.                 A correlation coefficient alone cannot establish a causal relationship.

6.8.7   Coefficient of Determination                 This is an overall index that specifies the proportion of variance that two variables have in common.                 Formula    COD=r2                 Variables Defined    COD=Coefficient of Determination    ( r )=Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient                 Procedure    Multiply r * r (r2)                 It could be argued that the proportion of variance the two variables have in common can be attributed to the same cause. Or that this is the percentage of variance which adheres most closely to the regression line.                 Note what happens to a fairly strong correlation of .70 when it is interpreted in terms of variance. Only 49 % of the variance is held in common.                 The coefficient is useful in comparing correlation coefficients. When one compares an r of .80 with an r of .40, the tendency is to think of the .80 as being twice as high as .40, but that is not the case. Correlation coefficients are compared in terms of the amount of common variance. .802=.64, .402=.16, .64/.16=4 Thus, two variables that are correlated with r=.80 have four times as much variance as two variables correlated with r=.40

6.8.8   Practical Significance of r                 How high must a correlation coefficient be before it is of use? How low must it be before we conclude it is useless? Correlation is useful if it improves prediction over guessing. In this sense, any reliable correlation other than zero, whether positive or negative, is of some value because it will reduce to some extent the incorrect predictions that might other wise be made. Very low correlations allow little improvement over guessing in prediction. Such poor prediction usually is not worth the costs involved in practical situations. Generally, researchers are satisfied with lower correlations in theoretical work but require higher ones in practical situations. 

6.9   Correlation and Linearity

6.9.1   For r to be a meaningful statistic, the best fitting line through the scatterplot of points must be a straight line. If a curved regression line fits the data better than a straight lie, r will be low, not reflecting the true relationship between the two variables. The product-moment correlation coefficient is not appropriate as a measure of curved relationships. Special non-linear correlation techniques for such relationships do exist and are described elsewhere.[4] [5]

6.10 Other Kinds of Correlation Coefficients

6.10.1            Dichotomous Variables             Correlations may be computed on data for which one or both of the variables are dichotomous (having only two possible values). An example is the correlation of the dichotomous variable sex and the quantitative variable grade-point average.

6.10.2            Multiple correlation             Several variables can be combined, and the resulting combination can be correlated with one variable. With this technique, called multiple correlation a more precise prediction can be made. Performance in school or on the job can usually be predicted better by using several measures of a person rather than just one.

6.10.3            Partial correlation             A technique called partial correlation allows you to separate or partial out the effects of one variable from the correlation of two other variables. For example, if we want to know the true correlation between achievement-test scores in two school subjects it will probably be necessary to partial out the effects of intelligence since IQ and achievement are correlated.

6.10.4            Rho for Ranked data             Rho is used when the data are ranks rather than raw scores.

6.10.5            Non-linear correlation             If the relationship between two variables is curved rather than linear, the correlation ratio, eta gives the degree of association.

6.10.6            Intermediate-level statistic text books             The above correlation techniques are covered in intermediate level text books. [6] [7]

6.11 Correlation and Regression


6.12 Regression Equation 109


6.12.2            Formula             Y =a+bX

6.12.3            Variables Defined             Y =the Y value predicted from a particular X value (Y is pronounced “y prime”).             a=the point at which the regression line intersects the Y axis             b=the slope of the regression line--that is, the amount Y is increasing for each increase of one unit in X             X=the X value used to predict Y .             Regression Coefficients                  The symbols X and Y can be assigned arbitrarily in correlation, but, in a regression equation, Y is assigned to the variable you wish to predict. To make predictions of Y using the regression equation, you need to calculate the values of the constants a and b, which are called regression coefficients.                  Formula                b=r*(Sy/Sx)                  Variables Defined                r=correlation coefficient for X and Y                Sy =the standard deviation of the Y variable                Sx =the standard deviation of the X variable                Notice that for positive correlation b will be a positive number. For negative correlation b will be negative                  Formula                a=Y(mean)-b*X(mean)                  Variables Defined                Y(mean)=Mean of the Y scores                b=regression coefficient computed above                X(mean)=mean of the x scores

6.12.4            Procedure             Calculate b                  Divide Sy (standard deviation of y) by Sx (standard deviation of x)                  Multiply the product of step 1 (Sy/Sx) by r (correlation coefficient for X and Y)             Calculate a                  Multiply X(mean) (mean of the x scores) by b (regression coefficient computed in step 1 above)                  Minus the product of the previous step above from Y(mean)  (Mean of the Y scores)             Calculate the predicted Y score                  Multiply X (value used to predict Y) by b (calculated in step 1 above)                  Add the product of the previous step above to a (product of step 2 above)

6.12.5            Drawing a Regression Line              

6.12.6            Predicting a Y Score              

6.13 Rank Order Correlation


6.13.2            Web   


6.14 r Distribution Tables

6.14.1            Web              


7.1   A raw score does not reveal its relationship to other scores and must be transformed into a score that reveals these relationships. There are two types of score transformations; percentile ranks and linear transformations.

7.2   Purpose

7.2.1   A relationship between scores is revealed increasing the amount of information for analytical interpretation.

7.2.2   Allows two scores to be compared.

7.3   Percentile Ranks Based On The Sample

7.3.1   The percentile rank is the percentage of scores that fall below a given score.

7.3.2   Procedure                 Rate the scores from lowest to highest and determine total number of scores.   Example  33 28 29 37 31 33 25 33 29 32 35  25 28 29 29 31 32 33 33 33 35 37=Total number of scores=11                 Determine the number of scores falling below the selected score    Example Number=31  Number of scores below=4                 Determine the percentage of scores which fall below the selected score by dividing the number of scores below by the total number of scores and multiplying by 100.   Example=4/11=.364*100=36.4%                 Determine the percentage of scores which fall at the selected score by dividing that number by the total number of scores and multiplying by 100.   Example=1/11=.09009*100=9.09                 Divide the percentage of scores at the selected score by 2 and add the product to the percentage of scores below the selected score.   Example=9.09/2=4.55+36.4=40.95%   This would mean that the percentage of scores falling below the score of 31would be 40.95% and that would be the scores percentile rank.                 Brief Summary of Process   Rank the scores from lowest to highest   Add the percentage of scores that fall below the score to one-half the percentage of scores that fall at the score.   The result is the percentile rank of that score which is the percentage of scores which fall below the selected score.                 Another example=Selected Score=33   ((6/11)+((3/11)/2))*100=68.18%   This would mean that the percentage of scores falling below the score of 33 would be 68.18% and that would be the scores percentile rank.                 Example formula                 Example of the algebraic procedure applied to the selected numbers of 31 and 33.   31   33 

7.4   Percentile Ranks Based On The Normal Curve













8.6.1   Formula                 (Mean (Post Score) – Mean (Pre Score))/(Standard Deviation (Pre Score)/( SQRT Count))



9      Theoretical Distributions Including the Normal Distribution

9.1   Definition of Inferential Statistics

9.1.1   Inferential statistics are concerned with decision-making. Usually, the decision is whether the difference between two samples is probably due to chance or probably due to some other factor. Inferential statistics help you make a decision by giving you the probability that the difference is due to chance. If the probability is very high a decision that the difference is due to chance is supported. If the probability is very low, a decision that the difference is due to some other factor is supported. Descriptive statistics are also used in these decision-making processes.

9.2   Introduction

9.2.1   Distributions from observed scores are called empirical distributions

9.2.2   Theoretical distributions are based on mathematical formulas and logic rather than on empirical observations. The probability that the event was due to chance is found by using a theoretical distribution.

9.2.3   Probability of the occurrence of any event ranges from .00 (there is no possibility that the event will occur) to 1.00 (the event is certain to happen). Theoretical distributions are used to find the probability of an event or a group of evnts.

9.3   Rectangular Distribution

9.3.1   The Histogram below is a theoretical frequency distribution that shows the types and number of cards in an ordinary deck of playing cards. Since there are 13 kinds of cards, and the frequency of each card is four, the theoretical curve is rectangular in shape. (The line that encloses a frequency polygon is called a curve, even if it is straight.) The number in the area above each card is the probability of obtaining that card in a chance draw from the deck. That probability (.077) was obtained by dividing the number of cards that represent the event (4) by the total number of cards (52)

9.3.2   Illustration Theoretical Card Draws                

9.3.3   Probabilities are often stated as “chances in a hundred.” The expression p=.077 means that there are 7.7 chances in 100 of the event in question occurring. Thus from the illustration above you can tell at a glance that there are 7.7 chances in 100 of drawing an ace from a deck of cards.

9.3.4   With this theoretical distribution, you can determine other probabilities. Suppose you wanted to know your chances of drawing a face card or a 10. These are the darkened areas above. Simply add the probabilities associated with a 10, jack, queen, and king. Thus, .077 +077 + 077 + 077=.308. Which means you have 30.8 chances in 100 of drawing one of these face cards or a 10.

9.3.5   One property of the distribution above is true for all theoretical distributions in that the total area under the curve is 1.00. In the above illustration there are 13 kinds of events, each with a probability of .077. Thus, (13)(.077)=1.00. With this arrangement, any statement about area is also a statement about probability. Of the total area under the curve, the proportion that signifies “ace” is .077, and that is also the probability of drawing an ace from the deck.

9.4   Binomial Distribution

9.4.1   The Binomial (two names) is another example of a theoretical distribution.

9.5   Comparison of Theoretical and Empirical Distributions

9.5.1   A theoretical curve represents the “best estimate” of how the events would actually occur. As with all estimates, the theoretical curve is somewhat inaccurate; but in the world of real events it is better than any other estimate. A theoretical distribution is one based on logic and mathematics rather than on observations. It shows you the probability of each event that is part of the distribution. When it is similar to an empirical distribution, the probability figures obtained from the theoretical distribution are accurate predictors of actual events.

9.5.2   There are a number of theoretical distributions that applied statisticians have found useful. (normal distribution, t distribution, F distribution, chi square distribution, and U distribution)

9.6   The Normal Distribution

9.6.1   Early statisticians, who found that frequency distributions of data gathered from a wide variety of fields were similar, established the name normal distribution.

9.6.2   The normal distribution is sometimes called the Gaussian distribution after Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) who developed the curve (about 1800 as a way to represent the random error in astronomy observations. Because this curve was such an accurate picture of the effects of random variation, early writers referred to the curve as the law of error.

9.6.3   Description of the Normal Distribution                 The normal distribution is a bell-shaped, symmetrical distribution, a theoretical distribution based on a mathematical formula rather than on any empirical observations although empirical curves often look similar to this theoretical distribution. Empirical distributions usually start to look like the normal distribution after 100 or more observations. When the theoretical curve is drawn, the Y-axis is usually omitted. On the X-axis, z scores are used as the unit of measurement for the standardized norm curve with the following formula.                 Formula                 The mean, median, and the mode are the same score-the score on the X-axis at which the curve is at its peak. If a line were drawn from the peak to the mean score on the X-axis, the area under the curve to the left of the line would be half the total area-50%-leaving half the area to the right of the line. The tails of the curve are asymptotic to the X axis; that is , they never actually cross the axis but continue in both directions indefinitely with the distance between the curve and the X axis getting less and less. Although theoretically the curve never ends, it is convenient to think of (and to draw) the curve as extending from -3 to +3.                 The two inflection points in the curve are at exactly -1 and +1. An inflection point is where a curve changes from bowed down to bowed up, or vice versa.                 Curves that are not normal distributions are definitely not abnormal but simply reflect how data is distributed. The use of the word normal is meant to imply frequently found.

9.6.4   Use of the Normal Distribution                 The theoretical normal distribution is used to determine the probability of an event as the figure below illustrates showing the probabilities associated with certain areas. The web link below can calculate these areas between the mean and the z score when you plug in the mean of 0 in the box to the left of the first applet and the z score in the right box then click between for the area between the mean and the z score as the illustration below demonstrates. These probabilities are also found in tables in the back of most statistic textbooks.                 Web Normal Distribution Link                 Illustration of Normal Distribution                 Any normally distributed empirical distribution can be made to correspond to the standardized normal distribution (a theoretical distribution) by using z scores. Converting the raw scores of any empirical normal distribution to z scores will give the distribution a mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to 1.00 and that is exactly the scale used in the theoretical normal distribution. With this correspondence established, the theoretical normal distribution can be used to determine the probabilities of empirical events, whether they are IQ scores, tree diameters, or hourly wages.

9.6.5   Finding What Proportion of a Population has Scores of a Particular Size or Greater                 Convert Raw Scores to z Scores    Formula    Variables Defined  (z)=z score  =standard deviation of scores  (x)=individual raw score  =mean    Procedure  Find the difference between the raw score and the mean  Divide that difference by the standard deviation                 Find the proportion of the distribution between the mean and the z score. (This gives you the proportion from the mean)    You can look this up in the back of a statistics textbook in the table for areas under the normal curve between the mean and z    Web Reference  The web link below can calculate these areas between the mean and the z score when you plug in the mean of 0 in the box to the left of the first applet and the z score in the right box then click between for the area between the mean and the z score as the illustration below demonstrates.                 Subtract the proportion between the mean and your z score from .5000    .5000 or 50% of the curve lies to the right of the mean and the proportion you found from the reference in step #2 above is the proportion between the mean and the z score    The difference is the proportion above your z score or the percentage of scores above your raw score expected to be found.

9.6.6   Finding the Score that Separates the Population into Two Proportions                 Instead of starting with a score and calculating proportions, you can also work backward and answer questions about scores if you are given proportions. If for example you want to find a score that is required to be in the top 10% of the population follow the procedure below.                 Formula                 Variables Defined    (z)=z score    =standard deviation of scores    (x)=individual raw score    =mean                 Procedure    Find the difference between the chosen percentage and .5000. For example .5000-.1000=.4000. (If you wanted to find the z score that separates the upper 10% of the distribution from the rest.    The product of step # 1 above is used to calculate the z score for the above equation. To find the z score use the use tables in a stats textbook in the table for areas under the normal curve between the mean and z. Look up the difference in the previous step or its closest approximation and find the z score associated to plug into the equation above. You can also use the web reference below to find the z score   Web Reference     The Web reference below 2nd applet gives you the z score to be used in the equation above. Pug in a mean of 0 and SD (Standard Deviation) of 1, put in the percentage in decimals (eg .10=10%, .20=20%) into the shaded area box, and click the above button to obtain the z score you can use in the above equation.    Plug the z score found in step # 2 above into the equation above to find the raw score which separates the two proportions.

9.6.7   Finding the Proportion of the Population between Two Scores                 Convert Scores to Z scores    Formula    Variables Defined  (z)=z score  =standard deviation of scores  (x)=individual raw score  =mean    Procedure  Find the difference between the raw score and the mean  Divide that difference by the standard deviation                 Find the proportion of the distribution between the mean and the z score. (This gives you the proportion from the mean) for each of the z scores above.    You can look this up in the back of a statistics textbook in the table for areas under the normal curve between the mean and z    Web Reference  The web link below can calculate these areas between the mean and the z score when you plug in the mean of 0 in the box to the left of the first applet and the z score in the right box then click between for the area between the mean and the z score as the illustration below demonstrates.                 Add the proportions to find the Proportion of the Population between Two Scores

9.6.8   Finding the Extreme Scores in a Population                 This section outlines how to find extreme scores that divide the population into a percentage at each tail of the distribution.                 Formula                 Variables Defined    (z)=z score    =standard deviation of scores    (x)=individual raw score    =mean                 Procedure    Divide the percentage by 2    Find the difference between .5000 and the halved percentage    Find the z score from the previous step    Plug the z score into the above equation

9.7   Comparison of Theoretical and Empirical Answers

9.7.1   The accuracy of predictions based on a normal theoretical distribution will depend on how representative the empirical sample as discussed in the next section

10      Samples and Sampling Distributions

10.1 Introduction

10.1.1            An understanding of sampling distributions requires an understanding of samples. A sample, of course, is some part of the whole thing; in statistics the “whole thing” is a population. The population is always the thing of interest; a sample is used only to estimate what the population is like. One obvious problem is to get samples that are representative of the population.

10.1.2            Samples that are random have the best chance of being representative and a sampling distribution can tell you how much faith (probability-wise) you can put in results based on a random sample.

10.1.3            Population             Population means all the members of a specified group. Sometimes the population is one that could actually be measured, given plenty of time and money. Sometimes, however, such measurements are logically impossible. Inferential statistics are used when it is not possible or practical to measure an entire population.             So, using samples and the methods of inferential statistic can make decisions about immeasurable populations. Unfortunately, there is some peril in this. Samples are variable, changeable things. Each one produces a different statistic. How can you be sure that the sample you draw will produce a statistic that will lead to a correct decision about the population? Unfortunately, you cannot be absolutely sure. To draw a sample is to agree to accept some uncertainty about the results. However it is possible to measure this uncertainty. If a great deal of uncertainty exists, the sensible thing to do is suspend judgment. On the other hand, if there is very little uncertainty, the sensible thing to do is reach a conclusion, even though there is a small risk of being wrong. Restated you must  introduce a hypothesis about a population and then, based on the results of a sample, decide that the hypothesis is reasonable or that it should be rejected.

10.2 Representative and Nonrepresentative Samples

10.2.1            Introduction             If you want to know about an unmeasurable population you have to draw a representative sample by using a method of obtaining samples that is more likely to produce a representative sample than any other method. How well a particular method works can be assessed either mathematically or empirically. For an empirical assessment, start with a population of numbers, the parameter of which can be easily calculated. The particular method of sampling is repeatedly used, and the corresponding statistic calculated for each sample. The mean of these sample statistics can then be compared with the parameter.             We will name two methods of sampling that are most likely to produce a representative sample, discuss one of them in detail, and then discuss some ways in which Nonrepresentative samples are obtained when the sampling method is biased.

10.2.2            Random Samples             A method called random sampling is commonly used to obtain a sample that is most likely to be representative of the population. Random has a technical meaning in statistics and does not mean haphazard or unplanned. A random sample in most research situations is one in which every potential sample of size N has an equal probability of being selected. To obtain a random sample, you must                  Define the population of scores                  Identify every member of the population                  Select scores in such a way that every sample has an equal probability of being chosen             Another method is to assign each score a number and use the random number generator below to pick your sample of numbers.                  Random Number Generator             We'll go through these steps with a set of real data-the self-esteem scores of 24 fifth-grade children.2 We define these 24 scores as our population. From these we will pick a random sample of seven scores.             Self Esteem Scores                      . One method of picking a random sample is to write each self-esteem score on a slip of paper, put the 24 slips in a box, jumble them around, and draw out seven. The scores on the chosen slips become a random sample. This method works fine if the slips are all the same size and there are only a few members of the population. If there are many members, this method is tedious.             Another (easier) method of getting a random sample is to use a table of random numbers, such as Table B in the Appendix. To use the table, you must first assign an identifying number to each of the 24 self-esteem scores, thus:             Random Number Assignment                              Each score has been identified with a two-digit number. Now turn to Table B and pick a row and a column in which to start. Any haphazard method will work; close your eyes and stab a place with your finger. Suppose you started at row 35, columns 70-74. Reading horizontally, the digits are 21105. Since you need only two digits to identify any member of our population, use the first two digits, 21. That identifies one score for the sample-a score of 46. From this point, you can read two-digit numbers in any direction-up, down, or sideways-but the decision should have been made before you looked at the numbers. If you had decided to go down, the next number is 33. No self-esteem score has an identifying number of 33, so skip it and go to 59, which gives you the saine problem as 33. In fact, the next five numbers are too large. The sixth number is 07, which identifies the score of 32 for the random sample. The next usable number is 13, a score of 35. Continue in this way until you arrive at the bottom. At this point, you can go in any direction. We will skip over two columns to columns 72 and 73 (you were in columns 70 and 71) and start up. The first number is 12, which identifies a score of 31. The next usable numbers are 19, 05, and 10, giving scores of 35, 42, and 24. Thus, the random sample of seven consists of the following scores: 46, 32, 35, 31, 35, 42, and 24. If Table B had produced the same identifying number twice, you would have ignored it the second time.             What is this table of random numbers? In Table B (and in any table of random lUmbers), the probability of occurrence of any digit from a to 9 at any place in the table s the same-. 10. Thus, you are just as likely to find 000 as 123 or 381. Incidentally, 'ou cannot generate random numbers out of your head. Certain sequences begin to _cur, and (unless warned) you will not include enough repetitions like 666 and 000.        Here are some hints for using a table of random numbers.              Make a check beside the identifying number of a score when it is chosen for the sample. This will help prevent duplications.              If the population is large (over 100), it is more efficient to get all the identifying numbers from the table first. As you select them, put them in some rough order. This will help prevent duplications. After you have all the identifying numbers, go to the population to select the sample.              If the population has exactly 100 members, let 00 be the identifying number for 100. In this way ,you can use two-digit identifying numbers, each one of which matches a population score. This same technique can be applied to populations of 10 or 1000 members.

10.2.3            Stratified Samples             A method called stratified sampling is another way to produce a sample that is very likely to mirror the population. It can be used when an investigator knows the numerical value of some important characteristic of the population. A stratified sample is controlled so that it reflects exactly some know characteristic of the population. Thus, in a stratified sample, not everything is left to chance.             For example, in a public opinion poll on a sensitive political issue, it is important that the sample reflect the proportions of the population who consider themselves Democrat, Republican, and Independent. The investigator draws the sample so it will reflect the proportions found in the population. The same may be done for variables such as sex, age, and socio-economic status. After stratification of the samples has been determined, sampling within each stratum is usually random.             To justify a stratified sample, the investigator must know what var9iables will affect the results and what the population characteristics are for those variables. Some times the investigator has this information (as from census data), but many times such information is just not available (as in most research situations).

10.2.4            Biased Samples             A biased sample is one that is drawn using a method that systematically underselects or overselects from certain groups within the population. Thus, in a biased sampling technique, every sample of a given size does not have an equal opportunity of being selected. With biased sampling techniques, you are much more likely to get a Nonrepresentative sample than you are with random or stratified sampling techniques.             For example, it is reasonable to conclude that some results based on mailed questionnaires are not valid, because the samples are biased since not all of the recipients will respond and those that do may be different than those that do. Therefore, the sample is biased. The probability of bias is particularly high if the questionnaire elicits feelings of pride or despair or disgust or apathy in some of the recipients.             With a nice random sample you can predict fairly accurately your chance of being wrong. If it is higher than you would like, you can reduce it by increasing sample size. With a biased sample, however, you do not have any basis for assessing your margin of error and you don’t know how much confidence to put in your predictions. You may be right or you may be very wrong. You may get generalizable results from such samples, but you cannot be sure. The search for biased samples in someone else’s research is a popular (and serious) game among researchers.

10.3 Sampling Distributions

10.3.1            Introduction             The two categories of sampling distributions are: sampling distributions in general and sampling distributions of the mean.             A sampling distribution is a frequency distribution of sample statistics. Drawing many random samples from a population and calculating a statistic on each sample could obtain a sampling distribution. These statistics would be arranged into a frequency distribution. From such a distribution you could find the probability of obtaining any particular values of the statistic.             Every sampling distribution is for a particular statistic (such as the mean, variance, correlation coefficient and so forth). In this section you will learn only about the sampling distribution of the mean. It will serve as an introduction to sampling distributions in general, some others of which you will find out about in later sections.

10.4 The Sampling Distribution of the Mean

10.4.1            Introduction             Empirical Sampling Distribution of the Mean                  An empirical sampling distribution of the mean is a frequency distribution of sample means                Every sample is drawn randomly from the same population                The sample size (N) is the same for all samples                The number of samples is very large                  Illustration                The following illustration shows 200 separate random samples, each with N=10 from a population of 24 self esteem scores. The mean of each group of 10 was calculated, and arranged in 200 sample means () into the frequency polygon. The mean (parameter of the 24 self esteem scores is 35.375. In the illustration below most of the statistics (sample means) are fai8rly good estimates of that parameter. Some of the ’s, of course, miss the mark widely; but most are pretty close. The illustration below is an empirical sampling distribution of the mean. Thus, a sampling distribution of the mean is a frequency distribution of sample means.                Empirical sampling Distribution of the Means (Frequency Distribution of sample means)                        You will never use an empirical sampling distribution of the mean in any of your calculations; you will always use theoretical ones that come from mathematical formulas. An empirical sampling distribution of the mean is easier to understand for illustration purposes.                  Central Limit Theorem                For any population of scores, regardless of form, the sampling distribution of the mean will approach a normal distribution as N (sample size) gets larger. Furthermore, the sampling distribution of the mean will have a mean equal to the  and a standard deviation equal to .                  Now you know not only that sampling distributions of the mean are normal curves but also that, if you know the population parameters  and , you can determine the parameters of the sampling distribution.                  One qualification is that the sample size (N) be large. How many does it take to make a large sample? The traditional answer is 30 or more, although, if the population itself is symmetrical, a sampling distribution of the mean will be normal with sample sizes much smaller than 30. If the population is severely skewed samples with 30 (or more) may be required.                  The mean of the sampling distribution of means will be the same as the population mean, . The standard deviation of the sampling distribution will be the standard deviation of the population () divided by the square root of the sample size.                  The Central Limit Theorem works regardless of the form of the original population. Thus, the sampling distribution of the mean of scores coming from a rectangular or bimodal population approaches normal if N is large.                  The standard deviation of any sampling distribution is called the standard error, and the mean is called the expected value. In this context, and in several others in statistics, the term error means deviations or random variation. Sometimes, error refers to a mistake, but most often it is used to indicate deviations or random variation.              In the case of the sampling distribution of the mean, we are dealing with a standard error of the mean (symbolized   and the expected value of the mean [symbolized E().Although E() is rarely encountered the standard error is commonly used. Be sure that you understand that it is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of some statistic. In this section, it is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution of the mean.              Illustration Theoretical Sampling Distribution of the Mean, N=10            Population          Mean=35.375          Standard Deviation=6.304            Sampling Distribution of the Mean for N=10          Mean=35.375          Standard Deviation=6.304/ =1.993            Illustration         

10.4.2            Use of a Sampling Distribution of the Mean             Since the sampling distribution of the mean is a normal curve, you can apply what you learned in the last chapter about normally distributed scores to questions about sample means. In the above illustration notice the question mark points to the area below a mean of 32 of sample means and asks what proportion of sample mean scores would fall below that score. First you would find the standard error of the mean, then the z score which allows you to determine the proportion.             Standard error of the mean Formula                      Procedure                  Divide the standard deviation of the population by the square root of the number of the sample size.             (z) score Formula                      Variables Defined                  =Standard error of the mean                  *=Mean of the sample                  =Mean of the population                  z=z score             Procedure                  Find the difference between the population mean and the sample mean                  Divide the difference found in the previous step by the standard error of the mean to determine the z score.                  Find the proportion associated with the z score of the previous step with the Web link below                  Web Reference                Using the web reference below, click the below button and type in your z score to find the proportion of scores which fall below that score. Likewise knowing the z score you could find scores between the z score and the mean or any other combination by clicking the appropriate button and inserting your z score.             Using the Illustration Theoretical Sampling Distribution of the Mean (above) with a z score of 1.993, you would expect a proportion of .0455 of the means to be less than 32. We can check this prediction by determining the proportion of those 200 random samples that had means of 32 or less. By checking the frequency distribution from which the theoretical sampling distribution was drawn (Empirical sampling Distribution of the Means (Frequency Distribution of sample means)) (see above) we found the empirical proportion to be .0400. Missing by ½ of 1 percent isn’t bad, and once again, you find that a theoretical normal distribution predicts an actual empirical proportion quite nicely.             What effect does sample size have on a sampling distribution? When the sample size (N) becomes larger  will become smaller. See the equation above and illustration below. This illustration shows some sampling distributions of the mean based on the population of 24 self-esteem scores. The sample sizes are 3, 5, 20, 20. A sample mean of 39 is included in all four figures as a reference point. Notice that, as  becomes smaller, a sample mean of 39 becomes a rarer and rarer event. The good investigator, with an experiment to do, will keep in mind what we have just demonstrated about the effect of sample size on the sampling distribution and will use reasonably large samples.                  Illustration Sampling distributions of the mean for four different sample sizes. All samples are drawn from the same population. Note how a sample mean of 39 becomes rarer and rarer as  becomes smaller.               

10.5 Calculating a Sampling Distribution when Parameters are not Available

10.5.1            Introduction             All of the foregoing information is based on the assumption that you have the population parameters, and, as you know, that is seldom the case. Fortunately, with a little modification of the formula and no modification of logic, the random sample you learned to draw can be used for estimating the population parameters.             When you have only a sample standard deviation with which to estimate the standard error of the mean, the formula is the following             The statistic s is an estimate of , and  is required for use of the normal curve. The larger the sample size, the more reliable s is. As a practical matter, s is considered reliable enough if N is  30. As a technical matter, the normal curve is only appropriate when you know  and .

10.5.2            Standard Error of the Mean Estimated from a sample             Formula                  s =s/*             Variables Defined                  s=standard error of the mean estimated from a sample                  s=standard deviation of a sample                  N=sample size             Procedure                  Divide s by the square root of N to find s.

10.6 Confidence Intervals

10.6.1            Introduction             Mathematical statisticians identify two different types of decision-making processes as statistical inference. The first process is called hypothesis testing, and the second is called estimation. Hypothesis testing means to hypothesize a value for a parameter, compare (or test) the parameter with an empirical statistic, and decide whether the parameter is reasonable. Hypothesis testing is just what you have been doing so far in this chapter. Hypothesis testing is the more popular technique of statistical inference.             The other kind of inferential statistics, estimation, can take two forms-parameter estimation and confidence intervals. Parameter estimation means that one particular point is estimated to be the parameter of the population. A confidence interval is a range of values bounded by a lower and an upper limit. The interval is expected, with a certain degree of confidence, to contain the parameter. These confidence intervals are based on sampling distributions.

10.6.2            The Concept of a Confidence Interval             A confidence interval is simply a range of values with a lower and an upper limit. With a certain degree of confidence (usually 95% or 99%), you can state that the two limits contain the parameter. The following example shows how the size of the interval and the degree of confidence are directly related (that is, as one increases the other increases also).             A sampling distribution can be used to establish both confidence and the interval. The result is a lower and an upper limit for the unknown population parameter.             Here is the rationale for confidence intervals. Suppose you define a population of scores. A random sample is drawn and the mean () calculated. Using this mean (and the techniques described in the next section), a statistic called a confidence interval is calculated. (We will use a 95% confidence interval in this explanation.) Now, suppose that from this population many more random samples are drawn and a 95% confidence interval calculated for each. For most of the samples,  will be close to  and  will fall within the confidence interval. Occasionally, of course, a sample will produce an  far from  and the confidence interval about   will not contain . The method is such, however, that the probability of these rare events can be measured and held to an acceptable minimum like 5%. The result of all this is a method that produces confidence intervals, 95% which contain .             In real life situation, you draw one sample and calculate one interval. You do not know whether or not  lies between the two limits, but the method you have used makes you 95% confident that it does.

10.6.3            Calculating the Limits of a Confidence Interval             Introduction                  Having drawn a random sample and calculated the mean and standard error, the Upper and Lower limit confidence Interval may be calculated.                  The term confidence level is used for problems of estimation, such as confidence intervals, and the term significance level is used for problems of hypothesis testing.             Formulas                  s =s/*                  LL=-z*( s)                  UL=+z*( s)             Variables Defined                  s=standard error of the mean estimated from a sample                  s=standard deviation of a sample                  N=sample size                  *=Mean of the sample                  z=z score (1.96=95% 2.58 =99%)             Procedure                  Standard error of the mean estimated from a sample s                Divide s by the square root of N to find s.                  Lower Limit                Multiply the z score (based on the confidence interval you want (1.96=95% 2.58 =99%)) by s                Find the difference between * and the product of the previous step to determine the lower limit score                  Upper Limit                Multiply the z score (based on the confidence interval you want (1.96=95% 2.58 =99%)) by s                Find the sum of the * and the product of the previous step to determine the upper limit score

10.7 Other Sampling Distributions

10.7.1            Introduction             Now you have been introduced to the sampling distribution of the mean. The mean is clearly the most popular statistic among researchers. There are times, however, when the statistic necessary to answer a researcher’s question is not the mean. For example, to find the degree of relationship between two variables, you need a correlation coefficient. To determine whether a treatment causes more variable responses, you need a standard deviation. Proportions are commonly used statistics. In each of these cases (and indeed, for any statistic), the basic hypothesis testing procedure you have just learned is often used by researchers.             Procedure                  Hypothesize a population parameter                  Draw a random sample and calculate a statistic                  Compare the statistic with a sampling distribution of that statistic and decide whether such a sample statistic is likely if the hypothesized population parameter is true             There are sampling distributions for statistics other than the mean such as the t distribution. In addition, some statistics have sampling distributions that are normal, thus allowing you to use the familiar normal curve.             Along with every sampling distribution comes a standard error. Just as every statistic has its sampling distribution, every statistic has its standard error. For example, the standard error of the median is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the median. The standard error of the variance is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the variance. Worst of all, the standard error of the standard deviation is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the standard deviation. If you followed that sentence, you probably understand the concept of standard error quite well.             The main points we want to emphasize are that statistics are variable things, that a picture of that variety is a sampling distribution, and that a sampling distribution can be used to obtain probability figures.

10.8 A Taste of Reality

10.8.1            Introduction             The techniques of inferential statistics that you are learning in this book are based on the assumption that a random sample has been drawn. But how often do you find random samples in actual data analysis? Seldom. However, there are two justifications for the continued use of non-random samples.             In the first place, every experiment is an exercise in practicality. Any investigator has a limited amount of time, money, equipment, and personnel to draw upon. Usually, a truly random sample of a large population is just not practical, so the experimenter tries to obtain a representative sample, being careful to balance or eliminate as many sources of bias as possible.             In the second place, the only real test of generalizability is empirical-that is finding out whether the results based on a sample are also true for other samples. This kind of check-up is practiced continually. Usually, the results based on samples that are unsystematic (but not random) are true for other samples from the same population.             Both of these justifications develop a very hollow ring, however, if someone demonstrates that one of your samples is biased and that a representative sample proves your conclusions false.

11      Differences between Means

11.1 Introduction

11.1.1            One of the best things about statistics is that it helps you to understand experiments and the experimental method. The experimental method is probably the most powerful method we have of finding out about natural phenomena. Few ifs, ands, or buts or other qualifiers need to be attached to conclusions based on results from a sound experiment.

11.1.2            The sections below will discuss the simplest kind of experiment and then show how the statistical techniques you have learned about sampling distributions can be expanded to answer research questions.

11.2 A Short Lesson on How to Design An Experiment

11.2.1            The basic ideas underlying a simple two-group experiment are not very complicated             The logic of an experiment                  Start with two equivalent groups and treat them exactly alike except for one thing. Then measure both groups and attribute any difference between the two to the one way in which they were treated differently.             The above summary of an experiment is described more fully in the table below

11.2.2            Illustration Summary of simple Experiment Table 8-1            

11.2.3            The fundamental question of the experiment outlined above is “What is the effect of Treatment A on a person’s ability to perform Task Q” In more formal terms, the question is “For Task Q scores, is the mean of the population of those who have had Treatment A different from the mean of the population of those who have not had Treatment A?” This experiment has an independent variable with two levels (Treatment A or no Treatment A) and a dependent variable (scores on Task Q). A population of subjects is defined and two random samples are drawn.             An equivalent statement is that there are two populations to begin with and that the two population means are equal. On random sample is then drawn from each population. Actually, when two samples are drawn from on population, the correct procedure is to randomly assign each subject to a group immediately after it is drawn from the population. This procedure continues until both groups are filled.

11.2.4            These random samples are both representative of the population and (approximately) equivalent to each other. Treatment A is then administered to one group (commonly called the experimental group) but not to the other group (commonly called the control group). Except for Treatment A, both groups are treated exactly the same way. That is, extraneous variables are held constant or balanced out for the two groups. Both groups perform Task Q and the mean score for each group is calculated. The two sample means almost surely will differ. The question now is whether this observed difference is due to sampling variation (a chance difference) or to Treatment A. You can answer this question by using the techniques of inferential statistics. (See illustration above) In the above example the word treatment refers to different levels of the independent variable. The illustrations experiment had two treatments.

11.2.5            In some experimental designs, subjects are assigned to treatments by the experimenter, in others, the experimenter uses a group of subjects who have already been “treated” 9for example, being males or being children of authoritarian parents). In either of these designs, the methods of inferential statistics are the same, although the interpretation of the first kind of experiment is usually less open to attack.             This issue is discussed more fully in Research Design and Methodology textbooks.

11.2.6            Inferential statistics are used to help you decide whether or not a difference between sample means should be attributed to chance.

11.3 The Logic of Inferential Statistics (The rationale for using the null hypothesis)

11.3.1            A decision must be made about the population of those given Treatment A, but is must be made on the basis of sample data. Accept from the start that because of your decision to use samples, you can never know for sure whether or not Treatment A has an effect. Nothing is ever proved through the use of inferential statistics. You can only state probabilities, which are never exactly one or zero. The decision-making goes like this. In a well-designed two-group experiment, all the imaginable results can be reduced to two possible outcomes: either Treatment A has an effect or it does not. Make a tentative assumption that Treatment A does not have an effect and then, using the results of the experiment for guidance, find out how probable it is that the assumption is correct. If it is not very probable, rule it out and say that Treatment A has an effect. If the assumption is probable, you are back where you began: you have the same two possibilities you started with. (Negative inference)

11.3.2            Putting this into the language of an experiment. Begin with two logical possibilities, a and b             Treatment A did not have an effect. That is , the mean of the population of scores of those who received Treatment A is equal to the mean of the population of scores of those who did not receive Treatment A, and thus the difference between population means is zero. This possibility is symbolized H0 (pronounced “H sub oh”).             Treatment A did have an effect. That is, the mean of the population of scores of those who received Treatment a is not equal to the mean of the population of scores of those who did not receive Treatment A. This possibility is symbolized H1 (pronounced “H sub one”).

11.3.3            Tentatively assume that Treatment A had no effect (that is, assume H0). If H0 is true, the two random samples should be alike except for the usual variations in samples. Thus, the difference in the sample means is tentatively assumed to be due to chance.

11.3.4            Determine the sampling distribution for these differences in sample means. This sampling distribution gives you an idea of the differences you can expect if only chance is at work.

11.3.5            By subtraction, obtain the actural difference between the experimental group mean and the control group mean.

11.3.6            Compare the difference obtained to the differences expected (from Step 3) and conclude that the difference obtained was:             Expected. Differences of this size are very probable just by chance, and the most reasonable conclusion is that the difference between the experimental group and the control group may be attributed to chance. Thus, retain both possibilities in Step 1.             Unexpected. Differences of this size are highly improbable, and the most reasonable conclusion is that the difference between the experimental group and the control group is due to something besides chance. Thus, reject H0 (possibility a in Step 1) and accept H1 (possibility b); that is, conclude that Treatment A had an effect.

11.3.7            The basic idea is to assume that there is no difference between the two population means and then let the data tell you whether the assumption is reasonable. If the assumption is not reasonable, you are left with only one alternative: the populations have different means.

11.3.8            The assumption of no difference is so common in statistics that it has a name: the null hypothesis, symbolized, as you have already learned, H0. The null hypothesis is often stated in formal terms:             H0: 1 -2 =0             H0: 1=2

11.3.9            That is, the null hypothesis states that the mean of one population is equal to the mean of a second population.             Actually, the concept of the null hypothesis is broader than simply the assumption of no difference although that is the only version used in this section. Under some circumstances, a difference other thatn zero might be the hypothesis tested.

11.3.10      H1 is referred to as an alternative hypothesis. Actually, there are an infinite number of alternative hypotheses-that is, the existence of any difference other than zero. In practice, however, it is usual to choose one of three possible alternative hypotheses before the data are gathered:        H1: 1 2              In the example of the simple experiment, this hypothesis states that Treatment A had an effect, without stating whether the treatment improves or disrupts performance on Task Q. Most of the problems in this section use this H1 as the alternative to H0. If you reject H0 and accept this H1, you must examine the means and decide whether Treatment A facilitated or disrupted performance on Task Q.        H1: 1 >2              The hypothesis states that Treatment A improves performance on Task Q.        H1: 1 <2              The hypothesis states that Treatment A disrupts performance on Task Q.

11.3.11      The null hypothesis is proposed and this proposal may meet with one of two fates at the hands of the data. The null hypothesis may be rejected, which allows you to accept an alternative hypothesis. Or it may be retained. If it is retained, it is not proved as true; it is simply retained as one among many possibilities.

11.3.12      Perhaps an analogy will help with this distinction about terminology. Suppose a masked man has burglarised a house and stolen all the silver. There are two suspects,H1 and H0. The lawyer for H0 tries to establish beyond reasonable doubt that her client was out of state during the time of the robbery. If she can do this, it will exonerate H0 (H0 will be rejected, leaving only H1 as a suspect). However, if she cannot establish this, the situation will revert to its original state: H1 or H0 could have stolen the silver away, and both are retained as suspects. So the null hypothesis can be rejected or retained but it can never be proved with certainty to be true or false by using the methods of inferential statistics. Statisticians are usually very careful with words. That is probably because they are used to mathematical symbols, which are very precise. Regardless of the reason, this distinction between retained and proved although subtle, is important.

11.4 Sampling Distribution of a Difference Between Means

11.4.1            A difference is simply the answer in a subtraction problem. As explained in the section on the logic of inferential statistics, the difference that is of interest is the difference between two means. You evaluate the obtained difference by comparing it with a sampling distribution of differences between means (often called a sampling distribution of mean differences).

11.4.2            Recall that a sampling distribution is a frequency distribution of sample statistics, all calculated from samples of the same size drawn from the same population; the standard deviation of that frequency distribution is called a standard error. Precisely the same logic holds for a sampling distribution of differences between means.

11.4.3            We can best explain a sampling distribution of differences between means by describing the procedure for generating an empirical sampling distribution of mean differences. Define a population of scores. Randomly draw two samples, calculate the mean of each, and subtract the second mean from the first. Do this many times and then arrange all the differences into a frequency distribution. Such a distribution will consist of a number of scores, each of which is a difference between two sample means. Think carefully about the mean of the sampling distribution of mean differences. Stop reading and decide what the numerical value of this mean will be. The mean of a sampling distribution of mean differences is zero because, on the average, the sample means will be close to , and the differences will be close to zero. These small positive and negative differences will then cancel each other out.

11.4.4            This sampling distribution of mean differences has a standard deviation called the standard error of a difference between means.

11.4.5            In many experiments, it is obvious thaqt there are two populations to begin with. The question, however, is whether they are equal on the dependent variable. To generate a sampling distribution of differences between means in this case, assume that , on the dependent variable, the two population have the same mean, standard deviation, and form (shape of the distribution), Then draw one sample from each population, calculate the means, and subtract one from the other. Continue this many times. Arrange the differences between sample means into a frequency distribution.

11.4.6            The sampling distributions of differences between means that you will use will be theoretical distributions, not the empirical ones we described in the last two paragraphs. However, a description of the procedures for an empirical distribution, which is what we’ve just given, is usually easier to understand in the beginning.

11.4.7            Two things about a sampling distribution of mean differences are constant: the mean and the form. The mean is zero, and the form is normal if the sample means are based on large samples. Again the traditional answer to the question “What is a large sample?” is “30 or more.”

11.4.8            Example Experiment             The question of this experiment was “Are the racial attitudes of 9th graders different from those of 12th graders?” The null hypothesis was that the population means were equal (H0: 1=2). The alternative hypothesis was that they were not equal (H1: 1 2). The subjects in this experiment were 9th and 12th grade black and white students who expressed their attitudes about persons of their own sex but different race. Higher scores represent more positive attitudes. The table below shows the summary data. As you can quickly calculate from the first table below the obtained mean difference between samples of 9th and 12th graders is 4.10. Now a decision must be made. Should this difference in samples be ascribed to chance (retain H0; there is no difference between the population means)? Or should we say that such a difference is so unlikely that it is due not to chance but to the different characteristics of 9th and 12th grade students (reject H0 and accept H1; there is a difference between the populations)? Using a sampling distribution of mean differences (see 2nd illustration below, a decision can be made.             Data from an experiment that compared the racial attitudes of 9th and 12th grad students                      Sampling distribution from the racial attitudes study. It is based on chance and shows z scores, probabilities of those z scores, and differences between sample means.(Sampling Distribution Of Differences Between Means)                      The second illustration above shows a sampling distribution of differences between means that is based on the assumption that there are no population differences between 9th and 12th graders-that is, that the true difference between the population means is zero.. The figure is a normal curve that shows you z scores, possible differences between sample means in the racial attitudes study, and probabilities associated with those z scores and difference scores. Our obtained difference, 4.10, is not even shown on the distribution. Such events are very rare if only chance is at work. From the Figure you can see that a difference of 3.96 or more would be expected five times in 10,000 (.0005). Since a difference of –3.96 or greater also has a probability of .0005, we can add the two probabilities together to get .001. Since our difference was 4.10 (less probable than 3.96), we can conclude that the probability of a difference of 4.10 being due to chance is less than .001. This probability is very small, indeed, and it seems reasonable to rule out chance; that is, to reject H0 and, thus, accept H1. By examining the means of the two groups in table two above we can write a conclusion using the terms in the experiment. “Twelfth graders have more positive attitudes toward people of their own sex, but different race than do ninth graders.”

11.5 A Problem and Its Accepted Solution

11.5.1            The probability that populations of 9th and 12th grade attitude scores are the same was so small (p< .001) that it was easy to rule out chance as an explanation for the difference. But what if that probability had been .01, or .05, or .25, or .50? How to divide this continuum into a group of events that is “ due to chance” and another that is “not due to chance”-that is the problem.

11.5.2            It is probably clear to you that whatever solution is adopted will appear to be an arbitrary one. Breaking any continuum into two parts will leave you uncomfortable about the events close to either side of the break. Nevertheless, a solution does exist.

11.5.3            The generally accepted solution is to say that the .05 level of probability is the cut-off between “ due to chance” and “ not due to chance.” The name of the cut-off point that separates “ due to chance” and “not due to chance” is the level of significance. If an event has a probability of .05 or less (for example, p=.03, p=.01, or p=.001), H0 is rejected, and the event is considered significant ( not due to chance). If an event has a probability of .051 or greater (for example, p=.06, p=.50, or p=.99), H0 is retained, and the event is considered not significant (may be due to chance). Here, the word significant is not synonymous with “important.” A significant event in statistics is one that is not ascribed to chance.

11.5.4            The area  of the sampling distribution that covers the events that are “not due to chance” is called the critical region. If an event falls in the critical region, H0 is rejected. The figure above identifies the critical region for the .05 level of significance. As you can see, the difference in means between 9th and 12th grade racial attitudes (4.10) falls in the critical region, so H0 should be rejected.

11.5.5            Although widely adopted, the .05 level of significance is not universal. Some investigators use the .01 level in their research. When the .01 level is used and H1: 1 2, the critical region consists of .005 in each tail of the sampling distribution. In the figure above differences greater than –3.10 or 3.10 are required in order to reject H0 at the .01 level.

11.5.6            In textbooks, a lot of lip service is paid to the .05 level of significance as the cont off point for decision making. In actual research, the practice is to run the experiment and report any significant differences at the smallest correct probability value. Thus, in the same report, some differences may be reported as significant at the .001 level, some at the .01 level, and some at the .05 level. At present, it is uncommon to report probabilities greater than .05 as significant, although some researcher argue that the.10 or even the .20 level may be justified in certain situations.

11.6 How to Construct A Sampling Distribution of Differences Between Means

11.6.1            You already know two important characteristics of a sampling distribution of differences between means. The mean is 0, and the form is normal. When we constructed the illustration above of the sampling distribution of differences between the racial attitudes of 9th and 12th graders, we used the normal curve table and a form of the familiar z score.

11.6.2            General Formula             The formula in the text is the “working model” of the more general Formula. Since our null hypothesis is that 1-2=0-, the term in parentheses on the right is 0, leaving you with the “working model.” This more general formula is of a form you have seen before and will see again: the difference between a statistic (*1-*2) and a parameter (1-2) divided by the standard error of the statistic.             General Formula                      Working (Model) Formula (z Score For Observed Mean Difference)                      Formula Standard Error of Mean                  s =s/*             Formula Standard Error of Difference                      Formula Difference between Sample Means Associated with each z Score                      Variables Defined                  (z)=z score for the observed mean difference                  *1=Mean of one sample                  *2=mean of a second sample                  =standard error of a difference                  s1 =Standard Error of the mean of Sample 1                  s2 = Standard Error of the mean of Sample 2                  (*1-*2) =Difference between Sample Means             Procedure                  Standard error of the mean estimated from a sample s                Divide s by the square root of N to find s.                  Standard Error of Difference                Square the Standard Error of the mean of Sample 1 and add it to the square of the Standard Error of the mean of Sample 2.                Find the square root of the result of the previous step to find the Standard Error of Difference                  z Score For Observed Mean Difference                Find the difference between the mean of sample 1 and the mean of sample                Divide the difference found in the previous step by the standard error of difference found in the previous section.                  Difference between Sample Means Associated with each z Score                Multiply the z score found in a stats textbook table or with the Web reference below by the standard error of a difference to determine the difference between Sample Means             Discussion                  Standard Error of Difference                When creating a Sampling Distribution Of Differences Between Means as in the illustration above (see Sampling distribution from the racial attitudes study) the tick marks at the baseline of the illustration (like the standard deviation) represents increments of the standard error of difference.                   Probability of Difference this large or Larger Occurring as a Result of Chance                The probabilities are; .25 .125 .025 .005 .0005                These probabilities are displayed in the illustration above (see Sampling distribution from the racial attitudes study) at the bottom of the chart                  Finding the z score associated with the probabilities                There are at least two ways of determining the z score associated with the above probabilities               Look up the z score in a table in the back of a stats text book. To do this you will need to subtract the probabilities above from .5000 to find the correct z score which will give you the proportions                  .25 .375 .475 .495 .4995                  Look these up in a table in the back of a sts text book to find the z scores listed below plug oin the following probability figures .25 .125 .025 .005 .0005               Using the web reference below                  Plug in the following probabilities  .25 .125 .025 .005 .0005 into the shaded area of the 3rd applet and click the above or below button                  Web Reference                  The following z scores are associated                .67 1.15 1.96 2.58 3.30                  Difference between Sample Means                These scores are placed between the z scores and probabilities (see illustration above) (see Sampling distribution from the racial attitudes study)                  z Score For Observed Mean Difference                This score is compared in the chart with the statistics in the Sampling Distribution Of Differences Between Means to determine whether the difference is significant.        Simple z score method (z Score For Observed Mean Difference ) (No Charting)              Procedure            Simply determine the z Score For Observed Mean Difference go to the 2nd applet from the web reference below, and plug in the z score to determine the proportion above the z score to determine proportion occurring by chance.             Web Reference  

11.7 An Analysis of Potential Mistakes

11.7.1            Introduction             The significance level is the probability that the null hypothesis will be rejected in error when it is true (a decision known as a Type I error). The significance of a result is also called its p-value; the smaller the p-value, the more significant the result is said to be.             At first glance, the idea of adopting a significance level of 5% seems preposterous to some who argue for greater certainty.  How about using a level of significance of one in a million, which reduces uncertainty to almost nothing. It is true that adopting the .05 level of significance leaves some room for mistaking a chance difference for a real difference. Lowering the level of significance will reduce the probability of this kind of mistake, but it increases the probability of another kind. Uncertainty about the conclusion will remain. In this section, we will discuss the two kinds of mistakes that are possible. You will be able to pick up some hints on reducing uncertainty, but if you agree to draw a sample, you agree to accept some uncertainty about the results.             Type I Error                  Rejecting the Null Hypothesis when it is true. The probability of a Type I error is symbolized by (alpha).             Type II Error                  Accepting the Null Hypothesis when it is false. The probability of a Type II error is symbolized by  (beta)             You are already somewhat familiar with  from your study of level of significance. When the .05 level of significance is adopted, the experimenter concludes that and event with p< .05 is not due to chance. The experimenter could be wrong; if so, a Type I error has been made. The probability of a Type I error--is controlled by the level of significance you adopt.             A proper way to think of  and a Type I error is in terms of “in the long run” (see illustration above) (see Sampling distribution from the racial attitudes study) is a theoretical sampling distribution of mean differences. It is a picture of repeated sampling (that is, the long run). All those differences came from sample means that were drawn from the same population, but some differences were so large they could be expected to occur only 5 percent of the time. In an experiment, however, you have only one difference, which is based on your two sample means. If this difference is so large that you conclude that there are two populations whose means are not equal, you may have made a Type I error. However, the probability of such an error is not more than .05.             The calculation of  is a more complicated matter. For one thing, a Type II error can be committed only when the two populations have different means. Naturally, the farther apart the means are, the more likely you are to detect it, and thus the lower  is. We will discuss other factors that affect  in the last section. “How to reject the Null Hypothesis.”             The general relationship between  and  is an inverse one. As  goes down,  goes up. That is, if you insist on a larger difference between means before you call the difference nonchance, you are less likely to detect a real nonchance difference if it is small. The illustration below demonstrates this relationship.             Illustration Frequency distribution of raw scores when H0 is false                 The illustration above is a picture of two populations. Since these are populations, the “truth” is that the mean of the experimental group is four points higher than that of the control group. Such “truth” is available only in hypothetical examples in textbooks. In the real world of experimentation you do not know population parameters. This example, however, should help you understand the relation of  to . If a sample is drawn from each population, there is only one correct decision: reject H0. However, will the investigator make the correct decision? Would a difference of four be expected between sample means from Populations A and B (14-10=4)? To evaluate the probability of a difference of four, see if it falls in the critical region of the sampling distribution of mean differences, shown in the illustration below. (We arbitrarily picked this sampling distribution so we could illustrate the points below.)        Illustration Sampling distribution of differences between means from Populations A and B if H0 were true             As you can see in the illustration above, a difference of 4 score points would be expected 4.56 percent of the time. If  had been set at .05, you would correctly reject H0, since the probability of the obtained difference (.0456) is less than .05. However, if  had been set at .01, you would not reject H0, since the obtained probability (.0456) is not less than .01. Failure to reject H0 in this case is a Type II error.        At this point, we can return to our discussion of setting the significance level. The suggestion was “Why not reduce the significance level to one in a million?” From the analysis of the potential mistakes, you can answer that when you decrease , you increase . So protection from one error is traded for liability to another kind of error.        Most persons who use statistics as a tool set  (usually at .05) and let  fall where it may. The actual calculation of , although important, is beyond the scope of this discussion.

11.8 One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests

11.8.1            Introduction             Earlier, we discussed the fact that in practice it is usual to choose one of three possible alternative hypotheses before the data are gathered.                  H1: 12= This hypothesis simply says that the population means differ but makes no statement about the direction of the difference.                  H2: 1  2= Here, the hypothesis is made that the mean of the first population is greater than the mean of the second population                  H3: 1  2=The mean of the first population is smaller than the mean of the second population             So far in this section, you have been working with the first H1.You have tested the null hypothesis, 1=2, against the alternative hypothesis 12. The null hypothesis was rejected when you found large positive deviations (1>2) or large negative deviations (1<2). When  was set at .05, the .05 was divided into .025 in each tail of the sampling distribution,  as seen in the illustration below.                  Illustration                    In a similar way, you found the probability of a difference by multiplying by 2 the probability obtained from the z score. With such a test, you can reject H0 and accept either of the possible alternative hypotheses, 1  2 or 1  2. This is called a two-tailed test of significance, for reasons that should be obvious from the illustration above.             Sometimes, however, an investigator is concerned only with deviations in one direction; that is, the alternative hypothesis of interest is either 1  2 or 1  2. In either case, a one-tailed test is appropriate. The illustration below is a p;icture of the sampling distribution for a one-tailed test, for  1  2.                  Illustration                    For a one-tailed test, the critical region is all in one end of the sampling distribution. The only outcome that allows you to reject H0 is one in which 1 is so much larger than 2 that the z score is 1.65 or more. Notice in the above illustration that if you are running a one-tailed test there is no way to conclude that 1 is less than 2, even if 2 is many times the size of 1. In a one-tailed test, you are interested in only one kind of difference. One-tailed tests are usually used when an investigator knows a great deal about the particular research area or when practical reasons dictate an interest in establishing 1  2 but not 1  2.             There is some controversy about the use of one or two-tailed test. When in doubt use a two-tailed test. The decision to use a one-tailed or a two-tailed test should be made before the data are gathered.

11.9 Significant Results and Important Results

11.9.1            The word “significant” has a precise technical meaning in statistics and other meanings in other contexts.

11.9.2            A study that has statistically significant results may or may not have important results. You have to decide about the importance without the help of inferential statistics.

11.10                   How To Reject the Null Hypothesis

11.10.1      To reject H0 is to be left with only one alternative, H1, from which a conclusion can be drawn. To retain H0 is to be left up in the air. You don’t know whether the null hypothesis is really true or whether it is false and you just failed to detect it. So, if you are going to design and run an experiment, you should maximise your chances of rejecting H0. There are three factors to consider actual difference, standard error, and .

11.10.2      In order to get this discussion out of the realm of the hypothetical and into the realm of the practical, consider the following problem. Supposing you want to select a research project which seeks to reject H0. You decide to try to show that widgets are different from controls. Accept for a moment the idea that widgets are different-that H0 should be rejected. What are the factors that determine whether you will conclude from your experiment that widgets are different?        Actual Difference              The larger the actual difference between widgets and controls, the more likely you are to reject H0. There is a practical limit, though. If the difference is too large, other people will call your experiment trivial, saying that it demonstrates the obvious and that anyone can see that widgets are different. On the other hand, small differences can be difficult to detect. Pre-experiment estimations of actual differences are usually based on your own experience.        The Standard Error of a Difference              Review the formula below                You can see that as  gets smaller, z gets larger, and you are more likely to reject H0. This is true, of course, only if widgets are really different from controls. Here are two ways you can reduce the size of .            Sample Size          The larger the sample, the smaller the standard error of the difference. (See Illustration) This illustration shows that the larger the sample size, the smaller the standard error of the mean. The same relationship is true for the standard error of a difference.          Some Texts [8] show you how to calculate the sample size required to reject H0. In order to do this calculation, you must make assumptions about the size of the actual difference. Many times, the size of the sample is dictated by practical consideration-time, money, or the availability of widgets.            Sample variability          Reducing the variability in the sample will produce a smaller . You can reduce variability by using reliable measuring instruments, recording data correctly, and, in short, reducing the “noise” or random error in your experiment.        Alpha              The larger  is, the more likely you are to reject H0. The limit to this factor is your colleagues’ sneer when you report that widgets are “significantly different at the .40 level.” Everyone believes that such differences should be attributed to chance. Sometimes practical considerations may permit the use of =.10. If wegetws and controls both could be used to treat a deadly illness and both have the same side effects, but “widgets are significantly better at the .10 level,” then widgets will be used. (Also, more data will then be gathered [sample size increased] to see whether the difference between widgets and controls is reliable.)

11.10.3      We will close this section on how to reject the null hypothesis by telling you that these three factors are discussed in intermediate-level texts under the topic power. The power of a statistical test is defined as 1-. The more powerful the test, the more likely it is to detect any actual difference between widgets and controls.

12      The t Distribution and the t-Test [9]

12.1 Introduction

12.1.1            The techniques you have learned so for require the use of the normal distribution to assess probabilities. These probabilities will be accurate if you have used  in your calculations or if N is so large that s is a reliable estimate of  . In this section, you will learn about a distribution that will give you accurate probabilities when you do not know  and N is not large. The logic you have used, however, will be used again. That is, you assume the null hypothesis, draw random samples, introduce the independent variable, and calculate a mean difference on the dependent variable. If these differences cannot be attributed to chance, reject the null hypothesis and interpret the results.

12.1.2            At this point you may suspect that the normal curve is an indispensable part of modern statistical living. Up until now, in this tract, it has been. However, in the next sections you will encounter several sampling distributions, none of which is normal, but all of which can be used to determine the probability that a particular event occurred by chance. Deciding which distribution to use is not a difficult task but it does require some practise. Remember that a theoretical distribution is accurate if the assumptions on which it is based are true for the data from the experiment. By knowing the assumptions a distribution requires and the nature of your data, you can pick an appropriate distribution.

12.1.3            This section is about a theoretical distribution called the t distribution. The t is a lowercase one; capital T has entirely different meanings. The t distribution is used to find answers to the four kinds of problems listed below. The t distribution is used when  is not known and sample sizes are too small to ensure that s is a reliable estimate or . Problems 1, 2, and 4 are problems of hypothesis testing. Problem 3 requires the establishment of a confidence interval.             Did a sample with a mean  come from a population with a mean ?             Did two samples, with means 1 and 2 come from the same population?             What is the confidence interval about the difference between two sample means?             Did a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, based on sample data, come from a population with a true correlation of .00 for the two variables?

12.1.4            W. S. Gosset (1876-1937) invented the t distribution in 1908 after he was hired in 1899 by Arthur Guinness, Son & Company, a brewery in Dublin, Ireland to determine if a new strain of barley, developed by botanical scientists, had a greater yield than the old barley standard.

12.1.5            For more information, see "Gosset, W. S.," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1931-40, Lon­don: Oxford University Press, 1949, or L. McMullen & E. S. Pearson, "William Sealy Gosset, 1876­-1937," Biometrika, 1939,205-253.

12.1.6            Prohibited by the company to publish in Biometrika a journal founded in 1901 by Francis Galton, Gosset published his new mathematical statistics under the pseudonym “Student” which became known as “Student’s t.” (No one seems to know why the letter t was cho­sen. E. S. Pearson surmises that t was simply a "free letter"-that is, no one had yet used t to designate a statistic.) Since he worked for the Guinness Company all his life, Gosset continued to use the pseudonym "Student" for his publications in mathematical statistics. Gosset was very devoted to his company, working hard and rising through the ranks. He was appointed head brewer a few months before his death in 1937.

12.1.7            Gosset was confronted with the problem of gathering, in a limited amount of time, data about the brewing process. He recognized that the sample sizes were so small that s was not an accurate estimate of  and thus the normal-curve model was not appropriate. After working out the mathematics of distributions based on s, which is a statistic and, therefore, variable, rather than on , which is a parameter and, there­fore, constant, Gosset found that the theoretical distribution depended upon sample size, a different distribution for each N. These distributions make up a family of curves that have come to be called the t distribution.

12.1.8            In Gosset's work, you again see how a practical question forced the development of a statistical tool. (Remember that Francis Galton invented the concept of the correla­tion coefficient in order to assess the degree to which characteristics of fathers are­ found in their sons.) In Gosset's case, an example of a practical question was "Will this new strain of barley, developed by the botanical scientists, have a greater yield than our old standard?" Such questions were answered with data from experiments carried out on the ten farms maintained by the Guinness Company in the principal barley-growing regions of Ireland. A typical experiment might involve two one-acre plots (one planted with the old barley, one with the new) on each of the ten farms. Gosset then was confronted with ten one-acre yields for the old barley and ten for the new. Was the difference in yields due to sampling fluctuation, or was it a reliable dif­ference between the two strains? He made the decision using his newly derived t distribution.

12.1.9            We will describe some characteristics of the t distribution and then compare t with the normal distribution. The following two sections are on hypothesis testing: one section on samples that are independent of each other and one on samples that are cor­related. Next, you will use the t distribution to establish confidence intervals about a mean difference. Then you will learn the assumptions that are required if you choose to use a t test to analyse your data. Finally, you will learn how to determine whether a correlation coefficient is statistically significant. Problems 1-4, mentioned above, will be dealt with in order.

12.2 The t Distribution

12.2.1            Rather than just one t distribution, there are many t distributions. In fact, there is a t distribution for each sample size from 1 to . These different t distributions are described as having different degrees of freedom, and there is a different t distribution for each degree of freedom. Degrees of freedom is abbreviated df (which is a simple symbol; do not multiply d times f). We'll start with a definition of degrees of freedom as sample size minus 1. Thus, df = N - 1. If the sample consists of 12 members, df = 11.

12.2.2            Figure 9.1 is a picture of four of these t distributions, each based on a different number of degrees of freedom. You can see that, as the degrees of freedom become fewer, a larger proportion of the curve is contained in the tails.

12.2.3            You know from your work with the normal curve that a theoretical distribution is used to determine a probability and that, on the basis of the probability; the null-hy­pothesis is retained or rejected. You will be glad to learn that the logic of using the t distribution to make a decision is just like the logic of using the normal distribution.

12.2.4            Z Formula            

12.2.5            Recall that z is normally distributed. You probably also recall that, if z = 1. 96, the chances are only 5 in 100 that the mean  came from the population with mean .

12.2.6            Figure 9-1            

12.2.7            In a similar way, if the samples are small, you can calculate a t value from the formula

12.2.8            t Formula            

12.2.9            The number of degrees of freedom (df) determines which t distribution is appropriate, and from it you can find a t value that would be expected to occur by chance 5 times in 100. Figure 9.2 separates the t distributions of Figure 9.1. The t values in Figure 9.2 are those associated with the interval that contains 95 percent of the cases, leaving 2.5 percent in each tail. Look at each of the four curves.

12.2.10      If you looked at Figure 9.2 carefully, you may have been suspicious that the t distribution for df =  is a normal curve. It is. As df approaches the t distribution approaches the normal distribution. When df = 30, the t distribution is almost normal. Now you understand why we repeatedly cautioned, in chapters that used the normal curve, that N must be at least 30 (unless you know  or that the distribution of the population is symmetrical). Even when N = 30, the t distribution is more accurate than the normal distribution for assessing probabilities and so, in most research studies (that use samples), t is used rather than z.

12.2.11      A reasonable question now is "Where did those t values of 4.30, 2.26, 2.06, and 1.96 come from?" The answer is Table D. Table D is really a condensed version of 34 t distributions. Look at Table D and note that there are 34 different de­grees of freedom in the left-hand column.

12.2.12      Table D       

12.2.13      Across the top under “ Levels for Two-Tailed Test" you will see six selected probability figures, .20, .10, .05, .02, .01, and .001.

12.2.14      Follow the .05 column down to df = 2, 9, 25, and and you will find t values of 4.30, 2.26, 2.06, and 1.96.

12.2.15      Table D differs in several ways from the normal-curve table. In the normal-curve table, the z scores are on the margin of the table and the probability figures are in the body of the table.

12.2.16      Illustration of Normal Distribution       

12.2.17      Figure 9-2       

12.2.18      In the t-distribution table, the opposite is true; the t values are in the body of the table and the probability figures are on the top and bottom margins. Also, in the normal-curve table, you can find the exact probability of any z score; in Table D, the exact probability is given for only six t values. These six are commonly chosen as  levels by experimenters. Finally, if you wish to conduct a one-tailed test, use the probability figures shown under that heading at the bottom of Table D. Note that the probability figures are one-half those for a two-tailed test. You might draw a t distribu­tion, put in values for a two-tailed test, and see for yourself that reducing the probability figure by one-half is appropriate for a one-tailed test.

12.2.19      As a general rule, researchers run two-tailed tests. If a one-tailed test is used, a justification is usually given. In this text we will routinely use two-tailed tests.

12.2.20                We'll use student's t distribution to decide whether a particular sample mean came from a particular population.

12.2.21      A Belgian, Adolphe Quetelet ('Ka-tle) (1796-1874), is regarded as the first per­son to recognize that social and biological measurements may be distributed according to the "normal law of error" (the normal distribution). Quetelet made this discovery while developing actuarial (life expectancy) tables for a Brussels life insurance company. Later, he began making anthropometric (body) measurements and, in 1836, he developed Quetelet's Index (QI), a ratio in which weight in grams was divided by height in centimetres. This index was supposed to permit evaluation of a person's nutri­tional status: very large numbers indicated obesity and very small numbers indicated starvation.

12.2.22      Suppose a present-day anthropologist read that Quetelet had found a mean QI value of 375 on the entire population of French army conscripts. No standard deviation was given because it had not yet been invented. Our anthropologist, wondering if there has been a change during the last hundred years, obtains a random sample of 20 present­ day Frenchmen who have just been inducted into the Army. She finds a mean of 400 and a standard deviation of 60. One now familiar question remains, "Should this mean increase of 25 QI points be attributed to chance or not?" To answer this question, we will perform a t test. As usual, we will require p  .05 to reject chance as an explanation.

12.2.23      t Formula Logic       

12.2.24      Upon looking in Table D under the column for a two-tailed test with  = .05 at the row for 19 df, you'll find a t value of 2.09. Our anthropologist's t is less than 2.09 so the null hypothesis should be retained and the difference between present-day sol­diers and those of old should be attributed to chance.

12.2.25      Quetelet's Index is not currently used by anthropologists. There were several later attempts to develop a more reliable index of nutrition and most of those attempts were successful. Some of Quetelet's ideas are still around, though. For example, it was from Quetelet, it seems, that Francis Galton got the idea that the phenomenon of genius could be treated mathematically, an idea that led to correlation. (Galton seems to turn up in many stories about important concepts.)

12.3 Degrees of Freedom

12.3.1            Summary             The number of degrees of freedom is always equal to the number of observations minus the number of necessary relations obtaining among these observations OR The number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of original observations minus the number of parameters estimated from the observations

12.3.2            You have been determining “degrees of freedom" by a rule-of-thumb technique: N - 1. Now it is time for us to explain the concept more thoroughly, in order to pre­pare you for statistical techniques in which df N - 1.

12.3.3            It is somewhat difficult to obtain an intuitive understanding of the concept of de­grees of freedom without the use of mathematics. If the following explanation leaves you scratching your head, you might read Helen Walker's [10] excellent article in the Jour­nal of Educational Psychology (Walker, 1940).

12.3.4            The freedom in degrees of freedom refers to freedom of a number to have any possible value. If you were asked to pick two numbers, and there were no restrictions, both numbers would be free to vary (take any value) and you would have two degrees of freedom. If, however, a restriction is imposed-namely, that X = 20-one de­gree of freedom is lost because of that restriction. That is, when you now pick the two numbers, only one of them is free to vary. As an example, if you choose 3 for the first number, the second number must be 17. The second number is not free to vary, because of the restriction that X = 20.

12.3.5            In a similar way, if you were to pick five numbers, with a restriction that X = 20, you would have four degrees of freedom. Once four num­bers are chosen (say, -5,3, 16, and 8), the last number (-2) is determined.

12.3.6            The restriction that X = 20 may seem to you to be an "out-of-the-blue" example and unrelated to your earlier work in statistics; in a way it is, but some of the statistics you have calculated have had a similar restriction built in. For example, when you found s, as required in the formula for t, you used some algebraic version of

12.3.7            Formula Standard Error of Mean for a Sample            

12.3.8            The restriction that is built in is that  (X - X) is always zero and, in order to meet that requirement, one of the X's is determined. All X's are free to vary except one, and the degrees of freedom for s is N - 1. Thus, for the problem of using the t distribution to determine whether a sample came from a population with a mean , df = N - 1. Walker (1940) summarizes the reasoning above by stating: "A universal rule holds: The number of degrees of freedom is always equal to the number of observations minus the number of necessary relations obtaining among these observations. " A necessary relationship for s is that  (X - X) = O. Another way of stating this rule is that the number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of original observations minus the number of parameters estimated from the observations. In the case of s, one degree of freedom is subtracted because  is used as an estimate of .

12.4 Independent-Samples and Correlated-Samples Designs

12.4.1            Now we switch from the question of whether a sample came from a population with a mean, , to the more common question of whether two samples came from populations with identical means. That is, the mean of one group is compared with the mean of another group, and the difference is attributed to chance (null hypothesis re­tained) or to a treatment (null hypothesis rejected).

12.4.2            However there are two kinds of two-groups designs. With an independent­ samples design, the subjects serve in only one of the two groups, and there is no reason to believe that there is any correlation between the scores of the two groups. With a correlated-samples design, there is a correlational relationship between the scores of the two groups. The difference between these designs is important because the calcula­tion of the t value for independent samples is different from the calculation for corre­lated samples. You may not be able to tell which design has been used just by looking at the numbers; instead, you must be able to identify the design from the description of the procedures in the experiment. The design dictates which formula for t to use. The purpose of both designs, however, is to determine the probability that the two samples have a common population mean.

12.4.3            Clue to the Future             Most of the rest of this chapter is organized around independent-samples and correlated-samples designs. Three-fourths of Chapter 15 (Nonparametric Statistics) is also organized around these "two designs. In Chapters 12 (Analysis of Variance: One-Way Classification) and 13 (Analysis of Variance: Factorial Design), though, the procedures you will learn are appropriate only for independent samples.

12.4.4            Correlated-samples experiments are designed so that there are pairs of scores. One member of the pair is in one group, and the other member is in the second group. For example, you might ask whether fathers are shorter than their sons (or more reli­gious, or more racially prejudiced, or whatever).

12.4.5            Table 9-1            

12.4.6            Table 9-2            

12.4.7            The null hypothesis is fathers = sons. In this design, there is a logical pairing of father and son scores, as seen in Table 9.1. Sometimes the researcher pairs up two subjects on some objective basis. Subjects with similar grade-point averages may be paired, and then one assigned to the experi­mental group and one to the control group. A third example of a correlated-samples design is a before-and-after experiment, with the dependent variable measured before and after the same treatment. Again, pairing is appropriate: the' 'before" score is paired with the "after" score for each individual.

12.4.8            Did you notice that Table 9.1 is the same as Table 5.1, which outlined the basic requirement for the calculation of a correlation coefficient? As you will soon see, that correlation coefficient is a part of determining whether fathers = sons.

12.4.9            In the independent-samples design, the subjects are often assigned randomly to one of the two groups, and there is no logical reason to pair a score in one group with a score in the other group. The independent-samples design corresponds to the experi­mental design outlined in Table 8.1. An example of an independent-samples design is shown in Table 9.2. The null hypothesis to be tested is experimental = control.

12.4.10      Both of these designs utilize random sampling, but, with an independent-samples design, the subjects are randomly selected from a population of individuals. In a corre­lated-samples design, pairs are randomly selected from a population of pairs.

12.5 Using the t Distribution for Independent Samples

12.5.1            The experiments in this section are similar to those in Chapter 10, except that now you are confronted with data for which the normal curve is not appropriate because N is too small. As before, the two samples are independent of each other. "Independent" means that there is no relationship between the groups before the independent variable is introduced. Independence is often achieved by random assignment of subjects to one or the other of the groups. Some textbooks express this lack of relationship by calling this design a "noncorrelated design" or an "uncorrelated design. "

12.5.2            Using the t distribution to test a hypothesis is very similar to using the normal distribution. The null hypothesis is that the two populations have the same mean, and thus any difference between the two sample means is due to chance. The t distribution tells you the probability that the difference you observe is due to chance if the null hypothesis is true. You simply establish an  level, and if your observed difference is less probable than , reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the two means came from populations with different means. If your observed difference is more probable than , retain the null hypothesis. Does this sound familiar? We hope so.

12.5.3            The way to find the probability of the observed difference is to use a t test. The probability of the resulting t value can be found in Table D. For an independent-samples design, the formula for the t test is

12.5.4            Independent-samples t Test            

12.5.5       The t test, like many other statistical tests, is a ratio of a statistic over a measure of variability. 1 - 2 is a statistic and, of course, S1- 2 is a measure of variability. You have seen this basic form before and you will see it again.        .

12.5.6            Table 9.3 shows several formulas for calculating , S1- 2. Use formulas in the top half of the table when the two samples have an unequal number of scores. In the special situation where N1 = N2, the formulas simplify into those shown in the bottom half of Table 9.3. The deviation-score formulas are included in case you have to solve a problem without a calculator. If you have a calculator, you can work the problems more quickly by using the raw-score formulas.

12.5.7            The formula for degrees of freedom for independent samples is df = N1 + N2 - 2. The reasoning is as follows. For each sample, the number of degrees of freedom is N - 1, since, for each sample, (X - ) = O. Thus, the total degrees of freedom is (N1 - 1) + (N2 - 1) = N1 + N2 - 2.

12.5.8            Table 9-3            

12.5.9            Table 9-4            

12.5.10      Here is an example of an experiment in which the results were analysed with an independent-samples t test. Thirteen monkeys were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (drug) or a control group (placebo). (Monkey research is very expensive, so experiments are carried out with small N's. Thus, small­ sample statistical techniques are a must.) The experimental group (N = 7) was given the drug for eight days, while the control group (N = 6) was given a placebo (an inert substance). After eight days of injections, training began on a complex problem-solving task. Training and shots were continued for six days, after which the number of errors was tabulated. The number of errors each animal made and the t test are pre­sented in Table 9.4.

12.5.11      Figure 9-3      

12.5.12      The null hypothesis is that the drug made no difference-that the difference obtained was due just to chance. Since the N's are unequal for the two samples, the longer formula for the standard error must be used. Consulting Table D for 11 df, you'll find that a t = 2.20 is required in order to reject the null hypothesis with a = .05. Since the obtained t = -2.99, reject the null hypothesis. The final (and perhaps most important) step is to interpret the results. Since the experimental group, on the average, made fewer errors (39.71 vs. 57.33), we may conclude that the drug treatment facilitated learning. We will often express tabled t values as t.O5 (11 df) = 2.20. This gives you the critical value of t (2.20) for a particular df (11) and level of significance ( = .05).)

12.5.13      Notice that the absolute value of the obtained t ( |t| = |- 2.99 | = 2.99) is larger than the tabled t (2.20). In order to reject the null hypothesis, the absolute value of the obtained t must be as great as, or greater than, the tabled t. The larger the obtained | t I, the smaller the probability that the difference between means occurred by chance. Figure 9.3 should help you see why this is so. Notice in Figure 9.3 that, as the values of | t I become larger, less and less of the area of the curve remains in the tails of the distribution. Remember that the area under the curve is a probability.

12.5.14      Recall that we have been conducting a two-tailed test. That is, the probability figure for a particular t value is the probability of + t or larger plus the probability of - t or smaller. In Figure 9.3, t ,05 (11 df) = 2.201. This means that, if the null hypothesis is true, a t value of +2.201 would occur 2 1/2 percent of the time and a t value of -2.201 would occur 2 1/2 percent of the time.

12.5.15      If you are working these problems with paper and pencil, Table A, "Squares, Square Roots, and Reciprocals," will be an aid to you. For example, 1/7 + 1/6 is easily converted into .143 + .167 with the reciprocals column; I/N.  Adding decimals is easier than adding fractions.

12.5.16      Formulas and Procedure        Standard error of the difference between means              N1N2            Formula          Raw Score Formulas                Deviation Score Formulas                  Procedure               Variables Defined                 N1=N2            Formula          Raw Score Formulas                Deviation Score Formulas                Variables Defined          =Standard error of the difference between means            Procedure           

12.6 Using the t Distribution for Correlated Samples (Some texts use the term dependent samples instead of correlated sample)s

12.6.1            A correlated-samples design may come about in a number of ways. Fortunately, the actual arithmetic in calculating a t value is the same for any of the three correlated­ samples designs. The three types of designs are natural pairs, matched pairs, and repeated measures.

12.6.2            Natural Pairs             In a natural-pairs investigation, the experimenter does not assign the subjects to one group or the other-the pairing occurs prior to the investigation. Table 9.1 identifies one way in which natural pairs may occur-father and son. Problems 8 and 13 describe experiments utilizing natural pairs.

12.6.3            Matched Pairs             In some situations, the experimenter has control over the ways pairs are formed. Matched pairs can be formed in several ways. One way is for two subjects to be paired on the basis of similar scores on a pretest that is related to the dependent variable. For example, a hypnotic susceptibility test might be given to a group of subjects. Two examples of hypnotic suggestibility pre-tests are ;[11] [12]  Subjects with similar scores could be paired and then one member of each pair randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. The result is two groups equivalent in hypnotizability.             Another variation of matched pairs is the split-litter technique used with non­human animals. Half of a litter is assigned randomly to each group. In this way, the genetics of one group is matched with that of the other. The same technique has been used in human experiments with twins or siblings. Student's barley experiments and the experiment described in Problem 9 are examples of starting with two similar sub­jects and assigning them at random to one of two treatments.             Still another example of the matched-pairs technique is the treatment of each member of the control group according to what happens to its paired member in the experimental group. Because of the forced correspondence, this is called .a yoked­ control design. Problem 11 describes a yoked-control design.             The difference between the matched-pairs design and a natural-pairs design is that, with the matched pairs, the investigator can randomly assign one member of the pair to a treatment. In the natural-pairs design, the investigator has no control over assignment. Although the statistics are the same, the natural-pairs design is usually open to more interpretations than the matched-pairs design.

12.6.4            Repeated Measures             A third kind of correlated-samples design is called a repeated-measures design because more than one measure is taken on each subject. This design often takes the form of a before and-after experiment. A pretest is given, some treatment is adminis­tered, and a post-test is given. The mean of the scores on the post-test is compared with the mean of the scores on the pretest to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Clearly, there are two scores that should be paired: the pretest and the post-test scores of each subject. In such an experiment, each person is said to serve as his or her own control. .             All three of these methods of forming groups have one thing in common: a mean­ingful correlation may be calculated for the data. The name correlated samples comes from this fact. With a correlated-samples design, one variable is designated X, the other Y.

12.6.5            Calculating a t Value for Correlated Samples             . The formula for t when the data come from correlated samples has a familiar theme: a difference between means divided by the standard error of the difference. The standard error of the difference between means of correlated samples is symbolized *. One formula for a t test between correlated samples is                 where             =             df=N-1, where N= the number of pairs             The number of degrees of freedom in a correlated-samples case is the number of pairs minus one. Although each pair has two values, once one value is determined, the             other is restricted to a similar value. (After all, they are called correlated samples.) In addition, another degree of freedom is subtracted when  is calculated. This loss is similar to the loss of 1 df  when s is calculated.             As you can see by comparing the denominator of the correlated-samples t test with that of the t test on for independent samples (when N1 =N2), the dif­ference lies in the term 2rxy (S)(S). Of course, when rxy = 0, this term drops out of the formula, and the standard error is the same as for independent samples.             Also notice what happens to the standard-error term in the correlated-samples case where r > 0: the standard error is reduced. Such a reduction will increase the size of t. Whether this reduction will increase the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis depends on how much t is increased, since the degrees of freedom in a correlated­ samples design are fewer than in the independent-samples design.        The formula = is used only for illustration purposes. There is an algebraically equivalent but arithmetically easier calculation called the direct-difference method, which does not require you to calculate r. To find the  by the direct-difference method, find the difference between each pair of scores, calculate the standard deviation of these difference scores, and divide the standard deviation by the square root of the number of pairs.        To find a t value using the direct-difference method,        T value using Direct Difference Method             Here is an example of a correlated-samples design and a t-test analysis. Suppose you were interested in the effects of interracial contact on racial attitudes. You have a fairly reliable test of racial attitudes, in which high scores indicate more positive atti­tudes. You administer the test one Monday morning to a biracial group of fourteen 12­year-old boys who do not know each other but who have signed up for a weeklong community day camp. The campers then spend the next week taking nature walks, playing ball, eating lunch, swimming, and doing the kinds of things that camp direc­tors dream up to keep 12-year-old boys busy. On Saturday morning, the boys are again given the racial-attitude test. Thus, the data consist of 14 pairs of before-and-after scores. The null hypothesis is that the mean of the population of "before" scores .is equal to the mean of the population of "after" scores or, in terms of the specific ex­periment, that a week of interracial contact has no effect on racial attitudes.        Suppose the data in Table 9.5 were obtained. We will set = .01 and perform the analysis. Using the sum of the D and D2 columns in Table 9.5, we can find .        Table 9-5             Since t.01 (13 df) = 3.01, this difference is significant beyond the .01 level. That is, p < .01, The "after" mean was larger than the "before" mean; therefore, we may conclude that, after the week of camp, racial attitudes were significantly more positive than before.        You might note that -  = , the mean of the difference scores. In the prob­lem above, D = -8l and N = 14, so = D/N = -81i14 = -5.78.        Gosset preferred the correlated-samples design. In his agriculture experiments, he found a significant correlation between the yields of the old barley and the new barley grown on adjacent plots. This correlation reduced the standard-error term in the denominator of the t test, making the correlated-samples design more sen­sitive than the independent-samples design for detecting a difference between means.        Illustration Formulas              Formula (Illustration formula)                Variables Defined            *       =standard error of the difference between correlated means (direct-difference method)                         =            df=N-1            N=number of pairs            sor s=Standard Error of Mean (see formula below)            =Correlation between X & Y              Formula Standard Error of Mean            s =s/*              Variables Defined Standard Error of Mean            s or s=standard error of the mean of X or Y scores            s=standard deviation of a sample            N=sample size              Procedure            sor s=Standard Error of Mean          s             Determine the standard deviation of X scores             Determine the square root of the total number of scores             Divide the product of step #1 (standard deviation of X scores) by the product of step #2 (square root of the number of X scores)          s             Determine the standard deviation of Y scores             Determine the square root of the total number of scores             Divide the product of step #1 (standard deviation of Y scores) by the product of step #2 (square root of the number of Y scores)          *             Square s (multiply it by itself)             Square s (multiply it by itself)             Add Squared s to Squared s             Determine the  (Correlation between X & Y)             Multiply the  by 2             Multiply s by s             Multiply the product of step #6 (s Xs s) by the product of step #5 ( Xs 2)             Subtract the product of step #7 (( Xs 2)  Xs (s Xs s)) from the product of step #3 (Squared s + Squared s)             Obtain the square root of step #8 to obtain the * score            (t) value           Computation Formula (Direct-Difference Method)              Formula                Variables Defined            = standard error of the difference between correlated means (direct-difference method)          =            =Standard deviation of the distribution of differences between correlated scores (direct-difference method)             D=X-Y            N=Number of pairs of scores              Procedure            () Standard deviation of the distribution of differences between correlated scores (direct-difference method)          Create a column with the difference between the means. That is find the difference between each pretest and posttest  score (minus the posttest from the pretest) and put that number in a column          Create a column with the squared differences between the means. That is multiply the difference between the means by itself          Sum the column of squared differences (the column created in step 2)          Sum the column of differences (step1) and square the sum (multiply it by itself). Then divide this product by the number of score pairs.          Minus the product of the previous step (step 4) from the sum of the squared differences (step 3)          Take the number of score pairs and minus 1 from that number          Divide the product of step 5 by the product of step 6 to determine the () score            (t) Score          Find the difference between  and          Obtain the square root of the number of score pairs          Divide  by the product of step 2 to obtain the t score           

12.7 Using the t Distribution to Establish a Confidence Interval about a Mean Difference

12.7.1            Introduction             This involves using the t Distribution to establish a confidence interval about a mean difference             Establishes an upper and lower limit of the difference between the means usually with a 95% degree of confidence which would still allow for the rejection of the null hypothesis.             As you probably recall from Chapter 9 (Samples and Sampling Distributions), a confidence interval is a range of values within which a parameter is expected to be. A confidence interval is established for a specified degree of confidence, usually 95 percent or 99 percent.             In this section, you will learn how to establish a confidence interval about a mean difference. The problems here are similar to those dealt with in Chapter 9, except that                  Probabilities will be established with the t distribution rather than with the normal distribu­tion.                  2. The parameter of interest is a difference between two population means rather than a popula­tion mean.             The first point can be dispensed with rather quickly. You have already practiced using the t distribution to establish probabilities; you will use Table D in this section, too.             The second point will require a little more explanation. The questions you have been answering so far in this chapter have been hypothesis-testing questions, of the form "Does1 -2 =0?" You answered each question by drawing two samples, calculating the means, and finding the difference. If the probability of the difference was very small, the hypothesis H0: 1 -2 =0 was rejected. Suppose you have re­jected the null hypothesis but someone wants more information than that and asks, “What is the real difference between 1 and 2?" The person recognizes that the real difference is not zero but wonders what it is. You are being asked to make an esti­mate of 1 -2. You establish a confidence interval about the difference between 1 and  2 or  and , you can state with a specified degree of confidence that 1 -2  falls within the interval.

12.7.2            Confidence Intervals for Independent Samples             The sampling distribution of 1 -  2 is a t distribution with N1 + N 2 - 2 degrees of freedom. The lower and upper limits of the confidence interval about a mean difference are found with the following formulas:             Confidence Interval Upper and Lower Limits      ­             For a 95 percent confidence interval, use the t value in Table D associated with =. 05. For 99 percent confidence change  to .01.             For an example, we will use the calculations you worked up in Problem 16 on the time required to do problems on the two different brands of desk calculators. We will establish a 95 percent confidence interval about the difference found.                         As your calculations revealed,             Confidence Interval Calculation                      Thus, .65 and 2.35 are the lower and upper limits of a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean difference between the two kinds of calculators.             One of the benefits of establishing a confidence interval about a mean difference is that you also test the null hypothesis, 1 -2 =0, in the process (see Natrella, 1960)[13]. If 0 were outside the confidence interval, then the null hypothesis would be rejected using hypothesis-testing procedures. In the example we just worked, the confidence interval was .65 to 2.35 minutes; a value of 0 falls outside this interval. Thus, we can reject H0: 1 -2 =0 at the .05 level.             Sometimes, hypothesis testing is not sufficient and the extra information of con­fidence intervals is desirable. Here is one example of how this “extra information" on confidence intervals might be put to work in this calculator-purchasing problem. Sup­pose that the new brand is faster, but it is also more expensive. Is it still a better buy?        Through cost-benefit-analysis procedures, the purchasing agent can show that, given a machine life of five years, a reduction of time per problem of 1.7 minutes justifies the increased cost. If she has the confidence interval you just worked out, she can see im­mediately that such a difference in machines (1.7 minutes) is within the confidence interval. The new machines are the better buy.

12.7.3            Confidence Intervals for Correlated Samples             The sampling distribution of  -  is also a t distribution. The number of de­grees of freedom is N - 1. As in the section on hypothesis testing of correlated samples, N is the number of pairs of scores. The lower and upper limits of the confidence inter­val about a mean difference between correlated samples are             Confidence Interval Correlated Samples                      A word of caution is appropriate here. For confidence intervals for either independent or correlated samples, use a t value from Table D, not one calculated from the data.             The interpretation of a confidence interval about a difference between means is very similar to the interpretation you made of confidence intervals about a sample mean. Again, the method is such that repeated sampling from two populations will pro­duce a series of confidence intervals, 95 (or 99) percent of which will contain the true difference between the population means. You have sampled only once so the proper interpretation is that you are 95 (or 99) percent confident that the true difference falls between your lower and upper limits. It would probably be helpful to you to reread the material on interpreting a confidence interval about a mean, (Confidence Intervals).             Degrees of Freedom                  N-1             t score                  Use the t score from the table at alpha .05             Formulas                  Upper Limit (UL)                (( (mean)-  (mean))+t*()                  Lower Limit (LL)                ((- )-(t*())                  Variables Defined                = standard error of the difference between correlated means (direct-difference method)               =                =Mean of X scores                = Mean of Y scores                (t)=This is the t value form the back of a statistics textbook (t distribution table) or from a t value calculator from the Web                N=number of pairs of scores                df=the degrees of freedom for this equation is N-1               Example                  Procedure                Upper Confidence Interval Calculation               Subtract the Mean of Y scores from the Mean of X scores               Multiply  by the t score found in the table. Look across from the degrees of freedom (N-1) and under the alpha level .05. .02, .001 ect               Add the product of step #1 to the product of step #2 for the upper limit confidence interval                Lower Confidence Interval Calculation               Subtract the Mean of Y scores from the Mean of X scores               Multiply  by the t score found in the table. Look across from the degrees of freedom (N-1) and under the alpha level .05. .02, .001 ect               Subtract the product of step #1 to the product of step #2 for the lower limit confidence interval                 

12.8 Assumptions for Using the t Distribution

12.8.1            You can perform a t test on the difference between means on any two-group data you have or any that you can beg, borrow, buy, or steal. No doubt about it, you can easily come up with a t value using

12.8.2            Independent-samples t Test            

12.8.3            You can then attach a probability figure to your t value by deciding that the t distribu­tion is an appropriate model of your empirical situation.

12.8.4            In a similar way, you can calculate a confidence interval about the difference be­tween means in any two-group experiment. By deciding that the t distribution is an accurate model, you can claim you are “99 percent confident that the true difference between the population means is between thus and so."

12.8.5            But should you decide to use the t distribution? When is it an accurate reflection of the empirical probabilities?

12.8.6            The t distribution will give correct results when the assumptions it is based on are true for the populations being analysed. The t distribution, like the normal curve, is a theoretical distribution. In deriving the t distribution, mathematical statisticians make three assumptions.             The dependent-variable scores for both populations are nonnal1y distributed.             The variances of the dependent-variable scores for the two populations are equal.             The scores on the dependent variable are random samples from the population.

12.8.7            Assumption 3 requires three explanations. First, in a correlated-samples design, the pairs of scores should be random samples from the population you are interested in.

12.8.8            Second, Assumption 3 ensures that any sampling errors will fall equally into both groups and that you may generalize from sample to population. Many times it is a physical impossibility to sample randomly from the population. In these cases, you should randomly assign the subjects available to one of the two groups. This will randomise errors, but your generalization to the population will be on less secure grounds than if you had obtained a truly random sample.

12.8.9            Third, Assumption 3 ensures the independence of the scores. That is, knowing one score within a group does not help you predict other scores in that same group. Either random sampling from the population or random assignment of subjects to groups-will serve to achieve this independence.

12.8.10      Now we can return to the major question of this section: "When will the t distri­bution produce accurate probabilities?" The answer is "When random samples are ob­tained from populations that are normally distributed and have equal variances. "

12.8.11      This may appear to be a tall order. It is, and in practice no one is able to demonstrate these characteristics exactly. The next question becomes “Suppose I am not sure my data have these characteristics. Am I likely to reach the wrong conclusion if I use Table D?" The answer to this question, fortunately, is "No."

12.8.12      The t test is a "robust" test, which means that the t distribution leads to fairly accurate probabilities, even when the data do not meet Assumptions 1 and 2. Boneau (1960)[14] used a computer to generate distributions when these two assumptions were violated. For the most part, he found that, even if the populations violate the assump­tions, the t distribution reflects the actual probabilities. Boneau's most serious warning is that, when sample sizes are different (for example, N1 = 5 and N2 = 15), then a large violation of Assumption 2 (for example, one variance being four times the size of the other) produces a t value for which the tabled t distribution is a poor model. Under such circumstances, you may reject H0 when you should not.

12.8.13      Chapter 15 will give you other statistics with other distributions that you may use to test the difference between two samples when the first two assumptions of the t test are not valid.

12.9 Using the t Distribution to Test the Significance of a Correlation Coefficient

12.9.1            In Chapter 5, you learned to calculate Pearson product-moment correlation co­efficients. This section is on testing the statistical significance of these coefficients. The question is whether an obtained r, based on a sample, could have come from a population of pairs of scores for which the parameter correlation is .00. The answer to this question is based on the size of a t value that is calculated from the correlation coefficient. The t value is found using the formula

12.9.2            (t) Value Using Correlation Coefficient                

12.9.3            The null hypothesis is that the population correlation is .00. Samples are drawn, and an r is calculated. The t distribution is then used to determine whether the obtained r is significantly different from .00.

12.9.4                      As an example, suppose you had obtained an r = .40 with 22 pairs of scores.

12.9.5            Does such a correlation indicate a significant relationship between the two variables, or should it be attributed to chance?

12.9.6            (t) Value Example            

12.9.7            Table D shows that, for 20 df, a t value of 2.09 is required to reject the null hypothesis. The obtained t for r = .40, where N = 22, is less than the tabled t, so the null hypothesis is retained. That is, a coefficient of .40 would be expected by chance alone more than 5 times in 100.

12.9.8            In fact, for N = 22, an r = .43 is required for significance at the .05 level and an r = .54 for the .01 level. As you can see, even medium-sized correlations can be expected by chance alone for samples as small as 22. Most researchers strive for N's of 30 or more for correlation problems.

12.10                   START

12.10.1      Sometimes you may wish to determine whether the difference between two corre­lations is statistically significant. Several texts discuss this test (Ferguson, 1976, p. 184 [15] and Guilford & Fruchter, 1978, p. 163) [16].

12.11                   Purpose

12.11.1      This test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from one another. The t-test could be used to assess the effectiveness of a treatment by comparing the means of the treatment and control groups or alternately to compare the means of the same group pre and post treatment to assess the effectiveness of treatment. In any case this test is indicated when you want to compare the means of two groups especially in the analysis for the posttest-only two-group randomized experimental design.

12.11.2      T-Test for the Significance of the Difference between the Means of Two Correlated Samples         

12.11.3      Example        You could substitute the control group mean with pre treatment group mean and the treatment group with the post treatment group mean. In either case the above example shows the means of the two groups and the T- test determines whether the difference between these means is statistically significant.

12.11.4      Along with assessing the difference of means the T-Test also relates that difference to the spread or variability of their scores.

12.11.5      Example        In the above example the difference between the means in all three groups is the same. Yet with low variability the difference between the groups is greater than in the groups with high variability.

12.12                   Alternate T-Test Formula

12.12.1      Example


12.12.3       This is a ratio between the differences of means on the top divided by the measure of variability on the bottom. The above example of the signal to noise metaphor where the difference between the means is the signal we want to measure and the noise that makes it more difficult to measure group difference.

12.12.4      Computation Procedure        Example Computation Formula Standard Error             Find the difference between the mean of the posttest treatment group and the pre-test treatment group.        Determine the variance for each group.        Divide the respective variances by the number of individuals in each group        Add these numbers together        Take the square root of this number and this is the Standard Error        Divide the difference between the means by the standard error to find the t value.        Example complete computation formula for T- Test             Determine whether the ratio is large enough to say that the difference between the groups is not likely to have been a chance finding.              Set the risk or alpha level            .05=most commonly used          This means that five times out of a hundred you would find a statistically significant difference between the means even if there were none (i.e., by "chance").            .02=2 chances in 100            .01=1 chances in 100            .001=1 chance in a 1000              Set the degrees of freedom (DF)            The degrees of freedom are the sum of the persons in both groups minus 2.              Given the alpha level, the df, and the t-value, you can look the t-value up in a standard table of significance (available as an appendix in the back of most statistics texts) to determine whether the t-value is large enough to be significant. If it is, you can conclude that the difference between the means for the two groups is different (even given the variability).

12.13                   Example

12.13.1      T-Test        Count=60 each group pre and post.        df=(60+60)-2=118        T=9.8993713        Table D [17] DF=120              .05=1.980              .02=2.358              .01=2.617              .001=3.373

12.14                   T Distribution Tables

12.14.1      Internet Site

12.15                   Paired t-Test

12.15.1      Defined         

13      Analysis of Variance: One-Way Classification

13.1 Introduction

13.1.1            The t test is a very efficient method of testing the significance of the difference between two means. Its limitation that it is inappropriate for dealing with more than two means at once-something experimenters often want to do. If an experimental question can be answered using two treatment conditions, the t test is the method to use; but what if you need to use three or four or more treatment conditions?

13.1.2            The answer to this problem is a technique called the analysis of variance (ANOVA for short, pronounced uh-`nove-uh) was invented by Sir Ronald Fisher, an Englishman, and it is appropriate for both small and large samples, just as t is. In fact, it is a close relative of t.

13.1.3            So the transition this time is from a comparison of two means (with the t test) to a comparison of two or more means with a technique calld analysis of variance. The following will show you how to use ANOVA to make comparisons among two or more groups and subsequent sections will show you that the ANOVA technique can be extended to the analysis of experiments in which there are two independent variables, each of which may have two or more levels of treatment..

13.1.4            The analysis of variance is one of the most widely used statistical techniques and the following sections are devoted to an introduction to its more elementary forms. Many advanced books are available that explain more sophisticated (and complicated) analysis-of-variance designs.

13.1.5            The following sections ouline the most simple of analysis-of-variance designs. You will learn to use ANOVA to examine the effects of two or more treatment levels in a single experiment. Such experiments are common in all disciplines that use statistics

13.1.6            Examples             Samples of lower, middle, and upper class persons were compared on attitudes toward religion.             An experimenter determined the effect of 10, 20, 40, and 80 grams of reinforcement on the rate of response of four groups of rats.             Three methods of teaching Spanish were compared on their effectiveness with fourth graders.             Five species of honeybees were observed to determine which would produce the greatest number of kilograms of honey.

13.1.7            These experiments are all similar to those whose results you analysed with the independent samples t test in the previous Chapter. Again, there is an independent variable and a dependent variable. Again, the subjects in each group are independent of subjects in the other groups. Again, the null hypothesis is that the population mean is the same for all samples. The only difference is that, instead of only two levels of the independent variable, there are two or more. The name of this design is one-way ANOVA because three is only on independent variable. Some writers prefer to call this a completely randomized design.

13.1.8            In Example 1, above, the independent variable is social class, and it has three levels. The dependent variable is attitudes toward religion. The null hypothesis is that the religious attitudes are the same in all three populations of social classes, that is, H0: lower=middle=upper.

13.1.9            A common reaction when confronted with three or more means is to run t tests on all possible combinations. For three means, three t tests would be required for four means, six tests, and so on. The formula for the number of combinations of n things taken two at a time is n(n-1)/2. This will not work. The reason is that, if you perform more than one t test involving a particular mean, you will increase the chance of making a Type 1 error. That is, if you run several tests, each with =.05, the overall probability of making a Type 1 error is greater than .05. If you had an experiment with 15 groups, 105 t tests would be required in order to compare each group with every other. If all 15 groups came from populations with the same mean, and you set =.05 for each test, you would expect five t tests to be significant just by chance. Remember that, if =.05, and the null hypothesis is true, then five times in a hundred you will wrongly reject the null hypothesis on the basis of sample data. If you then pulled those five tests out and claimed they were significant, you would be violating the spirit of inferential statistics. What is needed in the case of more than two groups is a sampling distribution that gives the probability that the several means could have come from identical populations. This is exactly what Sir Ronald Fisher produced with the analysis of variance.

13.1.10      Fisher (1890-1962) was an Englishman whose important contributions in genetics are overshadowed by his fundamental work in statistics. In genetics, he explained how a recessive gene produced by mutation can become established in a population. For these experiments, he chose wild jungle fowl and their domesticated descendants, poultry.

13.1.11      In statistics, Fisher developed the techniques you will be studying in the following sections, discovered the exact sampling distribution of r, and developed a way to find the exact probability of results from a particular small-sample design. His Statistical Methods for Research Workers, first published in 1925, went into a 14th edition in 1973. Before getting into genetics and statistics in such a big way, Fisher worked for an investment company for two years and taught in a public school for four years.

13.2 Rationale of ANOVA

13.2.1            The question to be answered by ANOVA is whether the samples all came from populations with the same mean  or whether at least one of the samples came from a population with a different mean. The assumption is made that if more than one population is involved, the variances in the populations are equal.

13.2.2            Fisher, who was a friend of Gosset, is said to have looked at Student’s t and realized that it used a principle that was applicable to experiments having several groups, not just two. The principle is that of dividing one estimate of the population variability by another. In the case of t;             Illustration                 

13.2.3            The sampling distribution that Fisher derived is the F distribution. As will be shown, F values that make up the F distribution are obtained by dividing one estimate of the population variance by a second estimate. Thus;             Illustration                 

13.2.4            These two estimates of 2 are obtained by different methods. The numerator is obtained by a method that accurately estimates 2 only when H0 is true. If H0 is false, the estimate of 2 in the numerator will be too large

13.2.5            The denominator is obtained by a method that is unaffected by the truth or falsity of H0. Thus, when the null hypothesis is true, the expected value of F is about 1.00, since both methods are good estimators of 2, and 2/2 =1.00. Values some what larger and smaller than 1.00 are to be expected because of sampling fluctuation, but, if an F value is too large, there is cause to suspect that H0 is false.

13.2.6            We’ll take these two estimates of 2 one at a time and discuss them. The estimate of 2 in the numerator is obtained from the two or more sample means. The conceptual steps are as follows. (Computational steps will come later.)             Find the standard deviation of the two or more sample means. This standard deviation of sample means is an old friend of yours, the standard error of the mean, s.             Since s=s/*, squaring both sides gives s2 =s2/*. Multiplying both sides by N and rearranging, s2=Ns2.             s2 is, of course, an estimate of  2.

13.2.7            Thus, to find this S2, you need to multiply the sample size (N) by the variance of the sample means, both of which you can calculate. This estimate of 2 is called the between-means estimate (or the between-groups estimate). Notice that this between-means estimate of 2 is accurate only if the sample means are all drawn from the same population. If one or more means come from a population with a larger or smaller mean, the variance of the sample means will be larger.

13.2.8            The other estimate of 2 (the denominator of the F ratio) is obtained from the variability within each of the samples. Each sample variance is an independent estimate of 2, so, by averaging them, an even better estimate can be made. This estimate is called the within-groups estimate, and it is an unbiased estimate even if the null hypothesis is false. Once calculated, the two estimates can be compared. If the between-means estimate is much larger than the within-groups estimate, the null hypothesis is rejected.

13.2.9            The following pictures illustrate the above concepts             H0 is true. The normal curves are the populations from which the four samples are drawn. The sample means are all estimates of the common population mean, .                          This figure illustrates the situation when the null hypothesis is true. Four samples have been drawn from identical populations and a mean calculated for each sample. As the projection of the four sample means on the vertical axis shows, the means are fairly close, and, therefore, the variability of these four means (the between-means estimate) will be small.             H0 is false. Three of the samples are drawn from populations with the same mean, . The fourth sample is drawn from a population with a different mean.                          This figure illustrates one situation in which the null hypothesis is false (one group comes from a population with a larger ). The projection of the means this time shows that 4 will greatly increase the variability of the four means.             H0 is true. The normal curves are the populations from which the four samples are drawn. The populations have more variability than those in the first figure above.                          Study the first two figures. They illustrate how the between-means estimate is larger when the null hypothesis is false. So, if you have a small amount of variability between means, retain H0. If you have a large amount of variability between means, reject H0. Small and large, however, are relative terms and, in this case, relative to the population variance. A comparison fo the above figure and the first figure illustrates how the amount of between-means variability depends upon the population variance. In both of these figures, the null hypothesis is true, but notice the projection of the sample means on the vertical axis. There is more variability amount the means that come from populations with greater variability. The above figure, then, shows a large between-means estimate that is the result of large population variances and not the result of a false null hypothesis.

13.2.10      So, in order to decide whether a large between-means estimate is due to a false null hypothesis or to a large population variance, you need another estimate of the population variance. The best such estimate is the average of the sample variances.

13.2.11      All of this discussion brings us back to the principle that Fisher found Gosset to be using in the t test: dividing one estimate of the population variability by another. In the case of ANOVA, if the null hypothesis is true, the two estimates should be very similar, and dividing one by the other should produce a value close to 1.0. If the null hypothesis is false, dividing the between-means estimate by the within-groups estimate will produce a value greater than 1.0

13.2.12      Be sure you understand this rationale of ANOVA. It is the basic rationale underlying the procedures to be explained in this chapter and the next.

13.2.13      Sir Ronald Fisher developed a mathematical way to express the reasoning we have just outlined. He worked out a sampling distribution that was later named F in his honor.

13.2.14      As is the case with t, there is more than one F distribution. There is, in fact, a different distribution for every possible combination of degrees of freedom for the two Variance estimates. All F distributions are positively skewed.  The fewer the degrees of freedom, the greater the skew. When the numbers of degrees of freedom for both variance estimates are very large, the distribution approaches the shape of the normal distribution. The figure below demonstrates the shape of one F distribution (when one variance estimate has 9 degrees of freedom and the other estimate has 15).        Form of the F distribution for df1=9 and df2=15             

13.2.15      F tables in the back of statistic test books or at the Web reference below are developed from sampling distributions of different F ratios. The existence of the F table permits experimenters to simply compare the F value obtained in an experiment with those listed in the table at the appropriate degrees of freedom to determine significance at the .05 and .01 levels. If the obtained F value is as large or larger than the tabled value, the null hypothesis can be rejected. If the F value is not that large, the null hypothesis may not be rejected. (example)

13.2.16      The F distribution and the t distribution are closely related, both mathematically and conceptually. The mathematical relation is t2=F for a two-group experiment. Theoretically, ANOVA made the t test obsolete; but t continues to be widely used.

13.2.17      This section completes our explanation of the rationale of ANOVA. Soon you will learn how to actually compute an F value and interpret it.

13.3 More New Terms

13.3.1            Sum of Squares             In the computation of the standard deviation, certain values were obtained that would be important in future discussions. The term x2 (the numerat0or of the basic formula for the standard deviation) is called the sum of squares (abbreviated SS). So, SS=x2 =(X-)2. A more descriptive name for sum of squares is “sum of the squared deviations.”

13.3.2            Mean Square             Mean square (MS) is the ANOVA term for a variance S2. The mean square is a sum of squares divided by its degrees of freedom.

13.3.3            Grand Mean             The grand mean is the mean of all the scores; it is computed without regard for the fact that the scores come from different groups (samples).

13.3.4            tot             The subscript tot after a symbol makes the symbol stand for all such numbers in the experiment; for example, x tot is the sum of all scores.

13.3.5            g             The subscript g after a symbol means that that symbol applies to a group; for example, (Xg)2 tells you to sum the scores in each group, square each sum, and then sum these squared values.

13.3.6            K             K is the number of groups in the experiment. This is the same as the number of levels of the independent variable.

13.4 Sums of Squares

13.4.1            Analysis of variance is based on the fact that the variability of all the scores in an experiment can be attributed to two or more sources. In the case of simple analysis of variance, just two sources contribute all the variability to the scores. One source is the variability between groups, and the other source is variability within each group. The sum of these two sources is equal to the total variability. Thus, the total variability of all the scores when measured by the sum of squares comes from two sources: the between-groups sum of squares and the within-groups sum of squares. Each of these can be computed separately as shown below.

13.4.2            First, we’ll focus on the total variability as measured by the total sum of squares. Actually, as you will see, you are already familiar with the total sum of squares (SStot). To find (SStot), subtract the grand mean from each score. Square these deviation scores and sum them up.

13.4.3            Total Sum of Squares (SStot)             Introduction                  Computationally, (SStot) is more readily (and accurately) obtained using the raw-score formula which you may recognize as the numerator of the raw-score formula for s. This formula is equivalent to (x2). Its computation requires you to square each score and sum those squared values to obtain (tot x2). Next, the scores are summed and the sum squared. That squared value is divided by the total number of scores to obtain ((tot)2/N tot) from (tot2) yields the total sum of squares.             Illustration Formula                      Raw Score Formula                      Procedure                  (X tot2                Square the scores for each group and add the squared scores together                Add the sum of squared scores for each group together                  (X tot)2                Add the scores for each group together                Add the summed scores for each group together and square the sum                  Add the total number of scores for each group (N tot) and divide the sum of the previous step by that sum (N tot)                  The figure obtained in the above step is the Total Sum of Squares (SStot)

13.4.4            Between–Groups Sum of Squares (SSbg)             Introduction                  This formula tells you to sum the scores for each group and square the sum. Each squared sum is then divided by the number of scores in that group. These values (one for each group) are then summed, giving you ([(X g)2/Ng]. From this sum is subtracted the value (X tot)2/Ntot], Which was obtained in the computation of (SStot).                  When describing experiments in general, the term (SStot) is used. In a specific analysis, between groups is changed to a summary word for the independent variable.             Illustration Formula                      Raw Score Formula                      Procedure                  Sum the scores for each group, square the sum and then divide each squared sum by the number of scores for that group                  Add the quotients from the previous step                  Add the summed scores for each group and square the sum and divide by the total number of scores for all the groups                  Find the difference between the sum in step # 2 and the quotient in step # 3

13.4.5            Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSwg)             Introduction                  Finally, we will focus on the within-groups sum of squares (SSwg), which is the sum of the variability in each of the groups or the sum of the squared deviations of each score from the mean of its group added to the sum of the squared deviations from all other groups for the experiment. As with the other SS’s, there is an arrangement of the arithmetic that is easiest as illustrated in the raw score formula below. This formula tells you to square each score in a group and sum them (X g2). Subtract from this a value that you obtain by summing the scores, squaring the sum, and dividing by the number of scores in the group: (X g)2/Ng). For each group, a value is calculated, and these values are summed to get (SSwg).             Illustration Formula                      Raw Score Formula                      Procedure                  (X g2)                Square each score in a group and sum them                  (X g)2/Ng)                Add the scores for each group, square the sum and divide by their number                  (X g2)- (X g)2/Ng)                Subtract the quotient from the previous step from the sum of the squared scores of the first step                  Add the differences of the previous step to find the Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSwg)

13.4.6            Total Variability             Introduction                  If you work with SS as a measure of variability, the total variability is the sum of the variability of the parts.             Formula                  SStot= SSbg+ SSwg.             Procedure                  Add the Between–Groups Sum of Squares (SSbg) to the Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSwg) which should equal the Total Sum of Squares (SStot)

13.5 Mean Squares and Degrees of Freedom

13.5.1            The next step in an analysis of variance is to find the mean squares. A mean square is simply a sum of squares divided by its degrees of freedom. It is an estimate of the population variance, 2.

13.5.2            Formula Degrees of Freedom             dftot=Ntot-1             dfbg=K-1             dfwg=Ntot-K             dftot= dfbg + dfwg (Degrees of freedom are always positive)

13.5.3            Formula Mean Squares             Mean Squares Between Group                      Mean Squares Within Group                 

13.5.4            Variables Defined             Ntot=Total Number of Scores             dftot=Total Degrees of Freedom             dfbg=Between Group Degrees of Freedom             dfwg=Within Group Degrees of Freedom             K= K is the number of groups in the experiment. This is the same as the number of levels of the independent variable.             MSbg=Mean Square Between Group             SSbg= Sum of Squares Between Group             MSwg= Mean Square Within Group             SSwg=Sum of Squares Within Group

13.5.5            Procedure             Mean Squares Between Group                  Find the difference between the total number of groups and 1 which is dfbg                  Divide the SSbg by the difference found in the previous step and the quotient is the MSbg             Mean Squares Within Group                  Find the difference between the total number of scores (Ntot) and the total number of groups (K) which is dfwg                  Divide the SSwg by the difference found in the previous step and the quotient is the MSwg

13.5.6            Notice that, although SStot= SSbg + SSwg and dftot= dfbg + dfwg , mean squares are not additive

13.6 Calculation and Interpretation of F values using the F distribution

13.6.1            We said earlier that F is a ratio of two estimates of the population variance. MSbg is an estimate based on the variabi8lity between means. MSwg is an estimate based on the sample variances. An F test consists of dividing MSbg by MSwg to obtain an F value.

13.6.2            Formula            

13.6.3            Variables Defined             MSbg=Mean Square Between Group             MSwg= Mean Square Within Group             F=A ratio of the between-means estimate to the within-groups estimate of the population variance; a sampling distribution of such ratios

13.6.4            Procedure             Divide the (MSbg) by the (MSwg) score to obtain the F value             Determine the Between Group Degrees of Freedom (dfbg) (Numerator) and Within Group Degrees of Freedom (dfwg) (Denominator) per instructions in the previous section             Look up the significance level in an F table in the back of a statistics text book or use the Web link below

13.6.5            F Distribution Web References             Tables                  Introduction                This reference can be used just as a table in the back of a statistics text book                  .05 Level                  .01 Level             Calculating p Value                  Introduction                This Web reference takes your F score and degrees of freedom and determines a p-value which is the probability that the difference between groups is due to chance alone                  Instructions                Place the F score into the parameter box, the (dfbg) (Numerator) into the degrees of freedom box and the (dfwg) (Denominator) into the number of cases box in the F test generator link below. Click the F-value button which will then return the p-value.                Example               For example, if you are interested in the question if the females are more diverse in their responses to a particular question, and you have 50 females and 75 males, the standard deviation for females equals 7 and for males 5, then the input for the f-test is: F: 1.96 [(7*7)/(5*5)]; df numerator: 49; df denominator 74. 'Click' the f-value button, p-value=0.004321362254108618, males and females are significantly different in the "richness" of their response.                The p-value is the probability that the difference between groups is due to chance alone                If the p value is lower than .05 you can reject the null hypothesis.               Generally, one rejects the null hypothesis if the p-value is smaller than or equal to the significance level Significance Level, often represented by the Greek letter α (alpha). If the level is 0.05, then the results are only 5% likely to be as extraordinary as just seen, given that the null hypothesis is true.               INCORRECT (I think) If this score is greater than .05 or .01 you can reject the null hypothesis                  Help Reference                  F Test Generator      

13.6.6            Once an F value has been calculated and the probability due to chance calculated (p-value), your interpretation must stop. An ANOVA does not tell you which of the population means is greater than or less than the others. Such an interpretation requires a further statistical analysis, which is the topic of the last part of this chapter.

13.6.7            It is customary to summarize the results of an ANOVA in a summary table per example below

13.6.8            Summary Table            

13.7 Learning Experiment


13.8 Comparisons Among Means

13.8.1            Introduction             Since ANOVA does not tell you which of the population means is greater than or less than the others, we must make further comparisons among the means. The problem is, we cannot just take all possible pairs of means and run routine t tests on them.             The problem of making several comparisons after an F test has been troublesome for statisticians. Several different solutions exist and each has its advantages and disadvantages. B. F. Winer (19 71)[18] and Roger E. Kirk (1968)[19] have excellent summaries of several of these methods. We will present only two methods here.             First a distinction must be made between a priori (ah prie òre ee) and a posteriori (ah post ,tear ee ore ee) comparison among means. A priori comparisons are those that are planned before data are collected. They are usually planned on the basis of some rational or theoretical considerations.             A posteriori comparisons are sometimes referred to as “data snooping” and are made when the experimenter notices one or more differences among the means and realizes that such differences, if significant, are important. Thus, a posteriori comparisons begin with the data rather than with rational or theoretical considerations.             In this section we will explain two methods of comparing means after an ANOVA. The first is an a priori method called orthogonal comparisons. The second is an a posteriori method called the Scheffé test.

13.8.2            A Priori Orthogonal Comparisons             The orthogonal comparisons method permits you to make a few preselected comparisons among the means. The number and kind of comparisons are limited. These comparisons result in a t value that is interpreted using a t distribution.             The basic idea is to take the total variability among the means and partition it into orthogonal components. The word orthogonal means independent or uncorrelated in this context. Once the variability has been partitioned into orthogonal components, comparisons can be made between the components. These comparisons will test for significance between groups, which was the initial goal. The number of orthogonal comparisons that can be made is K-1.             The first table below illustrates how to determine orthogonality for any three-group experiment. The body of this table consists of coefficients (a number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic), which are weights that are assigned to the means. If a mean is not part of a comparison, its weight is 0. Set A shows two comparisons that can be made. The first, 1 vs. 2, tests the null hypothesis H0: 1 -2 =0. The second, 3 vs. 1 and 2, tests the null hypothesis H0: 3 -1 + 2/2=0             Two requirements must be met for comparisons to be orthogonal                  For each comparison the sum of the coefficients is zero. Thus, in Set A, (1) + (-1) + (0)=0 and (-1) + (-1) + (2)=0                  The sum of the products of the coefficients is zero. Thus, in Set a, (1)(-1) + (-1)(-1) + (0)(2) =0             Therefore, the two comparisons in Set A are orthogonal and might be used in an a priori test, subsequent to ANOVA.             Sets B and C in the table below show two other ways to analyse data from a three-group experiment. You could choose A, B, or C, depending on which set made the most sense for you particular experiment. Note that you can only use one of the three possible sets.             Set D in the first table below is an example of coefficients that are not orthogonal. Notice that the sum of the products of corresponding coefficients does not equal zero. (1)(0) + (-1)(1) + (0)(-1)= -1             The nonzero sum of products means that these two comparisons involve overlapping information and are, therefore, not independent. They should not be used as a priori comparisons. You could choose to do either one of the comparisons in Set D, but not both.             Examples of Orthogonal and Nonorthogonal Coefficients for any Three-Group Experiment                 The table below gives examples of orthogonal coefficients that may be used in any four-group experiment. In four-group experiments, K-1=3. Three a priori comparisons, then, can be made in four-group experiments. The orthogonality requirement for three or more comparisons is referred to as mutual orthogonality. This means that every comparison must be orthogonal with every other comparison. Look at Set A in the Table below.        When the coefficients for the first two comparisons are multiplied and summed across the four groups, the sum is zero. (1)(0) + (-1)(0) + (0)(1) + (0)(-1)=0        For the first and third comparisons, (1)(1) + (-1)(1) + (0)(-1) + (0)(-1)=0.        For the second and third comparisons, (0)(1) + (0)(1) + (1)(-1) + (-1)(-1)=0.        These three comparisons, then, are mutually orthogonal.        Further information about orthogonal comparisons may be found in Kirk[20], Winer[21], and Edwards[22].        Examples of Orthogonal Coefficients for Comparisons in any Four-Group Experiment             Formula             Variables Defined              c1, c2, ck=Coefficients assigned to the means              1, 2, 3=Means to be compared              MSwg=Obtained value from the ANOVA              N1, N2, Nk=N’s for the groups to be compared        Procedure              Prior to the experiment determine which groups you wish to compare              Numerator            Use the 1st table above to assign coefficient multipliers to the means of the chosen groups            Multiply the means for each group by the assigned coefficients and add the products              Denominator            Bracketed Area          Square each coefficient multiplier for each group and divide by the number in each group          Add the quotients            Multiply the MSwg by bracketed sum found in the steps above            Obtain the square root of the product of the previous step above              Divide the numerator by the denominator to obtain the t score. If your obtained t score is less than 1 it is not significant              Look up the t score in the back of a statistics textbook or use the Web reference below.              T Distribution Tables            Internet Site

13.8.3            A Posteriori Scheffé Test             The method we will present for making a posteriori comparisons was devised by Scheffé (1953). The Scheffé method allows you to make all possible comparisons among K groups. You can compare each group with every other, and you can compare each group with the mean of two or more groups. You can even compare a mean of two or more groups with the mean of two or more other groups. You can make all these comparisons and still be sure your  level is not above .05. In fact, it errs in the direction of too many Type II errors.             Keep in mind that this test is appropriate only if the overall F test produced a rejection of the null hypothesis.             In the Scheffé Test, two statistics called F’ are computed and compared. F’ob is based on the data (observed) and F’ is a critical value computed from a value found in the F table.             If F’ob is larger than F’, the null hypothesis is rejected. To find the critical values             Formula Critical Values F’                  F’.05=(K-1) F.05                  F’.01=(K-1)F.01             Variables Defined                  K=Number of groups in the original ANOVA                  F’.05 & F’.01=Critical values for F for the original ANOVA             Procedure                  Degrees of Freedom                Determine your degrees of Freedom for the numerator and denominator (df procedure)                  Find the difference between the number of groups and 1                  Multiply that difference by the F value (F.05 F.01) found by using the df for the numerator and denominator in the back of a statistics text book or by using the Web Reference below                Tables               Introduction                  This reference can be used just as a table in the back of a statistics text book               .05 Level               .01 Level             Formula F’ob Test Hypothesis= H0: 1 -3 =0                  Introduction                The formula for this test uses orthogonal coefficients, but the only requirement is that they sum to zero for each comparison. F values less than 1.00 are never significant.                      Formula F’ob Test Hypothesis= H0: 1 +2 + 3/2-4=0                 Variables Defined              F’ob=F score based on the data (observed)              c1, c2, ck=Coefficients assigned to the means              1, 2, 3=Means to be compared              MSwg=Obtained value from the ANOVA              N1, N2, Nk=N’s for the groups to be compared        Procedure              Numerator            Assign Coefficients for c value (They must add up to 0 For example #1= c1=-1 C2=1 or #2=c1=-1 c2=-1 c3=-1 c4=3)            Multiply the means for each group by the assigned coefficients and add the products            Square the Sum of the previous step              Denominator            Bracketed Area          Square each coefficient multiplier for each group and divide by the number in each group          Add the quotients            Multiply the MSwg by bracketed sum found in the steps above            Obtain the square root of the product of the previous step above              Divide the numerator by the denominator to obtain the (F’ob) score. If your obtained (F’ob) score is less than 1 it is not significant              Compare your (F’ob) with (F’.05) and or (F’.01). Your score must be larger to reject the null hypothesis.

13.9 Assumptions of the Analysis of Variance

13.9.1            For the analysis of variance and the F test to be appropriate, three characteristics of the data must be assumed to be true. To the extent that the data fail to meet these requirements, conclusions from the analysis will be subject to doubt.             Normality                  It is assumed that the populations from which samples are drawn are normally distributed for the dependent variable. It is often difficult or impossible to demonstrate normality or lack of normality in the parent populations. Such a demonstration usually occurs only with very large samples. On the other hand, because of extensive research, some populations are known to be skewed, and researchers in those fields may decide that ANOVA is not appropriate for their data analysis. Unless there is a reason to suspect that populations depart severely from normality, the inferences made from the F test will probably not be affected. ANOVA is “robust.” (It results in correct probabilities even when the populations are not exactly normal.) Where there is a suspicion of severe departure from normality, however, use the nonparametric method explained in later Chapters.             Homogeneity of Variance                  This means that the two or more population variances are equal. In ANOVA, the variances of the dependent variable scores for each of the populations sampled are assumed to be equal. In the first two figures of this Chapter (anova1 anova2), which we used to illustrate the rationale of ANOVA, show populations with equal variances. Several methods for testing this assumption are presented in advanced tests, such as Winer and Kirk. Again, the F test is reasonably “robust”; unless the variances depart greatly from each other, the conclusions reached with the F test will not be affected. If, however, the within-group variances are greatly different, it may be possible (and wise) to use some transformation that will make the variances more nearly equal. Ferguson[23] has an entire chapter (Chapter 25) on the nature and purpose of transformations. Another solution is to use a nonparametric method for comparing all pairs. See later Chapters             Random Sampling                  Every care should be taken to assure that sampling is random and that assignment to groups is also random, so that the measurements are all independent of one another.

13.9.2            We hope these assumptions have a familiar ring to you. They are the same as those you learned for the t distribution. This makes sense; t is a special case of F.

13.9.3            The characteristics of populations are rarely known in the course of research. A distinct advantage of the analysis-of-variance technique is that moderate deviations from the first two assumptions seem to have little effect on the validity of the conclusions reached.

14      Analysis of Variance: Factorial Design


14.2 Factorial Design and Interaction

14.2.1            In this chapter, you will learn to analyse data from a design in which there are two independent variables (factors), each of which may have two or more levels. Table 11.3 illustrates an example of this design with one factor (Factor A) having three levels (A1, A 2, and A3) and another factor (Factor B) having two levels ( B1and B2). Such a design is called a factorial design. A factorial design is one that has two or more independent variables. In this chapter, you will loam to analyse a two-factor design. Intermediate and advanced-level textbooks discuss the analysis of three-or-more-factor designs. See Kirk (1968), Edwards (1972, Chapter 12), or Winer (1971).

14.2.2            Factorial designs are identified with a shorthand notation such as "2 x 3" or "3 x 5." The general term is R x C (Rows x Columns). The first number tells you the number of levels of one factor; the second number tells you the number of levels of the other factor. The design in Table 11.3 is a 2 x 3 design. Assignment of a factor to a row or column is arbitrary; we could just as well have made Table 11.3 a 3 x 2 table.

14.2.3            In Table 11.3, there are six cells. Each cell represents a different way to treat subjects. A subject in the upper left cell is given treatment A1 and treatment B1. That cell is, therefore, identified as Cell A1B1. Subjects in the lower right cell are given treatment A3 and treatment B2, and that cell is called Cell A3B2.

14.2.4            A factorial ANOVA is like two separate one-way ANOVAs-but better. It is better for several reasons (see Winer, 1971, Chapter 5), but we will emphasize that it is better because it also provides a test of the interaction of the two independent variables. Look again at Table 11.3. A factorial ANOV A will help you decide whether treatments A1, A2, and A3 produced significantly different scores (a one-way ANOVA with three groups). It will also help you decide whether treatments B1 and B2 produced significantly different scores (a second one-way ANOVA). The interaction test helps you decide whether the difference in scores between treatments B1 and B2 is dependent upon which level of A is being administered.

14.2.5            Table 11.3            

14.2.6            Perhaps a couple of examples of interactions will help at this point. Suppose a group of friends were sitting in a dormitory lounge one Monday discussing the weather of the previous weekend. What would you need to know to predict each person's rating of the weather? The first thing you probably want to know is what the weather was actually like. A second important variable is the activity each person had planned for the weekend. For purposes of this little illustration, suppose that weather comes in one of two varieties, snow or no snow and that our subjects could plan only one of two activities, camping or skiing. Now we have the ingredients for an interaction. We have two independent variables (weather and plans) and a dependent variable (rating of the weather).

14.2.7            If plans called for camping, "no snow" is rated good, but if plans called for skiing, "no snow" is rated bad. To complete the possibilities, campers rated snow bad and skiers rated it good. Table 11.4 summarizes this paragraph. Study it before going on.

14.2.8            Here is a similar example in which there is no interaction. Suppose you wanted to know how people would rate the weather, which again could be snow or no snow. This time, however, the people are divided into camping enthusiasts and rock-climbing enthusiasts. For both groups, snow would rate as bad weather. You might make up a version of Table 11.4 that describes this second example. It will help you follow our summary explanation below.

14.2.9            An interaction between two independent variables exists when the results found for one independent variable depend on which level of the other independent variable you are looking at. Thus, for Table 11.4, the rating of the variable weather (snow or no snow) depends on whether you plan to camp or ski. For campers, a change from snow to no snow brings joy; for skiers, the same change brings unhappiness.

14.2.10      In our second example there is no interaction. The rating of the weather does not depend on a person's plans for the weekend. A change from snow_ to no snow brings joy to the hearts of both groups. You can see this in the table you constructed.

14.2.11      Table 11.4       

14.3 Main Effects and Interaction

14.3.1            In a factorial ANOV A, the comparison of the levels of Factor A is called a main effect. Likewise, the comparison of the levels of factor B is a main effect. The extent to which scores on Factor A depend on Factor B is the interaction. Thus, comparisons for main effects are like one-way ANOVAs, and information about the interaction is a bonus that comes with the factorial design.

14.3.2            Table 11.5 gives you some numbers to illustrate main effects and the interaction. Look at the comparison between the mean of B1 (30) and the mean of B2 (70). A factorial ANOVA will give the probability that the two means came from populations with identical means. In the same way, a factorial ANOV A will give the probability that the means of A (30, 40, 80) came from populations with identical means. Both of these comparisons are main effects.

14.3.3            Table 11.5            

14.3.4            Notice that it is legitimate to compare B1 with B2. They were treated the same way except for one thing, B1 or B2. Both B1 and B2 received equal amounts of A1, A2, and A3. That is, half the subjects who received A1 were in the B1 group; the other half were in the B2 group. Thus, effects of the levels of Factor A are distributed evenly between B1 and B2. Similar reasoning shows that analysis of the main effect of Factor A is legitimate.

14.3.5            In Table 11.5, there is no interaction. The effect of changing from level A1 to A2 is to increase the mean score by 10 points. This is true at both level B1 and level B2.

14.3.6            The effect of changing from A2 to A3 is to increase the mean score by 40 points at both B1 and B2. The same constancy is found in the columns; the effect of changing from B1 to B2 is to increase the mean score 40 points, and this is true at all three levels of A. There is no interaction; the effect of changing from B1 to B2 is to increase the score 40 points regardless of the level of A.

14.3.7            It is common to display an interaction (or lack of one) with a graph. There is a good reason for this. A graph is the best way of arriving at a clear interpretation of an interaction. We urge you to always draw a graph of the interaction on the factorial problems you work. Figure 11.1 graphs the data in Table 11.5. The result is two parallel curves. Parallel curves mean that there is no interaction between two factors.

14.3.8            Figure 11.1            

14.3.9            Figure 11.2            

14.3.10      Table 11.6        A 2 x 3 Factorial Design with an Interaction between Factors (The numbers represent the means of all scores within each cell.)       

14.3.11      We can also graph the data in Table 11.5 with each curve representing a level of A. Figure 11.2 is the result. Again, the parallel lines indicate that there is no interaction.

14.3.12      Table 11.6 shows a 2 x 3 factorial design in which there is an interaction be­tween the two independent variables. The main effect of Factor A is indicated by the overall means along the bottom. The average effect of a change from A1  to A2  to A3  is to reduce the mean score by 10 (main effect). But look at the cells. For B1 , the effect .of changing from A1  to A2  to A3  is to increase the mean score by 10 points. For B2, the effect is to decrease the score by 30 points. These data illustrate an interaction because the effect of one factor depends upon which level of the other factor you administer.

14.3.13      Figure 11.3        Graphic representation of the interaction of Factors A and B from Table 11.6.       

14.3.14      Figure 11.4        Graphic representation of the "rating of the weather" example indicating an interaction. Whether snow or no snow is rated highest depends on whether the ratings came from skiers or campers       

14.3.15      We will describe this interaction in Table 11.6 another way. Look at the differ­ence between Cell A1B1 and Cell A2B2-a difference of -10. If there were no inter­action, we would predict this same difference (-10) for the difference between Cells A1B2 and A2B2. But this latter difference is + 30; it is in the opposite direction. Some­thing about B2 reverses the effect of changing from A1 to A2 that was found under the condition B1.

14.3.16      People often have trouble with the concept of interaction. Usually, having the same idea presented in different words facilitates understanding. Two good references are G. A. Ferguson, Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education (4th ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976, pp. 245-246; and Roger E. Kirk, Introductory Statistics, Monterey: Brooks/Cole, 1978, pp. 325-328   ­

14.3.17      This interaction is illustrated graphically in Figure 11.3. You can see that BI   in­creases across the levels of Factor A but B2 decreases. The lines for the two levels of B are not parallel.      '

14.3.18      Finally, we will graph in Figure 11.4 the example of rating the weather by skiers and campers. Again, the lines are not parallel.


14.4 Restrictions and Limitations

14.4.1            We have tried to emphasize throughout this book the limitations that go with each statistical test you learn. For the factorial analysis of variance presented in this chapter, the restrictions are the same as those given for a one-way ANOVA plus the following:             The number of scores in each cell must be equal. For techniques dealing with unequal N's, see Kirk (1968), Winer (1971), or Ferguson (1976).             The cells must be independent. This is usually accomplished by randomly assigning a sub­ject to only one of the cells. This restriction means that these techniques should not be used with any type of correlated-samples design. For factorial designs that use correlated samples, see Winer (1971).             The experimenter chooses the levels of both factors. The alternative is that the levels of one or both factors be chosen at random from several possible levels of the factor. The techniques of this chapter are used when the levels are fixed by the experimenter and not chosen randomly. For a discussion of fixed and random models of ANOV A, see Winer (1971) or Ferguson (1976).

14.4.2            Table 11.7                

14.5 A Simple Example of a Factorial Design

14.5.1            As you read the following story, try to pick out the two factors and to identify the levels 'of each factor.

14.5.2                      Two groups of hunters, six squirrel hunters and six quail hunters, met in a bar. An argument soon began over the marksmanship required for the two kinds of hunting.

14.5.3                      "Squirrel hunters are just better shots, " barked a biased squirrel hunter.

14.5.4                      "Poot, poot, and' balderdash!" heartily swore a logic-oriented quail hunter. "It takes a lot better eye to hit a moving bird than to hit a still squirrel. "

14.5.5            "Hold it a minute, you guys," demanded an empirically minded squirrel hunter. "We can settle this easily enough on our hunting-club target range. We'll just see if you six quail hunters can hit the target as often as we can. ".

14.5.6                      "O.K.," agreed a quail hunter. "What kind of trap throwers do you have out there?"

14.5.7                      "What kind of what? Oh, you mean those gadgets that throw clay pigeons into the air? Gee, yeah, there are some out there', but we never use them. "

14.5.8            "Well, if you want to shoot against us, you will have to use them this time," the quail hunter insisted. "It's one thing to hit a still target, but hitting a target flying through the air above you is something else. We'll target shoot against you guys, but let's do it the fair way. Three of us and three of you will shoot at still targets and the other six will shoot at clay pigeons."

14.5.9            "Fair enough," the squirrel hunters agreed; and all 12 men took up their shotguns and headed for the target range.

14.5.10      This yarn establishes conditions for a 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA with three scores per cell. The results of the contest are illustrated in Table 11.7. The dependent variable

14.5.11      Sources of Variance and Sums of Squares        Remember in the last Chapter you identified three sources of variance in the one-way analysis of variance. They were:              Total Variance              Between-groups variance              Within-groups variance        In a factorial design with two factors, the same sources of variance can be identified. However, the between-groups variance may now be partitioned into three components. These are the two main effects and the interaction. Thus, of the variability among the means of the four groups in Table 11.7, some can be attributed to the A main effect, some to the B main effect, and the rest to the interaction.        We will take these sources of variance one at a time, discuss the meaning of each , and show you how to compute them, using the data of Table 11.7 for illustration.        Total Sum of Squares              This calculation will be easy for you, since it is the same as SStot in the one-way analysis. IT is defined in the illustration formula below and is the sum of the squared deviations of all the scores in the experiment from the grand mean of the experiment.              Illustration Formula                Raw Score Formula                Procedure            (X tot2          Square the scores for each group and add the squared scores together          Add the sum of squared scores for each group together            (X tot)2          Add the scores for each group together          Add the summed scores for each group together and square the sum            Add the total number of scores for each group (N tot) and divide the sum of the previous step by that sum (N tot)            The figure obtained in the above step is the Total Sum of Squares (SStot)              Hunters Contest Example            SStot=1097-(113)2/12=32.9167        Between-Groups Sum of Squares (Between-cells sum of squares)              In order to find the main effects and interaction, you must first find the between-groups variability, and then partition it into its component parts. As in the one-way design, SSbg is defined in the illustration formula below. A “group” in this context is a group of participants treated alike; therefore; for example, squirrel hunters shooting at still targets constitute a group. In other words, a group is composed of those scores in the same cell.              Illustration Formula                Raw Score Formula                Procedure            Sum the scores for each group, square the sum and then divide each squared sum by the number of scores for that group            Add the quotients from the previous step            Add the summed scores for each group and square the sum and divide by the total number of scores for all the groups            Find the difference between the sum in step # 2 and the quotient in step # 3                  Hunters Contest Example            SSbg=(33)2/3+(22)2/3+(31)2/3+(27)2/3-(113)2/12=23.5833              After SSbg is obtained, it is partitioned into its three components: the A main effect, the B main effect, and the interaction.              The sum of squares for each main effect is somewhat like a one-way ANOVA. The sum of squares for Factor A ignores the existence of Factor B and considers the deviations of the Factor A means from the grand mean.              Illustration Formula Factor A                Illustration Formula Factor B           Computational Formula A Main Effect       Computational formulas for the main effects also look like formulas for SSbg in a one-way design       Hunters Contest Example      SStargets=(64)2/6+(49)2/6-(113)2/12=18.7501         Computational Formula B Main Effect       Hunters Contest Example      SShunters=(55)2/6+(58)2/6-(113)2/12=.7501         Variables Defined       Na1=Total number of scores in the A1 cells       Na2=Total number of scores in the A2 cells         Sum of squares Formula       Hunters Contest Example      SSab=3[(11.00-10.6667-9.1667+9.4167)2      +(7.3333-8.1667-9.1667+9.4167)2      +(10.3333-10.6667-9.6667+9.4167)2      +(9.00-8.1667-9.6667+9.4167)2]      =4.0836         Since SSbg contains only the components SSA, SSB, and the interaction SSAB, we can also obtain SSAB by subtraction. This serves as you check.         Formula       Hunters Contest Example      SSAB=23.5833-18.7501-.7501=4.0831        Within-Groups Sum of Squares              As in the one-way analysis, the within-groups variability is due to the fact that subjects treated alike differ from one another on the dependent variable. Since all were treated the same, this difference must be due to uncontrolled variables and is sometimes called error variance or the error term. SSwg for a 2X2 design is defined as              Illustration Formula                Computational Formula              Hunters Contest Example          SSwg=[365-(33)2/3] +[162-(22)2/3]+ [325-(31)2/3]+[245-(27)2/3]=9.3333            Hunters Contest Computational Check          32.9166=23.5833+9.3333        Error Detection              The computational Check for a factorial ANOVA is the same as for the one-way classification: SStot=SSbg + SSwg. As before, this check will not catch errors in x or x2.

14.5.12      Degrees of Freedom, Mean Squares, and F Tests        Now that you are skilled at calculating sums of squares we can proceed with the rest of the analysis of the hunters’ contest. Mean squares, as before, are found by dividing the sums of squares by their appropriate degrees of freedom. Degrees of freedom for the sources of variance are;        Formula Degrees of Freedom                  Hunters Contest Example           In the equations above, A and B stand for the number of levels of Factor A and Factor B, respectively.        Error Detection              dftot=dfA+dfB+dfAB+dfwg        Hunters Contest Mean Squares Example                 Hunters Contest F score Example computation              F is computed, as usual, by dividing each mean square by MSwg.             Again, you should refer to a F table in the back of a statistics text book or to the Web reference below to determine the significance of these F values.        F Distribution Web References              Tables            Introduction          This reference can be used just as a table in the back of a statistics text book            .05 Level            .01 Level              Calculating p Value            Introduction          This Web reference takes your F score and degrees of freedom and determines a p-value which is the probability that the difference between groups is due to chance alone            Instructions          Place the F score into the parameter box, the (dfbg) (Numerator) into the degrees of freedom box and the (dfwg) (Denominator) into the number of cases box in the F test generator link below          The p-value is the probability that the difference between groups is due to chance alone          If this score is greater than .05 or .01 you can reject the null hypothesis            Help Reference            F Test Generator               You have 1 degree of freedom in the numerator and 8 degrees of freedom in the, denominator for F targets' An F value of 11.26 is required to reject the null hypothesis at the .01 level and an F value of 5.32 to reject at the .05 level. Since 16.07 is larger than 11.26, it is significant beyond the .01 level, and the null hypothesis that still = moving is rejected. Thus, you may conclude that the hunters hit significantly fewer moving targets than still targets. F hunters was not computed because its value is less than 1, and values of F that are less than 1 are never significant. Thus, there was no significant difference in the mean number of targets hit by the two kinds of hunters. FAB (3.50) is less than 5.32 and is, therefore, not significant. There was no significant interaction between kind of hunter and kind of target. Although squirrel hunters were the best on still targets and the worst on moving targets, with the quail hunters inter­mediate, this departure from parallel performance was not great enough to reach significance. ­    Results of a factorial ANOVA are usually presented in a summary table. Table' 11.8 is the example of the hunters' contest.    Table 11.8        

14.6 Analysis of a 3 X 3 Design

14.6.1    This section describes the analysis of a 3 x 3 design. The procedures are exactly like those for the other designs you have analysed. This section will emphasize the interpretation of results. .

14.6.2            Two experimenters were interested in the Gestalt principle of closure-the drive to have things finished, or closed. An illustration of this drive is the fact that people often see a circle with a gap as closed, even, if they are looking for the gap. These ex­perimenters thought that the strength of the closure drive in an anxiety-arousing situa­tion would depend on the subjects' general anxiety level. Thus, the experimenters hypothesized an interaction between the anxiety level of a person and the kind of situa­tion he or she is in.

14.6.3            The independent variables for this experiment were (1) anxiety level of the sub­ject (For an experiment that manipulated only this variable, with a two-group design, see J. Calhoun & J. O. Johnston, "Manifest Anxiety and Visual Acuity, "Perceptual and Motor Skills”, 1968, 27, 1177-1178.) and (2) kind of situation the person is in-that is, whether it is anxiety arousing or not. As you probably realized from the title of this section, there were three levels for each of these independent variables. The dependent variable was a measure of closure drive.

14.6.4            To get subjects, the experimenters administered the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (Taylor, 1953) to a large group of randomly selected college students. From this large group, they selected the 15 lowest scorers, 15 of the middle scorers, and the 15 highest scorers as participants in the study. The first factor in the experiment, then, was anxiety, with three levels: low (A1), middle (A 2)' and high (A 3).

14.6.5            The second factor was the kind of situation. The three kinds were dim illumina­tion (B1), normal illumination (B2)' and very bright illumination (B3). The assump­tion was that dim and bright illumination would create more anxiety than would normal illumination.

14.6.6            Participants viewed 50 circles projected on a screen. Ten of the circles were closed, ten contained a gap at the top, ten a gap at the bottom, ten a gap on the right, and ten a gap on the left. Participants simply stated whether the gap was at the top, bottom, right, or left, or whether the circle was closed. The experimenters recorded as the dependent variable the number of circles reported as closed by each participant.

14.6.7            Table 11.9                    

14.6.8            The hypothetical data and its analysis are reported in Table 11.9. Read the experi­ment over again and work through the analysis of the data in Table 11.9.

14.6.9            Table 11.10 is the ANOV A summary table. The probabilities in Table 11.10 are from the F tables. FA and FB have two degrees of freedom in the numerator and 36 df in the denominator. The critical value of F for 2,36 df with  = .01 is 5.25. Thus, for the factor anxiety, reject the null hypothesis. It would seem that a person's closure drive is related to his or her anxiety level. Also, for the illumination variable, reject the null hypothesis. Again it would seem that the level of illumination has an effect on the number of circles seen as closed. For the interaction, the critical value of F for 4,36 df with  = .01 is 3.89. (The change in critical value results from the increase in df.) Thus, reject the hypothesis that the illumination conditions affected high-, medium-, and low-anxious participants in the same way. Conclude that there was an interaction between anxiety level and illumination. As you will soon see, this significant interaction affects the interpretation of the main effects.

14.6.10      The interaction can be seen in Figure 11.5. For participants who had high anxiety scores, the dim illumination and the bright illumination caused more circles to be seen as closed. As you recall, the experimenter expected both the dim and bright illuminations to be anxiety arousing. Thus, the significant interaction in this case is statistical confir­mation of the hypothesis that closure drive is very great in high-anxious persons placed in an anxiety-arousing situation.

14.6.11      Look again at Figure 11.5, the graph of the significant interaction effect from the closure study. The significant F for the anxiety factor indicates that the three anxiety groups differed in closure; but it would appear that this difference might be due entirely to the performance of the high-anxious group under conditions of dim and bright illu­mination. Similarly, the significant illumination main effect indicates that the three different amounts of light produced three sets of scores that do not appear to have a common population mean. Figure 11.5 shows "that this significant main effect may be due primarily to the high-anxious subjects and not to subjects in general.

14.6.12      When an interaction is significant, the interpretation of the main effects is usually not simple and straightforward. A main effect is a comparison of the average of each level with the grand mean. A significant interaction indicates that the averages may be misleading.

14.6.13      Table 11.10

14.6.14      Figure 11.5

14.6.15      In summary, when an interaction is significant, main effects must be interpreted in the light of the interaction. For a problem like the closure study, summarized in Table 11.10 and Figure 11.5, the experienced researcher would probably make statis­tical comparisons among the cell means. Such comparisons are called simple effects and are beyond the scope of this book. However, when an interaction is significant, you can often correctly interpret the results simply by drawing a graph of cell means and examining it.

14.7 Comparing Levels within a Factor

14.7.1            Procedures for deciding which levels within a factor are significantly different from the others are similar to those used in one-way ANOV A. The general formulas are the same. You may want to review the previous Chapter sections Comparisons Among Means and A Priori Orthogonal Comparisons especially noting the t formulas. These comparisons are like main effects; they detect differences between the averages of two or more levels. Thus, such comparisons are appropriate only when the interaction effect is not significant. If the interaction effect is significant, comparisons among the levels of a factor are usually not made. We will illustrate the method of comparing means within a factor by making three comparisons taken from the neglect ­reproof-praise study below.             An educational psychologist was interested in the effect that three kinds of teacher response had on children's final achievement in arithmetic. This psy­chologist was also interested in whether girls or boys were better in arithmetic. A third interest was whether the kind of response by the teacher affected girls and boys differently. Three classrooms of children, each classroom contain­ing ten randomly selected boys and ten randomly selected girls, were used in the experiment. In one classroom, the teacher's response was one of "neglect. " The children were not even observed during the time they were working. In a second classroom, the teacher's response was "reproof." The children were observed and errors were corrected and criticized. In the third classroom, children were observed and "praised" for correct answers. Incorrect answers were ignored. The numbers below are the numbers of errors made on a com­prehensive examination of arithmetic achievement.             Illustration                 

14.7.2            In that study the interaction was not significant.

14.7.3            In that study, the experimenter planned two a priori comparisons. Of particular interest was the comparison between the praised and reproved groups. The null hypoth­esis was H0: 2 -3 =0. The neglect group was included as a control group to deter­mine whether either praise or reproof had any effect. The null hypothesis for this test is             H0: 1 -2 + 3/2=0

14.7.4            Notice that these two tests are orthogonal.

14.7.5            Orthogonal Tests            

14.7.6            First, we will compare the mean of the reproved class with the mean of the praised class

14.7.7            Formula            

14.7.8            Degrees of freedom for this test are N - A (where A is the total number of levels of the independent variable). For this test, 60 - 3 = 57. The critical t values from stats textbook tables for  = .05 are 2.000 for 60 df and 2.021 for 40 df. For  = .01, the critical values are 2.660 for 60 df and 2.704 for 40 df.

14.7.9            You can also use the Web reference t tables below.

14.7.10      T Distribution Tables        Internet Site    

14.7.11      The experimenter could simply report a significant difference with p < .05 or interpolate to find the critical value of F at  = .01 for 57 df. If interpolation is used, the critical value will be (3/20)(2.704 - 2.660) + 2.660 = 2.667. Thus, reject the null hypothesis that H0: 2 -3 =0 at the .01 level (since 2.69 > 2.667). The praised group made significantly fewer errors than the reproved group.

14.7.12      Next, we will compare the control group (neglect) with the average of the other two groups.

14.7.13      Formula T test       

14.7.14      Critical values for this comparison are the same as for the comparison between praise and reproof. Therefore, the difference is significant beyond the .05 level.

14.7.15      At this point in the analysis, the typical experimenter would go data snooping in an attempt to find more information of interest. Be that experimenter and examine the means of the groups.

14.7.16      Group Means       

14.7.17      Two questions came to our minds. Is praise significantly better than neglect? Is reproof significantly better than neglect? These are questions suggested by the data so a posteriori Scheffé tests are in order.

14.7.18      To find the critical value of F' for Scheffé tests on factorial designs, use the formula      F ' = (A - 1)(F) where A= the total number of levels of the independent variable being examined, and F  = the critical value of F used to test for the main effect of A.

14.7.19      For neglect vs. praise use this formula,

14.7.20      F Formula       

14.7.21      Thus, children who were praised made significantly fewer arithmetic errors than those who were neglected.

14.7.22                  For reproof vs. neglect use this formula

14.7.23      F Formula       

14.7.24      Since F values less than 1.00 are never significant, the null hypothesis is retained. There is no evidence that reproof results in fewer errors than neglect does.

15      The Chi Square Distribution

15.1 Introduction

15.1.1            In your study of inferential statistics, you have used two families of curves. The normal curve is appropriate when sampling is random and you know  or can estimate  reliably from a large sample (Chapters 8-10). The t and F distributions are appropriate when sampling is random and population scores are normally distributed and have equal variances (Chapters 11-12). In the next two chapters, you will learn about some statistical tests that do not requite knowledge or estimates of , assumptions about the form of the population distribution, or homogeneity of variance. Random sampling, however, will still be required.

15.1.2            This Chapter, “The Chi Square Distribution,” you will learn to analyse frequency count data. Such data exist when observations are classified into categories and the frequencies in each category are counted. The next Chapter, “Nonparametric Statistics,” you will learn four techniques for analysing scores that are ranks or are reduced to ranks.

15.1.3            The techniques in these next two chapters are often described as “less powerful.” This means that if the population scores satisfy the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance, a t or F test is more likely than a chi square test or a nonparametric test to reject H0 if it should be rejected. To put this same idea another way, t and F tests have a smaller probability of a Type II error if they are appropriate for the data.

15.2 The CHI Square Distribution


15.3 CHI Square as a Test for Goodness of Fit


15.4 CHI Square as a Test of Independence


15.5 Shortcut for any 2 x 2 Table


15.6 A Correction for x2 when there are Small Expected Frequencies


15.7 CHI Square with More Than one Degree of Freedom


15.7.2            Small Expected Frequencies when df> 1              

15.7.3            Summary: When you may use CHI Square              

16      Nonparametric Statistics

16.1 Introduction

16.1.1            Two child psychologists were talking shop over coffee one morning. (Much research begins with just such' 'bull sessions. ") The topic was the effect of intensive early training in athletics. Both psychologists were convinced that such training made the child less sociable as an adult, but one psychologist went even further. "I think that really intensive training of young kids is ultimately detrimental to their performance in the sport. Why, I'll bet that, among the top ten men's singles tennis players, those with intensive early training are not in the highest ranks."       "Well, I certainly wouldn't go that far," said the second psychologist. "I think all that early intensive training would be quite helpful. "

16.1.2                      "Good. In fact, great. We disagree and we may be able to decide who is right. Let's get the ground rules straight. For tennis player's, how early is early, and what is intensive?"

16.1.3                      "Oh, I'd say early is starting by age 7 and intensive is playing every day for two or more hours. "  Since the phrase intensive early training can mean different things to different people, the first psy­chologist has provided the second with an operational definition. An operational definition is a definition that specifies a concrete meaning for a term. A concrete meaning is one everyone understands. "Seven years old" and "two or more hours of practice every day" are concepts that everyone understands.

16.1.4                      "That seems reasonable. Now, let’s see, our population is 'excellent tennis players' and these top ten will serve as our representative sample."

16.1.5            "Yes, indeed. What we would have among the top ten players would be two groups to com­pare. One had intensive early training, and the other didn't. The dependent variable is the player's rank. What we need is some statistical test that will tell us whether the difference in average ranks of the two groups is statistically significant."

16.1.6            "Right. Now, a t test won't give us an accurate probability figure because t tests assume that the population of dependent variable scores is normally distributed. A distribution of ranks is rectangular with each score having a frequency of one. "

16.1.7                      "I think there is a nonparametric test that would be proper to use on such data. "

16.1.8            So, here is a new category of tests, a category often called nonparametric tests that can be used to analyse experiments in which the dependent variable is ranks. Here is the rationale of these tests.

16.2 The Rationale of Nonparametric Tests

16.2.1            Suppose you drew two samples of equal size (for example, N 1 = N 2 = 10) from the same population. As always, drawing two samples from one population is statistically the same as starting with two identical populations and drawing a random sample from each.

16.2.2            You then arranged all the scores from both samples into one overall ranking, from I to 20. Since the samples are from the same population, the sum of the ranks of one group should be equal to the sum of the ranks of the second group. In this case, the expected sum for each group is 105. (This will be explained later.) Any difference between the actual sum and 105 would be the result of sampling fluctuation. Clearly, a sampling distribution of such differences could be constructed.

16.2.3            Now you are ready to experiment. Adopt an  level. Conduct an experiment on two groups. Find the probability of the obtained result from the sampling distribution. If the obtained result has a probability less than , reject chance as an explanation of the obtained results. Sound familiar?

16.2.4            Table 13.1            

16.2.5            If the two sample sizes are unequal, the same logic will still work. A sampling distribution can be constructed that will show the expected variation in sums of ranks for one of the two groups.

16.2.6            In this chapter, you will learn four new techniques. The first three are examples of hypothesis testing, determining whether samples came from the same population. These three employ the rationale described above; though only one of the tests (the Wilcoxon- Wilcox test) uses the arithmetic in exactly the way the rationale suggests. Also, for each sampling distribution, only a few points are given to you in the tables. Like the tables for t and F, only values that experimenters use as a levels (critical values) are given. The fourth technique in this chapter is a descriptive statistic, a corre­lation coefficient for ranked data (Spearman's rho).

16.2.7            . The four nonparametric techniques in this chapter and their functions are listed in Table 13.1. In earlier chapters, you studied parametric tests that have similar functions. They are listed on the right side of the table. Study this table carefully now.

16.3 Comparison of Nonparametric and Parametric Tests

16.3.1            In what ways are nonparametric tests similar-to parametric tests (t tests, and ANOVA) and in what ways are they different? They are similar in that both kinds of tests have the same goal: to determine whether samples came from the same popula­tion. Both kinds of tests require you to have random samples from the population (or at least assign subjects randomly to subgroups). Both kinds of tests are based on the logic of testing the null hypothesis. (If you can show that H0 is very unlikely, you are left with the alternate hypothesis.) As you will see, though, the null hypotheses are differ­ent for the two kinds of tests.

16.3.2            As for differences, the t test and ANOV A assume that the scores in the popula­tions that are sampled are normally distributed and have equal variances, but no such assumptions are necessary if you run a nonparametric test. Also, with parametric tests, the null hypothesis is that the population means are the same (H0: 1 = 2). In non­parametric tests, the null hypothesis is that the population distributions are the same. Since distributions can differ in form, variability, central value, or all three, the inter­pretation of a rejection of the null hypothesis may not be quite so clear-cut with a non­parametric test.

16.3.3            In the 1950s and afterward, some texts recommended that these nonparametric tests be used whenever the data were based on an ordinal scale of measurement. Now, however, nonparametric tests are recommended when assumptions of normality and equal variances are clearly not justified, regardless of whether the measurements are based on an ordinal, interval, or ratio scale. For a discussion of this controversy, see Kirk (1972), Chapter 2, or Gardner (1975).  Finally, if assumptions of normality and equal variance are justified, nonparametric tests are not as powerful as their parametric counterparts. That is, nonparametric tests are less likely to reject the null hypothesis if it should be rejected.         .

16.3.4            The next question is how to choose between a parametric and a nonparametric test. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any hard and fast rules. Part of the problem is that parametric tests are quite robust; they give almost correct probabilities even if the assumptions about the form and variances of the population are not justified. This leads some researchers to use parametric tests routinely. Other researchers are more cautious and usually choose a nonparametric test. One thing, however, is agreed upon. If the data are ranks, use a nonparametric test.

16.3.5            Finally, a satisfactory name has not been agreed upon for these tests. Besides nonparametric, they are also referred to as distribution-free statistics. Although non­parametric and distribution-free mean different things to statisticians, the two words are used almost interchangeably by research workers. Ury (1967) suggested a third term, assumption-freer tests, which conveys the fact that these tests have fewer restric­tive assumptions than do parametric tests. Some texts have adopted Ury's term (for example, Kirk, 1978). We will use the term nonparametric tests. We will examine them in the order seen in Table 13.1.

16.4 The Mann-Whitney U Test

16.4.1            The Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine whether two sets of data based on two independent samples came from the same population. Thus, it is the appropriate test for the child psychologists to use to test the difference in ranks of tennis players. The Mann-Whitney U test is very similar to the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, which is not covered in this book. Wilcoxon published his test first (1945). However, when Mann and Whitney (1947) independently published a test based on the same logic, they pro­vided tables and a name for the statistic (U). Currently, the Mann-Whitney U test appears to be referred to more often than the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

16.4.2            The Mann-Whitney U test produces a statistic, U, which is evaluated by consult­ing the sampling distribution of U. Like all the distributions you have encountered that can be used in the analysis of small samples, the sampling distribution of U depends on sample size. You will learn to use tables in the back of statistics text books to calculate critical values of U. Use these tables or the Web reference below if neither of your two samples is as large as 20.

16.4.3            Web Reference Critical Values Mann-Whitney U Test   

16.4.4            When the number of scores in one of the samples is over 20, the statistic U is distributed approximately as a normal curve. In this case, a z score is calculated and familiar values like 1.96 and 2.58 are used as critical values for = .05 and = .01.

16.4.5            Mann-Whitney U Test for Small Samples             To give us some data to illustrate the Mann-Whitney U test, we invented some information about the intensive early training of the top ten male singles tennis players Table 13.2).     .             Table 13-2                                  There are two groups: one had intensive early training (Nyes = N1 = 4), and a second did not (Nno = N2 = 6).                         The sum of the ranks for each group is shown at the bottom of the table. A U value can be calculated for each group and then the smaller of the two is used to enter stats book tables or Web reference. For the “yes” group, the U value is             Illustration U Value “yes” group                      For the “no” group, the U value is             Illustration U Value “no” group                      A convenient way to check your calculation of your U values is to know that the sum of the two U values is equal to (N1)(N2). For our example, 7 + 17 = 24 = (4)(6). Now we are almost ready to enter the stats book tables or Web reference with the smaller U value, U = 7.             From the conversation of the two child psychologists, it is clear that a two-tailed test is appropriate; they would be interested in knowing if intensive, early training helps or hinders players. Since an  level wasn't discussed, we will do what they would do-­see if the difference is significant at the .05 level, and if it is, see if it is also significant at some smaller  level. Thus, in the stats book tables or Web reference we will begin by looking for the critical value of U for a two-tailed test with  = .05. Table G is found on two pages and the critical value for a two-tailed test with  = .05 is on the second page in boldface type at the intersection of N 1 = 4, N 2 = 6. The critical value is 2. Since our obtained value of U is 7, we must retain the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no evidence from our sample that the distribution of players trained early and intensively is significantly dif­ferent from the distribution of those without such training.        Note that in Table G you reject Ho when the obtained U value is smaller than the tabled critical value.        Although you can easily find a U value using, the method above and quickly go to Table G and reject or retain the null hypothesis, it would help your understanding of this test to think about small values of U. Under what conditions would you get a small U value? What kind of samples would give you a U value of zero? By examining the formula for U, you can see that U = 0 when the members of one sample all rank lower than every member of the other sample. Under such conditions, rejecting the null hy­pothesis seems reasonable. By playing with numbers in this manner, you can move from the rote memory level to the understanding level.

16.4.6            Assigning Ranks and Tied Scores             When your dependent variable comes to you as a set of ranks, a nonparametric test is the proper one to use. Many times, however, the dependent variable is scores from a test, time measures, or some readings from a dial. If you decide that a nonpara­metric test is in order you will have to rank the scores. Two questions often arise. Is the largest or the smallest score ranked 1, and what should I do about ranks for scores that are tied? .             You will find the answer to the first question very satisfactory. It doesn't make any difference whether you call the largest or the smallest score 1.             Ties are handled by giving all tied scores the same rank. This rank is the mean of the ranks the tied scores would have if no ties had occurred. For example, if a distribu­tion of scores was 12, 13, 13, 15, and 18, the corresponding ranks would be 1, 2.5, 2.5,4,5. The two scores of 13 would have been 2 and 3 if they had not been tied and 2.5 is the mean of 2 and 3. As another example, the scores 23,25,26,26,26,29 would have ranks of 1,2,4,4,4,6. Ranks of 3,4, and 5 average out to be 4.             Ties do not affect the value of U if they are in the same group. If there are several ties that involve both groups, a correction factor may be advisable.             See Kirk (1978, p. 355) for the correction factor.

16.4.7            Mann-Whitney U Test for Larger Samples             When one sample size is 21 or more, the normal curve should be used to assess probability. The z value is obtained by the formula             Illustration z value                      c is a correction for continuity. It is used because the normal curve is a continu­ous function but the values of z that we may obtain in this test are discrete.                         U, as before, is the smaller of the two possible U values.                         Once a z score is obtained, the decision rules are the ones you have used in the past. For a two-tailed test, reject Ho if z 1.96 (: = .05). For a one-tailed test, reject Ho if z 1.65 (: = .05). The corresponding values for = .01 are z  2.58 and z  2.33.             Here is a problem for which the normal curve is necessary. An undergraduate psychology major was devoting a year to the study of memory. The principal independ­ent variable was sex. Among her several experiments was one in which she asked the students in a General Psychology class to write down everything they remembered unique to the previous day's class, during which a guest had lectured. Students were encouraged to write down every detail they remembered. This class was routinely videotaped so it was easy to check each recollection for accuracy and uniqueness.             The scores, their ranks, and the statistical analysis are presented in Table 13:3.             Table 13.3                                  Since the distribution of the number of recollections was very positively skewed, this student decided to run a Mann-Whitney test. (A plot of the scores in Table 13.3 will show this skew.) The z score of - 2.61 led to rejection of the null hypothesis so she returned to the original data in order to interpret the results. Since the mean rank of the females, 15 (258 -7- 17), is higher than that of the males, 25 (603 -7- 24), and since higher ranks (those closer to 1) mean more recollections, she concluded that females recalled significantly more items than the males did.        Her conclusion is one that singles out central value for emphasis. On the average, females did better than males. The Mann-Whitney test, however, is one that compares distributions. What our undergraduate has done is what most researchers who use the Mann-Whitney do: she has assumed that the two populations have the same form but differ in central value. Thus, when a significant U value is found, it is common to attrib­ute it to a difference in central value.        Error Detection              Here are two checks you can easily make. First, the lowest rank will be the sum of the two N's. In Table 13.3, N1 + N2 = 41, which is the lowest rank. Second, when R1 and R 2 are added together, they will equal N (N + 1)/2, where N is the total number of scores. In Table 13.3, 603 + 258 = (41)(42)/2.               Now you can see how we figured the expected sum of 105 in the section on the rationale of nonparametric tests. There were 20 scores, so the overall sum of the ranks is (20)(21)/2= 210. Half of this total should be found in each group, so the expected sum of ranks of each group, both of which came from the same population, is 105.

16.5 Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Rank Test

16.5.1            The Wilcoxon Matched-pairs signed-ranks test (1945) [24] is appropriate for testing the difference between two correlated samples. There are three kinds of correlated-samples designs: natural pairs, matched pairs, and repeated measures (before and after). In each of these designs, a score in one group is logically paired with a score in the other group. If you are not sure of your understanding of the difference between a correlated-samples and an independent-samples design, review the links to Chapter 11. An evaluation needs to be made between the Wilcoxon Matched-pairs signed-ranks test and a Mann-Whitney U test. The Wilcoxon test is like the Mann-Whitney test in that you have a choice of two values for your test statistic. For both tests, choose the smaller value than the one listed in most statistic textbooks for those tests.

16.5.2            The result of a Wilcoxon Matched-pairs signed-ranks test is a T value which is interpreted using a table in the back of statistic text books or with the following Web Link below

16.5.3            Web Link Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (n=undefined.)   

16.5.4            Be alert when you use a capital T in your outside readings; it has uses other than to symbolize the Wilcoxon Matched-pairs signed-ranks test. Also note that this T is capitalized whereas the t in the t test and t distribution is not capitalized except on computer printout, which does not have lowercase letters.

16.5.5            We will illustrate the rationale and calculation of T, using the four pairs of scores in Table 13.4.

16.5.6            First, the difference (D) between each pair of scores is found. The absolute values of these differences are then ranked, with the smallest difference given the rank of 1, the next smallest a rank of 2, and so on. The original sign of the difference is then given to the rank, and the positive ranks and the negative ranks are summed. T is the smaller of the absolute values of the two sums.

16.5.7            The Wilcoxon test is like the Mann-Whitney test in that you have a choice of two values for your test statistic. For both tests, choose the smaller value.

16.5.8            For Table 13.4, T = 4.

16.5.9            The rationale is that, if there is no true difference between the two groups, the absolute value of the negative sum should be equal to the positive sum, with any devia­tions being due to sampling fluctuations.

16.5.10      Table 13-4       

16.5.11      References

16.5.12      Description and Process        Steps              Find the difference (D) between each pair of scores.              Order the D scores form lesser to greater              Next to the D scores create a column. Record the rank of the absolute values of these differences, with the smallest difference given the rank of 1 ect.              Another column is created for signed ranks. The original sign of the difference is then given to the rank in the previous column.              The positive and negative ranks are summed.              T is the smaller of the absolute values of the two sums              The Wilcoxon table is in the back of most stats textbooks and lists the critical values of the smaller T by sample size for both one and two tailed tests. Reject the Null Hypothesis when T is equal to or smaller than the critical value in the table.

16.5.13      Wilcoxon has tabled the critical values of the smaller T by sample size for both one- and two-tailed tests. Table H is a version of that table. Reject H 0 when T is equal to or smaller than the critical value in the table.

16.5.14      Table H        To be significant the T obtained from the data must be equal to or less than the value shown in the table. From Introductory Statistics by Roger E. Kirk (1978)[25]

16.5.15      We will illustrate the calculation and interpretation of a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test with an experiment based on some early work of Muzafer Sherif (1935)[26]. Sherif was interested in whether a person's basic perception could be influenced by others. The basic perception he used was a judgment of the size of the autokinetic effect. The autokinetic effect is obtained when a person views a stationary point of light in an otherwise dark room. After a few moments, the light appears to move erratically. Sherif asked his subjects to judge how many inches the light moved. Under such condi­tions, judgments differ widely between individuals but they are fairly consistent for each individual. After establishing a stable mean for each subject, other observers were brought into the room. These new observers were confederates of the experimenter who always judged the movement of the light to be somewhat less than the subject did. Finally, the confederates left and the subject again made judgments until a stable mean was achieved. The before and after scores and the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed­ ranks test are shown in Table 13.5. The D column is simply the pretest minus the postt­est. These D scores are then ranked by absolute size and the sign of the difference attached in the Signed-Ranks column. Notice that when D = 0, that pair of scores is dropped from further analysis and N is reduced by I. The negative ranks have the smaller sum, so T = 4.

16.5.16      Table 13-5       

16.5.17      Since this T is smaller than the T value of 5 shown in Table H under  = .01 (two-tailed test) for N = II, the null hypothesis is rejected. The after scores represent a distribution different from the before scores. Now let's interpret this in terms of the experiment.

16.5.18      By examining the D column you can see that all scores but two are positive. This means that, after hearing others give judgments smaller than one's own, the amount of movement seen was less. Thus, you may conclude (as did Sherif) that even basic per­ceptions tend to conform to perceptions expressed by others.

16.5.19      Tied Scores and D=0        Ties among the D scores are handled in the usual fashion of assigning to each tied score the mean of the ranks that would have been assigned if there had been no ties. Ties do not affect the probability of the rank sum unless they are numerous (10 percent or more of the ranks are tied). In the case of numerous ties, the probabilities in Table H associated with a given critical T value may be too large. In a situation with s ties, the test is described as too conservative because it may fail to ascribe significance to differences that are in fact significant (Wilcoxon & Wilcox, 1964).        As you already know, when one of the D scores is zero, it is not assigned a rank reduced by 1. When two of the D scores are tied at zero, each is given the rank of 1.5. Each is kept in the computation with one being assigned a plus he other a minus sign. If three D scores are zero, one is dropped, N is reduced        If three  D scores are zero, one is dropped, N is reduced by 1, and the remaining two are given signed ranks of + 1.5 and -1.5.        Summary              If tied scores are less than 10% of the total number of scores            Assign the mean of the ranks that would have been assigned if there had been no ties. In other words add the rank of the tied scores together, divide by the number of the tied scores and assign that rank to each of the tied scores.              If tied scores are greater than 10% of the total number of scores            The probabilities in the tables associated with a given critical T value may be too large and thus the above test is too conservative because it may fail to ascribe significance to differences that are in fact significant. [27]

16.5.20      Zero Scores        When one of the D scores is zero, it is not assigned a rank and The total number of scores is reduced by 1.        When two of the D scores are tied at zero, each is given the average rank of 1.5 with one score assigned a plus sign and the other a minus sign. +1.5  –1.5        If three D scores are zero, one is dropped, N is reduced by 1, and the remaining two are given signed ranks of +1.5  –1.5

16.5.21      When the number of pairs exceeds 50, the T statistic may be evaluated using the normal curve.        Formula              Z=(T + c) –Mt/SDt              T=Smaller sum of the signed ranks              C=.5              Mr=N*(N + 1)/4              SDt=SQRT(N*(N+1)*(2N+1)/24              N=number of pairs

16.5.22      Rational        The rationale is that, if there is no true difference between the two groups, the absolute value of the negative sum should be equal to the positive sum, with any deviations being due to sampling fluctuations.

16.5.23      Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test for Large Samples        When the number of pairs exceeds 50, the T statistic may be evaluated using the normal curve. The test statistic is        Test Statistic Formula             

16.6 Wilcoxon and Wilcox Multiple Comparisons Test

16.6.1            So far in this chapter on the analysis of ranked data, we have covered both designs for the two-group case (independent and correlated samples). The next step is to ana­lyze results from three or more groups. The method presented here is one that allows you to compare all possible pairs of groups, regardless of the number of groups in the experiment. This is the nonparametric equivalent of a one-way ANOVA followed by Scheffé tests. A direct analogue of the overall F test is the Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA on ranks, which is explained in many elementary statistics texts.

16.6.2            The Wilcoxon and Wilcox multiple-comparisons test (1964) is a method that allows you to compare all possible pairs of treatments. This is like running several Mann-Whitney tests, one for each pair of treatments. However, the Wilcoxon-Wilcox multiple-comparisons test keeps your  level at .05 or .01, no matter how many pairs you have. The test is an extension of the procedures in the Mann-Whitney U test, and like it, requires independent samples. (Remember that Wilcoxon devised a test very similar to the Mann-Whitney U test.)

16.6.3            The Wilcoxon and Wilcox method requires you to order the scores from the K samples into one overall ranking. Then the sum of the ranks in each group is computed. The rationale is that these sums should all be equal and that large differences in sums must reflect samples from different populations. Of course, the larger K is, the greater the likelihood of large differences by chance alone, and this is taken into account in the table of critical values, Table J.

16.6.4            Table J             To be significant the difference obtained from the data must be equal to or larger than the tabled value. From Some Rapid Approximate Statistical Procedures, by F. Wilcoxon and R. Wilcox, 1964                

16.6.5            The Wilcoxon and Wilcox test can be used only when N's for all groups are equal. A common solution to the problem of unequal N's is to reduce the too-large group(s) by throwing out one or more randomly chosen scores. A better solution is to design the experiment so that you have equal N's.

16.6.6            The data in Table 13.6 represent the results of an experiment conducted on a solar collector by two designer/entrepreneurs. These two had designed and built a 4-foot by 8-foot solar collector they planned to market and they wanted to know the optimal rate at which to pump water through the collector. Since the rule of thumb for this is one ­half gallon per hour per square foot of collector, they chose values of 14, 15, 16, and 17 gallons per hour for their experiment. Starting with the reservoir full of ice water, the water was pumped for one hour through the collector and back to the reservoir. At the end of the hour, the temperature of the water in the reservoir was measured in degrees centigrade. Then the water was replaced with ice water, the flow rate changed and the process was repeated. The numbers in the body of Table 13.6 are the tempera­ture measurements (to the nearest, tenth of a degree).

16.6.7            Table 13-6            

16.6.8            There are six ways to make pairs of the four groups. The rate of 14 gallons per hour can be paired with 15, 16, and 17, the rate of 15 with 16 and 17, and the rate of 16 with 17. For each pair, a difference in the sum of ranks is found and the absolute value of that difference is compared with the critical value in Table J to see if it is significant.

16.6.9            Table J appears on two pages---One for the .05 level and one for the .01 level. In both cases, critical values are given for a two-tailed test. In the case of the data in Table 13.6, where K = 4, N = 5, you will find in Table J that rank-sum differences of 48.1 and 58.2 are required to reject H0 at the .05 and .01 levels respectively.

16.6.10      A convenient summary table for the Wilcoxon-Wilcox multiple-comparisons test is shown in Table 13.7. At the .05 level, rates of 14 and 16 are significantly different from each other, as are 15 and 17. In addition, a rate of 14 is significantly different from a rate of 17 at the .01 level. What does all this mean for our two designer/entre­preneurs? Let's listen to their explanation to their old statistics professor.

16.6.11      "How did the flow-rate experiment come out, fellows?" inquired the kindly old gentleman. "O.K., but we are going to have to do a follow-up experiment using different flow rates. We know that 16 and 17 gallons per hour are not as good as 14, but we don't know if 14 is optimal for our design. Fourteen was the best of the rates we tested, though. On our next experiment, we are going to test rates of 12, 13, 14, and 15."

16.6.12      The professor stroked his beard and nodded thoughtfully. . “Typical experiment. You know more after it than you did before, . . . but not quite enough. "

16.6.13      Table 13-7       

16.7 References




16.8 Correlation of Ranked Data (Spearman’s Rho)

16.8.1            Definition Review of Correlation             Correlation requires a logical pairing of scores             Correlation is a method of describing the degree of relationship between two variables-that is, the degree to which high scores on one variable are associated with low or high scores on the other variable.             Correlation coefficients range in value from +1.00 (perfect positive) to _1.00 (perfect negative). A value of .00 indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables             Statements about causal relation may nhot be made on the basis of a correlation coefficient alone.

16.8.2            Spearman’s Rho             Charles Spearman, an English psychologist, developed a technique for calculating the correlation coefficient for two sets of ranked data. The technique, called Spearman’s Rho (rrho) is a descriptive statistic and is a special case of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.             Rho is most often used when the number of pairs of scores is small (less than 30). Some texts use p as the symbol for Spearman’s statistic.

16.8.3            Calculation of Spearman’s Rho             Formula (for samples under 10 pairs)                          D=Difference in ranks of a pair of scores                  N=Number of pairs of scores             Steps                  Determine the difference between the paired scores and create a column with the squared scores (Multiply the difference by itself)                  Add those squared scores together                  Multiply the sum of the squared scores by 6                  Divide the previous step by the number of paired scores (N) * the number of paired scores squared – 1                  1 minus the product of this division is Spearman’s Rho (rrho)                  Look up your score in a statistic textbook for Critical Values for Spearman’s (rrho)             We started this chapter with speculation about men tennis players; we will end it with data about women tennis players. Suppose you were interested in the relationship between age and rank among professional women tennis players. Spearman's rrho will give you a numerical index of the degree of the relationship. A high positive rrho would mean that, the older the player, the higher her rank. A high negative rrho would mean that, the older the player, the lower her rank. A zero or near zero rrho would indicate that there is no relationship between age and rank.             Table 13.8 shows the ten top-ranked women tennis players for 1979, their age as a rank score among the ten, and the calculation of Spearman's rho. As with a Pearson r, you can ask whether a rrho, based on sample data, could have come from a popu­lation in which the true correlation was zero; that is, is r rho significantly different at the .05 level from a correlation of .OO?

16.8.4            Testing The Significance of Spearman’s Rho             Table K in the Appendix gives values of rrho that are significant at the .05 and .01 levels when the number of pairs is 10 or less. The tennis data in Table 13.8 pro­duced an rrho = -.39 based on 10 pairs. Table K shows that a correlation of .648 (either positive or negative) is required for significance at the .05 level. Thus, a corre­lation of -.39 is not statistically significant.             Table K                      Table 13-8                      Notice in Table K that rather large correlations are required for significance. As with r, not much confidence can be placed in low or moderate correlation coefficients that are based on only a few pairs of scores.             For samples larger than 10, you may test the significance of rrho by converting it to a t value with the formula             Formula (for samples over 10 pairs)                          DF=N-2             Steps                  Take the number of pairs – 2                  Divide the previous step by 1 – the (rrho)2                  Obtain the square root of the product of the previous step                  Multiply the product of the previous step by the (rrho)                  Minus the number of pairs by 2 to determine the degrees of freedom                  Use the table in the back of a statistic textbook for t scores. Your score should be equal or higher than the t score listed             This t value with N - 2 df can be interpreted using Table D or the Web reference below. This is the same procedure you used for testing the significance of a Pearson r.             Table D                  To be significant the t obtained from the data must be equal to or larger than the value shown in the table                 Web Reference t test    

17      Vista Formulas and Analysis

17.1 Standard Error of the mean for a population

17.1.1            Internet Reference   

17.1.2            Defined             The standard deviation of any sampling distribution is called the standard error and the mean is called the expected value.

17.1.3            Formula            

17.1.4            Z Test Statistic             Formula                 

17.2 T-Scores

17.2.1            Internet Reference   

17.2.2            Defined             T-Scores are a transformation of raw scores into a standard form, where the transformation is made when there is no knowledge of the population's mean and standard deviation.             The scores are computed by using the sample's mean and standard deviation, which is our best estimate of the population's mean and standard deviation.

17.2.3            Formula            

17.3 Univariate Analysis

17.3.1            Univariate Analysis (ViSta-UniVar) provides techniques for comparing means of two populations. ViSta-UniVar can compare two sets of data whether they are independent or paired (dependent). It tests whether the means of the two groups are significantly different, and reports the confidence interval for the difference in means.

17.3.2            For samples from independent populations ViSta-UniVar computes Student's T-test and the Mann-Whitney test. For paired (dependent) samples the paired-samples T-Test and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test are computed. Student's T-test is used when there is a single sample. ViSta-UniVar can also use the T-test to compare the mean of one population to a pre-specified hypothetical mean. If the population variance is known, then the Z-test is substituted for the T-test.

17.3.3            The T-test (and Z-test) tests the null hypothesis that the means of the populations from which the data are sampled are equal. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test use the null hypothesis that both populations are identically distributed.

17.3.4            The ViSta-UniVar visualization presents plots to help you assess the normality assumption.

17.4 Visualization of Data

17.4.1            Scatterplot             The scatterplot is designed to display the relationship between two variables. The variables are represented by the X-axis and Y-axis.  The observed values on the two variables are represented by points in the scatterplot. Each point  represents the values for (usually) one observation on two variables. The value can be approximately determined by seeing what value the point is above on the X-axis, and to the right of on the Y-axis.             Two normally distributed variables will have a scatterplot which has the greatest density in the middle, is roughly eliptical in shape, and has no obvious outliers.

17.4.2            Normal Probability Plot (NP-Plot)             The Normal Probability Plot (NP-Plot) pictures a variable's distribution by plotting the value of a specific datum versus the Z-score that would be obtained for the datum under the assumption of normality. That is, the Q-plot's Fraction of Data (empirical probability) is converted, for the NP-plot, into Z-Scores having the stated probability.             In this plot, the jagged line represents the variable's distribution and the straight line represents a normal distribution. If the jagged line is roughly linear, so that it approximately follows the straight line, the variable has an approximately normal distribution.             Systematic departures from a straight line indicate non-normality. Such departures include large deviations, which indicate outliers; asymmetric departures at one end or the other, indicating skewness; and horizontal segments, plateaus or gaps, which indicate discrete data.             Normality is important because very many inferential statistical procedures assume that the data are normally distributed. The normal-probability plot gives us a visual approach to checking on this critical assumption.             When you click on the Y button at the top of the graph you will be presented with a list of variables to display. Clicking on a variable will change the plot to display that variable on the Y-axis. (If there are only two varibles, it toggles between them.)             Clicking on the X button at the top of the graph toggles the X-axis between "Fraction of Data", and "Z-Score of Fraction of Data". It also toggles the entire graph between a Quantile Plot and a Normal Probability Plot.

17.4.3            Quantile-Quantile plot (QQ-Plot)             The Quantile-Quantile plot (QQ-Plot) is used to compare the distributions of two variables. In the QQ-plot, the quantiles of two variables are plotted against each other, forming the jagged blue line. This line represents the relationship between the two distributions. Since, for these data, the two variables have the same number of observations,the jagged blue line is  simply a plot of one sorted variable against the other sorted variable.             The blue line on the QQ-Plot tells us whether the two variables have distributions that have the same shape. If the line is roughly straight, the two variables have roughly the same shape. This is important to know, since many analyses assume that the variables are "identically" distributed, which means they have the same shape. When two variables are normally distributed, for example, they have the same shape.             CENTER AND SPREAD:                  The straight dashed black line represents two identically distributed variables (this line does not appear when the centers of the two variables are very different). The straight red line represents two variables whose distributions are the same shape and which have measures of center and spread which are like those of the observed variables. Such distributions are geometrically "similar", since they have the same shape.                  When the dashed and red lines are parallel but not near each other, the measures of spread of the observed distributions are about the same, but the centers are different. The the two lines are near each other but not parallel, then the observed distributions have roughly the same centers, but different spreads.                  The measures of center and spread that are compared in this plot are the mean and variance of the quantiles. If the jagged blue line is systematically different from a straight line the distributions of the two variables do not have the same shape, and are not geometrically similar. Outliers appear as large deviations from the straight line.                  If the jagged blue line is roughly straight, the two variables have aproximately the same shaped distributions. If the blue line approximately follows the dashed line, then the two distributions are roughly identical. If it approximately follows the red line, but not the dashed line, the two distributions are "similar", but have different centers and spreads.

17.4.4            Box, Diamond and Dot plot             The Box, Diamond and Dot plot uses boxes, diamonds and dots to form a schematic of a set of observations. The schematic can give you insight into the shape of the distribution of observations. Some Box, Diamond and Dot plots have several schematics. These side-by-side plots can also help you see if the distributions have the same average value and the same variation in values.             The plot always displays dots. They are located vertically at the value of the observations shown on the vertical scale. (The dots are 'jittered' horizontally by a small random ammount to avoid overlap).             The plot can optionally display boxes and diamonds. Boxes summarize information about the quartiles of the variable's distribution. Diamonds summarize information about the moments of the variable's distribution. The BOX and DIAMOND buttons at the bottom of the graph control whether boxes or diamonds (or both) are displayed.             The box plot is a simple schematic of a variable's distribution. The schematic gives you information about the shape of the distribution of the observations. The schematic is especially useful for determining if the distribution of observations has a symmetric shape. If the portion of the schematic above the middle horizontal line is a reflection of the part below, then the distribution is symmetric. Otherwise, it is not.             In the box plot, the center horizontal line shows the median, the bottom and top edges of the box are at the first and third quartile, and the bottom and top lines are at the 10th and 90th percentile. Thus, half the data are inside the box, half outside. Also, 10% are above the top line and another 10% are below the bottom line. The width of the box is proportional to the total number of observations.             The diamond plot is another schematic of the distribution, but it is based on the mean and standard deviation. The center horizontal line is at the mean, and the top and bottom points of the diamond are one standard deviation away from the mean. The width is proportional to the number of observations. The diamond is always symmetric, regardless of whether the distribution is symmetric.             In side-by-side plots, both the box plot and diamond plot can be used to see if the distributions have the same central tendency and the same variation. If the several medians, as well as the several means, are all about the same, then the central tendency for each distribution is about the same. If the diamonds are all approximately the same size vertically, and if the boxes are also all about the same size vertically, then the distributions have about the same variation.             The MEDIANS and MEANS buttons control whether boxes are connected at their medians and whether diamonds are connected at their means.  The CONNECT button connects together corresponding observations in  multivariate data. This effectively makes the plot an ANDREWS plot.

17.4.5            Frequency Polygon             The Frequency Polygon is designed to show you the shape of a variable's distribution. It does this by breaking the range of the variable's values into equal-sized intervals called BINS. It then displays the number of observations that fall into the interval (are in the BIN) as a peak or valley in a jagged line connecting together several red dots. The red dots are located so that their height is proportional to the frequency in the interval. The higher the red dot, the greater the frequency in the bin.             The red dots are located above the midpoint of each bin, and to the right of the frequency of the bin. You can brush your cursor over the red dots to see the frequency and midpoint of the bin.             Unfortunately, the Frequency Polygon is notorious for conveying an impression of the shape of the variable's distribution that is strongly dependent on the number of bins choosen. Changing the number of bins may radically change the apparent shape of the distribution. Even more unfortunately, there is no entirely satisfactory way to solve this problem.             For this reason there are two buttons on the graph that help you control the number of bins. These are the BINWIDTH button at the bottom and the NEWBINS button at the top.             The BINWIDTH buttons can be used to dynamically change the bin widths, and, consequently, the number of bins. By putting your cursor on the button and holding your mouse button down, these buttons allow you to  watch the graph change in an animated way. Clicking on the NEWBINS button gives you a dialog box that lets you customize the bin widths and midpoints (as well as the x-axis) to get a better distribution.             We recommend that you first use the BINWIDTH buttons to get a better impression of the distribution's shape, and then the NEWBINS button to choose a "nice" bin width and midpoint. "Nice" means that the distribution adequately portrays the shape of the distribution, and the bin widths, midpoints and axis details use sensible numbers.             You can use the PLOTS button at the bottom of the graph to cycle through three ways of plotting the frequency information: Histogram, Hollow Histogram and Frequency Polygon. Unfortunately, all three of these formats suffer from the same binning problem discussed above.             The CURVES button can be used to add or remove several different distribution curves, including the normal distribution and several curves called "kernel density distribution curves". The kernel density distribution curves provide several alternate ways of approximating the shape of the population distribution. If the kernel density curves roughly approximate the normal distribution curve, then the variable's distribution approximates normality.             When you click on the X button at the top of the graph you will be presented with a list of variables to display (if there are only two variables, it will switch to the other variable). Clicking on a variable will change the plot to display that variable's Frequency Polygon. When you click on the Y button at the top of the graph the y axis will switch between frequency and probability.        Finally, when you click on the DATA button at the bottom of the graph, you will create a cumulative frequency table dataobject. It contains several variables specifying frequencies and cumulative frequencies, percentages and cumulative percentages, and limits and midpoints.

17.4.6            ANOVA (partial) regression plot             The ANOVA (partial) regression plot is a plot of the response variable versus the Least Squared (LS) Means for the selected ANOVA source. The LS Means are the values of the response variable that are predicted by the selected source. Since the LS Mean for a given level of the selected source is the same for all observations within that level, the plot shows vertical lines of dots. The dots in a line are the observations within a level of the source.             The plot shows the relationship between the response variable and the predictions of the response made by the selected source. This relationship is represented by the scatter of points, and it is summarized by the straight. 45 degree line. This line is the (partial) regression line. The slope and intercept of this line are based on the parameter estimates computed by the analysis.             If the scatter of points displays a linear relationship, then the assumption of linearity is satisfied for the analysis. The strength of relationship is displayed by the scatter of points around the regression line.             The plot also shows a horizontal line and two curved lines. The horizontal line is drawn at the mean of the response variable. The two curved lines are the upper and lower 95% confidence boundaries for the (partial) regression. If these lines intersect with the horizontal line, then the ANOVA source is significant, at the 95% level, in predicting the response variable.

17.4.7            Residuals Plot             The residuals plot is a plot of the standardized residuals versus the Least Squared (LS) Means for the selected ANOVA source. The LS Means are the values of the response variable that are predicted by the selected source. Since the LS Mean for a given level of the selected source is the same for all observations within that level, the plot shows vertical lines of dots. The dots in a line are the observations within a level of the source.             The residuals plot is an ANOVA diagnostic plot: It helps diagnose the suitability of the assumptions underlying ANOVA for the data being analyzed. Residual plots may be used to detect nonnormal error distributions, non-constant error variance (heteroscedasticity), nonlinearity and outliers.             NORMALITY: The points in the plot should be normally distributed about the zero line within each source level. If they are not, then the assumption of normality has probably not been met.             LINEARITY: Points that form a systematic pattern within a souce level suggest that the assumption of linearity has been violated.             HETEROSCADASTICITY: The variance of the residuals should be about the same for all source levels. If the variance changes systematically across the levels, then the assumption of constant error variance has not been met.             OUTLIERS: Outliers may be identified by examining observations which have residuals that are much larger than the rest of the residual values. There should be no outliers.

17.4.8            Fit and Linear Regression             The scatterplot is designed to display the relationship between two variables. The variables are represented by the X-axis and Y-axis.  The observed values on the two varibles are represented by points in the scatterplot. Each point  represents the values for (usually) one observation on two variables. The value can be approximately determined by seeing what value the point is above on the X-axis, and to the right of on the Y-axis.             Two normally distributed variables will have a scatterplot which has the greatest density in the middle, is roughly eliptical in shape, and has no obvious outliers.

17.4.9            Bayes Residuals             The residuals plot is a plot of the residuals versus the predicted values of the response variable.             The residuals plot is a regression diagnostic plot: It helps diagonse the suitability of the assumptions underlying regression analysis to the data being analyzed. Residual plots may be used to detect nonnormal error distributions, constant error variance (heteroscedasticity), nonlinearity and outliers.             NORMALITY: The points in the plot should be randomly distributed about the zero line. If they are not, then the assumption of normality has probably not been met.             LINEARITY: Points that form a systematic pattern, such as a curve, suggest that the assumption of linearity has been violated.             HETEROSCADASTICITY: The variance of the residuals should be about the same for all values of the predicted response variable. If the variance changes systematically with the response variable, then the assumption of constant error variance has not been met.             OUTLIERS: Outliers may be identified by examining observations which have residuals that are much larger than the rest of the residual values.             Clicking the Y button reveals that you have a choice of OLS (ordinary least squares), Bayes OLS, and Standardized OLS residuals. These are defined as follows:               1: OLS RESIDUALS are the difference between the predicted response and the observed response.               2: STANDARDIZED RESIDUALS are the OLS values standardized to have a variance of 1. These are also known as STUDENTIZED residuals.          3: BAYES RESIDUALS are the standardized values with error bars added. The bars represent the mean plus or minus 2 times a Bayesian standard error (see Tierney, 1990). They cover a range of values within which we would roughly expect to find the residual 95% of the time.        In addition, you have the choice of looking at the three types of residuals for the monotonically transformed response variable.

17.4.10      Influence Plot        The Influence plot is a regression diagnostic plot: It helps diagnose the stability of the regression analysis. The plot may be used to determine the influence of a particular observation on the regression parameter estimates.        The Influence plot shows the effect, on the values of the predicted response variable, of removing an individual observation. The plot uses Cook's distance measure, a measure which determines the influence of removing an observation by estimating the difference between the regression coefficients calculated when the observation is included in the analysis and when it is omitted from the analysis.        A large Cook's distance suggests that the observation has a large influence on the calculation of the parameter estimates: Small changes in the observation will have relatively large effects on the parameter estimates. If such an observation is not reliable, then the model is also not reliable and we do not have stable estimates of the parameters.        For this Monotonic regression, the Monotonic measures differ as to whether the transformed data or the raw data are used in the calculation of the measure.

17.4.11      Regression: Restriction of Predictor Range        The range of the predictor variable can have an effect on the regression equation and correlation coefficient. Restricted range can radically change the value of the correlation coefficient and the position of the regression line.        To see the effect, move your cursor at a medium speed back and forth across the graph. As you move your cursor back and forth, a vertical line moves back and forth. The vertical line is a cutoff value representing a restriction on the range of the predictor variable (MathSat) such that no observations are obtained below the cutoff. Thus, observations less than the cutoff are removed from the analysis and the regression is performed on the remaining observations.        The current correlation coefficient value and regression line vary. The original and current values of the correlation coefficient are shown in the bottom part of the graph window, along with both the original and current equation for drawing the regression line (the regression equation). The position of the regression line is shown in the plot.

17.4.12      Regression: Influential Points        The position of some points can radically change the value of the correlation coefficient and the position of the regression line. Not all points have this effect, but those that do are called INFLUENTIAL points.        To see the effect, put your cursor near a point, and VERY SLOWLY move the cursor around. If you do this carefully, the point will follow the cursor, and the regression will be recalculated every time the point moves, using the new position of the point.        The original and current values of the correlation coefficient are shown below the graph, along with two equations: the original and current equation for drawing the regression line (the regression equation). The position of the regression line is shown in the plot.        Note that points that are near the ends of the distribution have more influence than those in the middle.

17.4.13      GENERAL SPREADPLOT HELP        A SpreadPlot is a group of plots. Usually these windows are linked together and interact with each other. When you make a change in one of the plots, the linkages cause changes to appear in other plots. The details of the linkages determine which plots change, and how they change.        Generally, the plots are linked through corresponding observations and/or variables: For example, when you change the color of a point in one plot, the  color of corresponding points in other plots may change as well.        Sometimes the plots are linked through equations: When you change the position of a point in one plot, then for a particular model, this may imply that some of the parameter estimates have been changed. These new parameter estimates are entered into the model and changes in the model are shown in other plotss.        There are numerous SpreadPlots in ViSta. Each SpreadPlot has additional help that is taylored to the specific way in which it works. When you have a SpreadPlot showing, use the help menu to get help about that particular SpreadPlot.

18      Hypothesis

18.1 Internet



19      Summary

19.1 (t)

19.1.1            Either formula in tales p 203 work for the correct t test which corresponds to vista. Both MaritzStats and Research Methods Knowledge base  agree on the t value which doesn’t corresponds to vista

19.2 Confidence Intervals

19.2.1            The formula of tales p209 works with the formula for Standard error of the difference between correlated means (direct-difference method) (Illustration Formula) on p203 and the t value used is from which corresponds to vista stats

19.3 Correlation

19.3.1            Use the raw score formula on tales p 98

20      Appendix

20.1 Symbols



20.2 Formulas








20.3 Definition of Terms

20.3.1  Definitions

20.4 Random Numbers Table





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